
Sevco Board Already Taking The Fans For Mugs

Image for Sevco Board Already Taking The Fans For Mugs


What is it with directors at Sevco Rangers that they continually treat their own supporters with breath-taking contempt as if they were idiots?

No laughing at the back now, I am being serious. (Sort of.)

Is it something in the water at Ibrox? Something in the air?

Or is it just that we have a media here which is incapable of asking serious questions of any regime that bases itself out of the Blue Room?

That helps. Or hinders. Depending on your point of view.

Today I’ve been reading, with incredulity, the words of Paul Murray, the guy who’s been hanging around Ibrox like a bad smell for near enough a decade now.

He sat on one board which was running a tax scam, allowed the then-owner to rake up tens of millions in debts and spend unsustainably.

He stuck around long enough to sit on another board which actually sent the club to the wall.

This guy, who has failed to exercise even the most basic duties of a director as part of not one regime but two, is somehow hailed a hero by our media, and by a support crying out for them.

Yet we know Sevco fans would have welcomed Walter White through the door if he promised to give the manager a transfer war chest.

In short, in Murray they are getting what they deserve.

Still, reading blatant spin, even knowing it’s not me he’s trying to con but them … well, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

It insults their intelligence, yes, as they are (literally) the target audience, but it sticks two fingers up at the rest of us too.

How can people be so gullible as to take this guy at his word when he comes out with such blatant falsehoods as when he said that Dave King is respecting the SFA processes by not putting money into Sevco? This is a joke, it really is.

Dave King can invest what he likes, when he likes.

The only thing he’s waiting for clearance to do is sit on the board of directors.

There’s no reason why he can’t put cash into the club in the meantime, and in fact he said that’s exactly what he would do if the SFA denied him his place in the chairman’s seat.

Is this another of his infamous u-turns? Is he trying to find grounds for backing out?

And what is with Murray trying to compare King investing money with Ashley being pulled up by the SFA? One has nothing to do with the other; the rule that Ashley was investigated for involved holding “undue influence” at two clubs.

King’s issues fall under fit and proper person criteria, two wholly separate things, as Paul Murray well knows.

This is the start of the slippery slope, treating people like mugs, as if they are too stupid to read between the lines and see the truth.

I also note that they’ve still not appointed a Nomad, and are talking again about the “advantages” of not being listed.

Yes, there are advantages if what you want to do is run a secretive regime that is up to God knows what behind the scenes … but it also means their fresh share issue is a non-starting event as they need to be listed for that.

The £1.5 million loan from The Three Bears falls far short of the £5 million that was on offer from Ashley and means further short-term financing will need to be secured before the end of next month. I cannot see what the plan is, and Murray would rather blow smoke than explain things clearly to the supporters.

They seem content with that.

For the rest of us, it’s another example of how the media simply swallows everything that comes out of certain people’s mouths, all the better if they have a connection with the Ibrox operation.

We really are badly let down by the calibre of what passes for “journalism” in this country.

It takes five minutes checking to find the holes in Murray’s statements … and our hacks are either not up to even that simple task or just don’t give a damn.

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  • Andrew says:

    If Murray was a Tim (thank god he is not)he would never be away from Confession,because he tells that many porky pies……………….

  • edward says:

    Why i s King waiting?Well maybe he is just putting pressure on the SFA re a fit and proper person .He also says that Wallace’s figure is the right figure i.e. 20 million not what he has said before ,but then he changed that too.Or maybe he is just a glib and shameless liar.Laying all the blame elsewhere before the crap hits the fan.
    Murray is just a stooge, the straight man in a comedy team .He would do anything to be “a fit and proper person” and for a blazer.That is why he is not a fit and proper man.He helped run Oldco into oblivion by incompetence and then allowed the Newco to go into receivership.
    But then he is a “ranjurs man”

  • Mark MacCormick says:

    Rangers fans will continue to fall for the same old nonsense, but will also continue to blame others for their woes

  • mick says:

    Just read a blog the other day from a sevco fan & he hit on a harsh reality.
    The club has no assets that is worth anything, he mentioned that anything that the club did have it now belongs to a 3rd party & also he mentioned that even the crop of players dont amount to much money, no players that they could sell to generate funds to pay the bills.

  • Mungog says:

    In all honesty, I don’t care how many lies the Sevco supporters get told and whether they believe them or not.

    What does concern and anger me is that these people, with a track record of destroying a club as big as Rangers, are being allowed any legroom or leeway at the top tables of the administration of Scottish football.

    If they can turn the new Govan club round and make it successful for their supporters – all well and good – get on with it. But don’t expect convicted fraudsters to be deemed ‘fit and proper’; and whilst the lack of proper scrutiny of their new leaders can only increase the likelihood of the new club dying the same way as the old one did (no bad thing, in my opinion), it cannot be allowed to return the rest of Scottish football back to the chaos they left in their wake when the oldco died.

    Put up, or shut up (again).

  • Danny Tobin says:

    We all know whats going down , pun intended , but imagine if the shoe was on the other foot , again these puns , but what passes for the press in this country would be all over Celtic . Remember the last fantasy about our club and dodgy land deals etc .

  • Phaco says:

    wonderboy sounds like a “HUN” to me. Hh

  • joe mccormack says:

    Murray completely ignores the fact that King has to first get clearance from the court before the SFA get their chance to wave King through as F&P.

    If however the court shows King a red card then the SFA have a huge problem.

    Even allowing that the SFA apply different criteria to F&P there is no way that a convicted felon, who has failed to win a F&P court hearing, can be waved through by the SFA.

    If it all goes horribly wrong, again, the SFA could find themselves on the end of claims from creditors. Players, fans, Ashley, trade creditors etc, with not a leg to stand on given the court’s judgement on King.

    Actually that seems almost a perfect storm……..

    • owen dolan says:

      Remember Neil Lennon being attacked at Tynecastle? don’t rely on the court system to rock the King boat.Why is he applying in the first place,he probably thinks he will be passed F&P by the court,after all they have previous.

  • cathal says:

    hey boywonder, how cold is it in our shadow. the only reason youve got a team to support is the 30000 bigots the sfa needs money from

  • wums williams says:

    should have shut that shithole down in 2012.

  • david says:

    Sounds as if all yous celtic club mk 3 fans are panicing that the most successful club in the world aren t dead and buried. Enjoy beating weak teams and getting knocked out of europe three times but please understand we come as a package both teams have to be strong to succeed in europe and atract decent players .

    • Ed says:

      ..What a load of tosh. Celtic FC need strong opposition in Scotland. They do not need a strong Sevco.

    • Pedro says:

      Funny guy

    • owen dolan says:

      Dream on brainless,at least Celtic,the biggest, legal and most successful club in Scotland,have supporters who can spell properly as they have been educated.

  • andrew says:

    first of all David,the only way you or any of Rankers fans will see Europe any time soon is on a Thomas Cook holiday,
    If Paul Murray told me tomorrow was Monday,I would not believe him,he and ‘the Gib and shameless liar ‘ are well matched.
    Oh but you and your fellow fans rrrrrrr the peepil,lifes a bitch………..

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