
Desperate Sevco Fans Look To The Heavens In A Barmy Bid To Sustain The Survival Lie

Image for Desperate Sevco Fans Look To The Heavens In A Barmy Bid To Sustain The Survival Lie

Anyone feeling nervous about the game tomorrow?

(And why would you be?)

Here’s something to laugh about, and cheer you up, as the evening wears on.

At the same time, you ought to feel free to share this one and stick it away for future reference, because along with tweets about Escaped Goats this one belongs on the Favourites list.

Sevco fans have been passing around a wee question today, something that’s supposed to stump and baffle Celtic supporters, their latest effort to prove the validity of the Survival Lie by asking idiotic questions with no bearing on the debate at all.

Incredibly, this time they’re bringing Jesus into the argument, with one of the most pointless, brain-dead comparisons I’ve seen in this debate yet. So dumb is this one that I had to check to make sure it wasn’t a Timposter at the wind-up. What made me decide this merited the piece anyway is that whether it is or isn’t is  beside the point; so many of them appear to think this analogy is valid that whoever put it out there gets kudos regardless.

History will come to know this as the “NewCo Jesus” theory.

It reads thus:

“Here is a question to all the Celtic fans – when Jesus died on the cross and then was resurrected later on, should they not call him Newco Jesus? Furthermore, should he be scrapped of his past miracles?”

Isn’t that just … sensational?

Doesn’t it cheer you up to read that?

I mean … how can we possibly lose to these braindead Peepul?

This is going around out there on several of their Facebook pages and some Twitter feeds, so you’ll find versions of it if you have a mind to look.

The one I saw first is this:


Now, even if you think “Davy Wilson” might be a put-up job and not a real person, check out that number of likes. An even greater number can be found on a similar post on one of the main Sevco Facebook pages, and they can’t all be Celtic supporters having a laugh.

Sevco and Jesus. What a comparison.

Do you think they have any idea how daft things like this make them sound?

I have enough trouble avoiding laughter when I consider the mental gymnastics necessary to sustain the Survival Lie as it is …

But hey, let’s have fun.

Let’s take it to its (il)logical conclusion.

Am I to understand that they now accept their club died?   And I am further to understand that they’re no longer claiming mere continuation but … resurrection? That, in fact, what they’re saying happened here was … a miracle?

I would accept that, you know.

If they put it just so I would suspend disbelief and try to wrap my brain around it. But this has never been the case. Instead they’ve been presented with a corpse and simply refused to accept that death happened at all. Like something out of Weekend at Bernies – or more appropriately, Norman Bates dressed as his mother in Psycho – they’ve tried every trick going to present the illusion to the rest of the world that this thing is still alive.

But resurrection … well, how can a good Catholic boy argue with that one?

Yet as a good mate of mine has pointed out on Facebook, Jesus at least came back in the same body.  We’re not talking about TUPE’ing over his miracles to some other guy whose claim to them is based on having drilled holes in his hands and trying to get by on using the same name.

You know, the evening before a much hyped fixture (whether merited or not) is always a little stressful and exciting. This one has been made much easier by one of the daftest bits of reaching I’ve ever seen, one that leaves you laughing long and loud.

This is the best one yet.

Keep them coming, Sevconites.

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