Sevco Fans: The Ungrateful Dead

Today The Daily Record gave space for another article to their institutionally stupid Sevco fan blogger, and once again it was written as if the writer was so worked up and consumed by his own fury that he could barely get the words out.

It was another lamentable, laughable, ludicrous piece of deflection and obfuscation, bile soaked and dumb to the point of inducing coma, but it offered a pleasing insight into how weak these people and their arguments actually are.

Not once did it address the issue at point.

It was a snide, pitiful, attack on those of us who’ve spent considerable time and effort examining important issues in our sport and trying to get answers from those who’re supposed to be leading it.

This is what all their arguments boil down to now, the pathetic, infantile, schoolyard tactic of shoving their fingers into their ears and shrieking “obsessed!” at the tops of their voices.

I always get a kick out of it.

Who told these brainless dolts that this was a viable strategy?

Who convinced them that it would work?

Who now thinks they look anything but stupid, repeating that word over and over again as though that passed for informed, and reasoned, discussion?

Play the man, not the ball … it’s as old as debate itself, and it’s just as ineffectual at stopping people who are determined to find the truth as it ever was.

This joker mentioned Watergate today.

I doubt he knows a single thing about that, the greatest political scandal in history.

That he used the term to defend the mainstream press here, in a national newspaper, is one of life’s delicious ironies because the Watergate case came down to the actions and hard work of three men; Ben Bradlee, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward and the fearless title at which they worked, The Washington Post.

Their relentless efforts brought down an entire administration, including the President.

The newspaper this screed today appeared in called Craig Whyte a billionaire and cheered Charles Green all the way up the Marble Staircase.

One of these newspapers challenged power. The other cowered before it.

One set of journalists risked everything they had. The other risks nothing at all.

One saved the US political system. The other would allow Scottish football to rot from the inside.

Over and over again, I’m reminded that although Woodward and Bernstein share the same job title as the likes of Keith Jackson that they’re on a different plane of existence, like the one that separates John Rankin from Cristiano Ronaldo.

Although Ben Bradlee’s door said “executive editor” on it he might as well have been on a different planet to The Record’s Murray Foote.

Our media is mostly comprised of people so dense you’d think the local lobotomy shop was doing a two-for-one discount. And none of them wants to engage with the issues we’ve presented and it’s because they are lazy or biased or gutless beyond belief.

That they give space in their publication to the likes of Sevco Blogger Person would have once astounded me, but in fact they’ve let those who hold a press card write things that are just as bad and just as rancid and just as detached from reality.

What they’ve failed to do, has fallen to us and that’s the problem right there because if they had done their jobs people like the Requisitioners wouldn’t have had to.

Whyte would never have got near Ibrox had they given him the same scrutiny we did and Green wouldn’t have been welcomed with open arms, but chased down the Broomloan Road.

You know, I’ve long been bugged out by the sheer ingratitude of the people we’ve been trying to help because if we’d been listened to they could have avoided a whole lot of grief.

This isn’t the first time I’ve written about it either.

Their real problem with us is that we were right and they were wrong, and if we really are as “obsessed” as they say they should be on their knees, even today, thanking God that we are.

What they fail to understand – what they simply do not want to even comprehend – is that when they bitch and moan and bleat and wail about how poorly they’ve been served that we’re nodding in agreement with them.

The sycophantic way the SFA deals with their club at every turn has actually hurt them more than any other club in the game.

The bending of rules, the ignoring of regulations, the covering up … it was all done for the benefit of whoever sat in the Ibrox boardroom at any given moment, and it didn’t matter whether those people had the “club’s best interests at heart” or were only there to suck the marrow off the bones.

The regulations didn’t apply to them, and that created the perfect conditions in which leeches like Whyte and vampires like Green could operate and get away with it and it’s why they’re run by a convicted tax criminal even today.

If someone had been on hand to make the SFA stick to what was in the rulebook, if our intrepid hacks hadn’t been so concerned with dropping to their knees and assuming the familiar position for the host of charlatans and dodgy geezers who’ve waltzed through the club, and had actually done their own jobs and fulfilled their own responsibilities and informed these people – as we did by the way – about what was going on, the club would be in a better place.

Their ingratitude bugs me.

I’d rather they just said “thank you”.

Better yet, they could grab shovels and get digging with us.

But their own failures are the most egregious of all, and this stupidity of not wanting to hear anything that screws with their view of themselves is only going to end in catastrophe.

They can ignore all this as they like, but when the roof comes down they’ll need to deal with the consequences just the same.

Until then, we’ll keep on doing what we do best … looking for the truth in this mountain of lies,.

Until then, they’ll keep on doing what they do best. Wrapping themselves in the frayed cloak of superiority, and telling themselves over and over again that they are somehow special, that they are better than the rest of us, that they are the centre of the universe.

But you know what?

Strip away the SFA’s role and the media’s wilful ignorance and that’s what attracted Green, Whyte and others in the first place.

They knew these people (Peepil) were ripe for the taking. They knew they were gullible enough and self-obsessed enough to swallow anything as long as it was fed to them with a good dose of supremacy and this “the rest of the world hates you” cobblers.

We all know where it took them.

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