Another Day Of Shame For Our Media As They Swallow King’s Statement Whole

On a day when I wanted to take it easy and bask in the genius of Brendan Rodgers and the excellent form of our team, I am, instead, writing this.

I will keep it brief and not go into detail – I will save that for tomorrow – but it’s another shameful chapter in the recent history of the Scottish media, one that casts a dark cloud over what used to be a noble profession.

Today Dave King has released a statement on the Warburton sacking (for that is what I’m calling it) which is about as barefaced as any I’ve ever read.

I could call this guy many things – as others have before me – but without a shadow of a doubt he has studied his customer base and those who serve them, and he knows full well what he can get away with.

Anything he wants, basically.

He’s dealing with the most pliable, the most gullible, the most inept media in Western Europe.

He’s dealing with people who will swallow anything as long as it comes with a blue, white and red ribbon on it.

He is no mug, and he knows that these people are.

I’ve said before that I don’t care any longer whether we have a media that is institutionally corrupt or simply one that is institutionally stupid; it doesn’t matter when the results are the same. The narrative of the last 24 hours is now established; Mark Warburton and his back room team were guilty of deceitful practices and deserved what they got.

It no longer matters to the hacks whether this was strictly within employment law.

King has spoken.

The man who a judge condemned in the harshest language outside of a sentencing hearing is believed, as usual, although his words have been proven to be lies time and time again. I’ll take his statement apart tomorrow, perhaps, but for tonight I’m done with the whole sordid mess that is Sevco and its relationship with the press.

I know my friends on the Sevco blogs are absolutely devastated tonight, because they were under the impression that this series of events would have to trigger proper media scrutiny of the Ibrox regime, and of the promises King and others made.

Tonight they’ve heard King claim £18 million has already been invested and they cannot imagine how or where.

They’ve heard what is clearly a heavily biased, one sided version of events in relation to the loss of their entire management team accepted by the media as proof of “transparency.”

And they are shocked, and sickened, at the way the media has, again, let them down when the crunch came.

I feel for those guys tonight even as I marvel at the abysmal state of their club and the sewer level standard of the people running it.

In his statement tonight King has “promised” another £12 million.

He might as well have pledged £50 million or £100 million, because as no-one can tell you where the first £18 million went what does it matter? The media has accepted this nonsensical claim, and you just know they would accept anything else he was to tell them.

You get the impression he can keep bending these people over indefinitely if he likes, because they lack the bottle or the basic intelligence to challenge any of it.

Tonight the media is congratulating him on bringing clarity to these matters.

Those who were looking for answers will not get them tonight, or for many months to come.

But as I’ve said already, the answers will come, and probably in a tribunal.

When they do, they will be entirely different from the shovel full of sewer run-off the media has swallowed whole this evening.

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