
The Battle Of The Crazies: Do Sevco Trump The Republicans On Insanity?

Image for The Battle Of The Crazies: Do Sevco Trump The Republicans On Insanity?



Click on the picture to begin our look at how the two compare …


Over the last few months, everyone interested in political issues has watched in jaw-dropping disbelief as the loud-mouthed Donald Trump has dominated the Republican Party primaries. He now looks nearly certain to be the party’s nominee for the Presidential Election in November.

If he wins that dubious honour he might well be the worst candidate for that office ever.

His approval numbers amongst non-Republicans are in the toilet.

It’s almost inconceivable that he would win a general election, but this hasn’t stopped his party’s voters from flocking to his cause in a bid to make him their official standard bearer.

And I realised the other day – as he launched into a sexist tirade against his key rival’s wife – that none of his behaviour would look out of place at Ibrox.

He’s a billionaire, and that’s exactly the kind of thing their fans would love him for, but more than that … so many of his opinions and ideas and so much of his conduct would fit right into their ethos.

It begs a question which forms the basis of this piece; who are the stupider people? Republican Trump supporters or Sevco fans?

What unites these two seemingly disparate groupings?

What points of commonality do they have?

Here are five reasons why they’re pretty similar in outlook … and why choosing which of them is the dumbest has proven to be such a difficult task …

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