
The Lunacy At The Heart Of Each Of The “Alternatives” To Crowning Celtic As Champions.


Solution Three: Decide The Issues By Some Bizarre Lottery System

This is a beauty. I am gob-smacked that it is even being considered.

To decide this by “averages” or by some pools panel type board.

Either option would essentially get a group of grey men together to invent football results.

Nothing would be more certain to spark legal action than this. When I heard Lennon agreeing that “the average points total” should be a consideration yesterday I was frankly astonished. I understood that he meant well, but it’s daft.

He is correct that our league lead makes us champions, but he ought not to have invoked the spectre of deciding games yet to be played via anything other than football matches.

This is not really an option and nobody is seriously contemplating it.

Of all the ideas being touted it is the least credible and the one that the governing bodies would not even consider.

It would not be in the least bit equitable or reasonable … or even lawful.

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