
The Eight Critical Issues Which Celtic’s Shareholders Should Focus On At The AGM


Fans Back In The Stadium And The Health Crisis

Is there any sign that Celtic will have fans back inside the ground soon? How has the club felt about the level of support (or otherwise) from the Scottish Government and the governing bodies over the course of this crisis? Have they behaved even-handedly? Have they been supportive? What could be getting done better, and will the club make provisions not only for this crisis but for the possibility of future crises of this sort? 

The club has been working with the Scottish Government and the governing bodies since the start of this crisis and not only in relation to our own ability to handle it, but to help provide a framework for the game as a whole. Has it worked?

Have we had the appropriate level of appreciation for that at either level?

What could have been done better, by ourselves or by those who were in charge of handling the overall response to this, at government and governing bodies?

Were there moments where our club felt opportunities were lost, or issues unresolved or unexplained … like Ryan Christie for openers.

If others won’t give us a straight answer, will Celtic?

Has Celtic spoken, independently, to scientists and medical people in making their determinations?

What was the advice from those professionals, and where does it differ from that which other agencies have been getting?

Most importantly, are there things the club can do, and changes it can make to the way we have traditionally done things, to prepare us for the next health emergency? There have been a half dozen of these in the last two decades, any one of which could have gone the way this one did; we have to expect that another will be along at some point.

What can we do to mitigate its possible impact, as a club, right now?

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