
“Old Firm Game” Abroad Idea Stinks To High Heaven

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Today the resurrection (an apt word in the context of this piece) of an old folly; the concept of playing an “Old Firm” game abroad.

It appears to be the brainchild of Charlie Stillitano, the guy behind the so-called International Champions League, and it would involve, so he says, Celtic and Sevco playing at Wembley or elsewhere.

This isn’t a new idea.

Over on Fields, I did an article over a year ago on a meeting that took place in Dubai where Peter Lawwell and Neil Doncaster were trying to sell a similar plan.

I can’t say enough times how stupid a move this would be.

I’m going to take a look at three reasons why in this piece. (And there are many others.)

If this gets off the ground it will be an utter disaster.

Let’s start with why it’ll be bad for Celtic.

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