Scotlands future winter fixtures to be played indoors?

The winter freeze has left us with no scottish fixtures at all. That is except an Alloa match, that we all watched, across the globe, what a massive match it was.

Other than that we have had snow, snow and snow. Nothing to do with Evander at all but the white stuff causes so many problems.

After football started in the 1800’s, it has surpassed plagues, world wars and an almost went bust totally in the 70s but it still survived.

The point being well over a hundred years after football started how the f**k have we not developed a way to deal with a bit of snow?

It makes football come to a halt at least once every year but yet in the days of undersoil heating, heated turf covers, salt gritters and extensive amounts of groundsmen, how can we not deal with the snow?

I know Scotland has had a few teams that toyed with the idea of plastic pitches and some that actually had the pitches installed.

The players, even though snow surrounded, are still training as per usual, some teams resorting to indoor training. This got the brain hamster running into overdrive.

I prose this, would it be a good idea in winter to have a full set of match size indoor artificial or proper turf indoor pitch/’es that any scottish team with issues could use?

What issues could arise from the above idea?

Would it cause some moments of in-equality between bigger and smaller teams?

Are there any other options we could resort to, to get matches played in these extreme conditions?

Or would it be wiser just to re-install the winter break and stop the Christmas periods football fixture fun?

The stage is yours football fanatics, what do you think?

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