The Peepul Betting On Gerrard To Win The Title Are The Definition Of Mug Punters.

For the second day in a row The Daily Record is running a complete non-story which is designed to keep the spring in the Sevconut step.

Yesterday it was the “news” that Sky want to show the match between the side that finished second and the side that finished third rather than the unveiling of the league flag in a match between the double treble winners and a newly promoted side. This is not even remotely surprising to me.

Sky have done right by their subscribers. This is not Celtic being “snubbed” as those gibbering halfwits at that bitter newspaper claimed. It is a simple business decision, and one that will ensure a full Celtic Park as the new campaign gets underway.

The Record looks for every negative it can find, that and every opportunity to boost the morale at Ibrox. They will need all the help they can get once the football starts.

Today their story is of how the bookies have taken more bets on Sevco winning the title this year than they have on Celtic winning it. That tells me only two things, and I speak as someone here who likes a flutter. First, the odds being offered on Celtic are so poor that it’s simply a waste of money touching us. To get a decent return you would need to bet many, many, many times what you’d stand to win back. That’s not gambling.

The article has us at 1/10. For the uninitiated, you have to put a tenner on to win a quid. That’s ludicrous. That’s simply not worth going near.

Secondly, the story only proves that there’s a fool born every minute.

The odds on Sevco winning the title might look juicy – 8/1; eight quid won for every quid bet – but the bookies are offering them for one reason only; it’s not going to happen.

Anyone who puts money on that outcome is a clown.

Today’s Daily Record story is a testament to how many seriously stupid people there are out there, and how careless they are with their money. Mug punters are a bookies best friend. The so-called “plucky punter” who has £750 on it must have it to burn, because he’ll never see a penny of it back.

Honestly, The Record has to be desperate for good news stories at Ibrox to be running dreck like this and pretending its news. Joe at VideoCelts published a piece today showing Sevco players getting ice treatment by sitting in wheelie-bins. That’s the reality of the Gerrard revolution; it’s the same old pish, being done on the same old shoe-string.

The optimism in some quarters over it is frankly baffling.

What a rude, and hard, awakening these people are in for once the season actually starts.

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