The Sevconuts Plan To “Celebrate” Their Title By Further Enriching An Aged Rocker.


You know it’s a Sevconut plan when everyone else scoffs at it as utterly nonsensical.

This one is no exception. To call these Peepul thick is to compliment them.

Their grand plan is to funnel their money into trying to get Simply The Best to the top of the charts.

Yes, it is a lunatic scheme of no consequence to anyone but them, and will require their fans having to buy 30,000 copies or thereabouts.

And if they succeed? So what? I couldn’t tell you who is top of the charts right now and I wonder if most people can, or even care? Whenever Celtic fans have attempted something like this it’s been for charitable purposes.

That makes total sense.

The Ibrox illiterati want to enrich Tina Turner, for reasons that make sense only in their own tiny minds.

[snack-countdown title=”Celtic’s Countdown To Champions League Disaster” date=”06/20/2021″ time=”00:00:00″ colour=”#000″ textColour=”#FFF”]

This, right here, is why their club thinks it can bleed them.

These Peepul must love just giving their money away for stupid nonsense.

If there’s one element of all this that makes me smile it’s thinking of them all stuck in their houses trying to get excited about winning a league that was done ages ago. The thing about the slow build-up to the victory is it leeches some of the fun out of the victory itself and the bug has tempered the scale of the celebrations they were going to have.

There will be no title party.

By the time they are able to get together for one I reckon some of the gloss will have come off this achievement of theirs.

In the meantime, this is what they are reduced to; stuffing the bank account of some ageing rocker in an effort to make themselves feel the way they think they are supposed to feel.

These Peepul have always had a profound identity crisis, and their belief in the Survival Lie just makes it worse. They will all pretend to believe this is title 55 instead of the first one … and that’s a little tragic in itself, isn’t it?

It’s an example of how pitiful these Peepul are.

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