Sevco’s Online Hate Mob: Inspired By Bigotry, Emboldened By Fear.

Last night I read a painful story on The Herald website about the latest victims of Sevco’s online hate brigade; a Glasgow restaurant who’s owners were accused of tweeting some less than nice things about the club, and which used the H word.

I don’t use the H word, but only because the Newsnow filters don’t like it. Even without them, it’s not a word that would ever form part of my regular vocabulary.

It’s a word that has a very specific use and meaning; the irony is, the online scum who have decided to launch a campaign of intimidation against the restaurateur very clearly meet the definition. They are aggressive, destructive and they spread fear.

Attila would have been proud to call them his own.

This is not, of course, a one-off either. Sevco has long possessed an element of its support which obsesses over “enemies” and would happily support the ethnic cleansing of large parts of the country. The restauranteur here is Indian; you would be correct to assume that much of the venom aimed at him is highly racist in tone.

There is a section of that support which hates anyone who meets the definition of Other. They “pride” themselves on being British and Protestant, as though that were an exclusive club. I’ve got news for them; it isn’t, and its ranks include many diehard Celtic fans.

But in seeking to wrap their club in that identity they’ve held it back from the mainstream, and in particular because their version of Protestant and British carries a Loyalist and far-right slant.

What is this Britain they speak of, and dream of, and make their own? Is it tied up in monarchy? Well how can that be, when much of our royal family is of Hanoverian descent? I never cease to be amazed by the social failures who boast of breaking free from Rome but who swapped dominion from the Vatican for living life as “loyal subjects” of the world’s most dysfunctional family.

What planet are these muppets on when that constitutes “freedom”?

As far as I’m concerned, their annual July “celebration” is a symbol of how utterly thick they are and how incoherent is their world view; the “victory” they commemorate was trading one dictatorship for another, and the very church they were so glad to see the back of were the ones who funded the whole operation and assured the outcome. And why? Because they, too, were involved in an existential power struggle with James I.

Do they even realise that their “culture” is commemorating one of history’s great usings? With James out of the way, the Roman Catholic Church was free to dominate the European continent exactly as it had done before. The Protestant peasant class of this island fought and died to assure Rome’s supremacy over much of the world.

Where does this arrogance of theirs come from? Why do they have almost complete blindness in regards to how the rest of the world views them? From where does the hate come, that makes them target people’s lives and livelihoods? How dare they? What contribution to society have they made, except to divide it and stoke fear and hate?

Hate is their default position. Go on any one of their forums if you don’t believe me; bile pours from them. Their club now defines itself by its enemies – a sure sign of people with a deep, and dangerous, identity crisis. They hate everyone. In that, at least, they do not discriminate. Because they even hate one another. In fact, the poison they spit at the outside world is a fraction of that which they pour on each other inside their own walls.

If they concentrated their fire on one another it would be nobody’s business, but their efforts to intimidate anyone on the outside who dares to examine them or their club is something that really does need to be tackled.

A lot of people fold the hand in light of their threats. The BBC is a case in point. That organisation has been scandalously brow-beaten by Sevco over the last few years, culminating in the grovelling apology one of their journalists was forced to make for daring to do some research and thus completely wrecking the Morelos story.

Vanguard Scum, the website of choice for their most hardcore followers, including numerous members of our sporting media – Andy Devlin of The Sun just one of them – is proud of the fact that their public “coming out” party was a protest at BBC’s headquarters. It has never dawned on them that protesting the one mainstream media outlet which was trying to warn them about who Craig Whyte was seemed, to the rest of us, like a perverse and self destructive idea … their hate would not allow them to see that the broadcaster was doing them a favour.

These people pride themselves on “standing up for their culture” … but in forcing that culture on the whole of the club, and in choosing to “defend” it in the manner they do they’ve actually done more harm to it than any good they can argue. They even set up a “defence fund” for the eejits who ran onto the park at Hampden in the cup final riot against Hibs.

They have no idea how shitty this makes them look to anyone sane.

But it’s their targeting of journalists, businesses and individuals who they deem somehow to be “enemies” of their club that is most shameful and instructive. They operate like the worst sort of gutter rats, and the incredible thing about it is how pitiful and pathetic they actually are when you refuse to be intimidated by them.

Those of us they can’t terrorise they back off from and label “obsessed”. Brrr. I don’t know how we sleep at night on the end of such fearsome name-calling, but somehow we do.

They don’t scare me. They don’t impress me. But then, I don’t have a business that deals directly with the public which they can threaten with boycotts and negative reviews, and when national newspapers bend in the wind because they don’t like certain people who work on them I can easily understand why a small business owner would be scared witless.

There is a word that sums these people up better than the H word. It has two meanings, and both are equally applicable.

The least well known comes from the origins of the word itself; it actually comes from the military. They use it to describe someone petty, tyrannical, obsessed over small things, making life generally unpleasant.

It perfectly sums up fans who turn on anyone who says a bad word about them, who wish career destruction on any player who turned them down, who gloat over the failures of the managers and clubs who allegedly “stabbed them in the back.”

The other use of the word defines someone who is cowardly.

Forget the H word. These simple-minded bigots are more accurately described as chickenshit. For all their posturing that’s what these Peepul really are.

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