
Seven Stories Of Sheer Ibrox Idiocy

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Click on the picture to begin our look at the stupidity of the Peepul …


With the publication of Sevco’s accounts yesterday, their fans are again reeling at having been taken for a ride by chancers who promised the world but delivered very little.

It’s happened to them so often now that you’d think they’d be used to it, but moments like this still hit them like a hammer.

For all that, they remain highly resistant to truth and any version of events which doesn’t gel with their self-image and level of expectation.

Whilst yesterday’s news sent shockwaves through their support, Dave King knows he only has to throw them a bone in the next day or two and all that will be forgotten.

He sat on a board run by a man who was an absolute master at it.

No other group of football fans anywhere in Britain goes through as much turmoil and mental torment as the followers of the Ibrox sides. A growing line of con artists and wide boys has shuffled up to their stadium in recent years, first to pick clean the carcass of Rangers and then to feast on the sagging flesh of the Newco.

Here, we take a look at seven moments of total idiocy at Ibrox, when the club did things that were beyond belief and fans either refused to believe the truth when they were being told it straight or they embraced obviously fantasy and madness as if were Holy Writ.

Oh what fun we’ve had throughout the years ….

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