Pig Ignorant Brown Should Keep His Mouth Shut

Of all the people in Scottish football who’ve chipped in over the last few days in regards to the Josh Meekings handball affair, the one that has inspired most contempt in me is John Brown.

This is a guy who comes over only semi-rational at the best of times, one of those people beloved of the media about whom you can say, without much fear of contradiction, that he is a blind bigot with an IQ which hovers at just above room temperature.

As such, he is always good for a story.

But in this instance his runaway mouth has gotten so far in front of him it surprises even me.

It begs a number of questions, actually.

First, he says this was an easy mistake for the officials to make and that he would not be complaining so bitterly.

He says (in his opinion, seen, doubtless, through blue tinted specs and possibly the assistance of some heavy lubrication) that it looks as if the ball came off the players head.

That makes me laugh for two reasons; first it is pitiful because we all know full well that Brown himself has had big issues with refs over the years.

This is the guy who attacked refereeing (Alan Muir too! The guy behind the goal at the weekend!) in such an incontinent rant in May 2013 that the SFA opened a case against him.

Brown then went squealing like a pig to his media pals and threatened to quit football if he wasn’t permitted to speak his mind.

So his comments today are a joke.

Nothing but a hate filled anti-Celtic rant motivated by a desire to get in a cheap one.

This had nothing to do with him whatsoever.

His opinion on it as about as welcome as fire ants in a jock strap, especially as he has nothing constructive to offer to the debate, only to launch a spiteful attack at Celtic and throw in a little bombast about how Rangers / Sevco would have had “at least a treble maybe two or three” if the roles were reversed.

This, of course, is the type of arrogance we’ve come to expect from this loud mouthed clown.

The casual dismissal of the rest of Scottish football is almost a calling card with these idiots.

But what no-one’s whispered in his ear is that during their nine in a row period, during much of which Celtic were in a truly perilous position, the club he played for won only a single treble … and I am willing to bet that as Ronny and this team continue to grow we’ll beat that number, and we’ll do it whilst the NewCo he fawns over is in the top flight.

The second reason it makes me laugh is that he’s fundamentally misread the situation here.

This is what I expect from someone who’s got so few brain cells you can hear them rattle as he shakes his head.

His contention that the ball hit the guy’s face might be somewhat more credible if, in fact, a single person inside the SFA was suggesting that’s what happened.

Perhaps he’s missed the fact – or just doesn’t care – that, instead, the Association is insulting our collective intelligence (it doesn’t apply to him) with a cover story that won’t stand the test of time.

Celtic’s decision to seek clarification on this issue is perfectly valid, and I don’t care how many of the asylum inmates rattle the bars in protest.

It will be misrepresented a hundred times before it is done, but I confidently predict there will barely be a more pig ignorant version of that criticism than the one we’ve seen from this goon today.

Before I close the book on this imbecile, it’s worth taking a look at the broader sweep of what he said to the press, much of it a self-congratulatory re-writing of his own history.

For one thing, he claims the Dundee fans turned against him because he was still “involved” in trying to sort out the mess at Ibrox.

He says that was a contributory factor in losing his job there … a convenient way of getting around appalling results and a shocking management style which owed more to Don Corleone than it did to Dale Carnegie.

Furthermore, he has suggested that the SFA hurry through giving King “fit and proper person” status, because he “is ready to invest a lot of money in the club”; perhaps the most atrociously blinkered viewpoint one could ever hope to read in relation to the rules and regulations which govern our game.

We’ll see whether Brown maintains this new found “dignity” of his should the SFA rule against his man on this issue.

There’s also a nice wee moment where he talks about all the “business guys ready to join King” on the Ibrox board.

In case Sevco fans were worried that they lacked the proper credentials, Brown was on hand to assure them otherwise.

“Rangers men through and through”, he said.

For that is the only criteria that matters to this thicko and many others out there.

For that, rules can be bent, precendents ignored and promises made left in ashes in the gutter he belongs in.

Remind me again why we should give a monkeys what this halfwit thinks?

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