The Sevco Fans Who Stood Up For Trump Last Week Show A Gruesome Lack Of Self-Awareness.

Over the last few days, a bad atmosphere has been hanging over Scotland like a toxic club.

When it lifted last night it was as if someone had opened a window in an enclosed space and let out the smell of a particularly noxious, stinking, fart. Donald Trump stayed just long enough that the air got a little stale and fetid.

His departure let us all breathe again.

I was interested in getting a flavour of the protests and the general feeling of my fellow Scot’s and I was glad that the revulsion was almost universal. I say almost but there were a few hold-outs, people would have welcomed him to their own homes.

Perhaps not surprisingly, they included a number of prominent Sevco fans on social media.

And I cannot believe these people are so lacking in self-awareness. Their support for Trump is beyond normal comprehension, but it’s not for nothing that Phil refers to them often as the Klan. It might be the most apt name there is for them and I cannot believe they do not realise the appalling damage they do to their club in associating it, by proxy, with the warped ideology of the world’s most powerful racist and bigot.

I have said, before, that Sevco fans are dangerous to their club.

They are wreckers, determined to cast it in the worst possible light. The number of them who tweeted in support of this man over the course of his toxic visit here was shameful, as all continuing support for him is now that his true colours are on full display.

Perhaps it’s that orange skin of his that they like so much, but of course the truth is that he would be right at home amongst the scum of the Union and Vanguard Bears, much like their stomach-churning other poster boy, the absurd Tommy Robinson.

Birds of a feather do flock together, after all and there’s no doubt all these pigs do feed at the same trough.

This is not the first time they’ve associated themselves with this piece of shit; in December last year they complained bitterly when Celtic fans unfurled a banner attacking him for his decision to “recognise” Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

I wrote about it at the time.

They appear determined to hug this vile man close.

The amazing thing is that some of these muppets claim to be patriotic Brits.

This past week that man came here and abused the nation’s hospitality, he stirred up a hornets nest of trouble against its government, he praised our potential enemies and attacked our most valued allies. His behaviour was disgraceful. It is clear that he’s a threat to this country.

And they love him, because he’s also a racist and a bigot and so are many of them.

They taint everything around them, but especially their club.

They do it far more damage than we ever could.

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