Billy Bigot Of Sevconia. You Just Can’t Take That Guy Anywhere.

Today, there is a story in The Herald about how an event at a top Glasgow hotel, to commemorate DeadCo’s nine in a row, and which was attended by Sevco players, former ones and those who pulled on the old strip of Rangers, as well as well-to-do Sevco fans paying as much as £70 a seat, was marred by sectarian signing from the start.

The Herald says there is no suggestion that current or ex-players were involved in the singing.

Aye, right. No suggestion that they are willing to print, anyway. But I can name at least a dozen who if there would certainly have been up to their knees in Irish Catholic blood along with the goons in the cheap seats and the singing section.

The Real Rangers Men know all the words.

And here, again, we find that this is just one of these things that is tolerated. The police were called to this wee soiree, but only because in the absence of one of us to give a kicking to they decided, as ever, to slug it out amongst themselves.

There is no mention of whether or not the bigoted karaoke itself occasioned a complaint. It ought to have.

This is not a surprising story, except in the eyes of some people who will balk at the idea that this was not the traditional vermin of the Union Bears of the gutter sweepings of Follow Follow, but that involved the well-heeled, suit wearing brigade. But they are the most appalling bigots at Ibrox, and they always have been. They buy, whole, into the supremacist guff. They already believe themselves to be the masters of the universe, so why not?

As Joe McHugh over on VideoCelts has pointed out, it was the “official Rangers travelling party” which was responsible for an abysmal display of bigotry in the San Siro in 2006, which was clearly audible on TV. The club restaurant was notorious for banning dishes which had “Catholic connotations” and they have marketed products at £16.90 several times down the years. Some argue these stories are apocryphal. They are 100% true.

Only a fortnight ago, when Sevco was playing a friendly match to raise money for club running costs (and a little bit for charity, James, play fair) one of the legend’s teams played the match in a garish, ludicrous looking orange strip which some claim is the coming design for their new away shirt, should they find someone willing to manufacture it.

This club is dipped deep in this shite and it starts at the very top with people like Alastair “No Surrender” Johnston and the criminal chairman himself. Graham Speirs wrote about one director who praised the singing of The Billy Boys and then faced a vicious campaign of vilification for having done so, involving, amongst others, by the way, Neil Cameron. That boy really is a plank of wood. Apparently the idea that Sevco directors might also be vicious sectarian bigots was too much for his tiny brain capacity to fully process; he only has to consider Johnston’s comments, on the telly no less, in front of Mark Daly for an example of the internal mind-set.

The simple fact is that the club is up to its knees in sectarian cretins, and the way our media chooses not to acknowledge that is one of the reasons the problem continues to persist and why it might never go away. Billy Bigot of Sevconia, whether he wears a suit or a scarf, is a mindless yahoo and you cannot take him anywhere.

He is the true poster boy for Ibrox.

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