Steven Craven’s Newsround: The Witch Is Dead Maybe?

This week has seen us get flack and blame from all in-sundry. From media types, ex-referee’s – plus Graham Poll whose in-depth knowledge of the Scottish game and his take on Scottish culture was taken from a shortbread tin – to the usual ex-players who see Celtic bashing as a daily routine, like others see brushing their teeth or taking a dump.

Charlie Nicholas was brought out. Admitted that decisions had went against us but until Lennon calmed down then we couldn’t be taken seriously. Charlie deems the need to be respected as he once shared a pair of deck shoes with Pat Nevin. And Pat Nevin needs to be respected as he can name every Icicle Works b-sides.

But….the strangest protest of the lot was from David Rae the Queen Of The South chairman. Bawbag ex-players and media type yes but a fecker that looks like Boris Johnston being blow dried by the Hadron Collider just is scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

Rumours are abound that Hugh Dallas has been sacked from the SFA due to him sending an offensive  e-mail from an SFA e-mail address and then his botched attempt at blackmail. If this is the case then I’m disappointed. I wanted it to be us that got him. Got him for being a cheating toad, not due to his crass stupidity. It seems like a back door result if true and somewhat disappointing.

Kelly Brook made a surprise live appearance

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