Ibrox Fans Test Positive After Their Irresponsible Actions Earlier This Month.

huns bigots ibrox fans peepul


News broke today about Ibrox fans testing positive for the bug following their grossly irresponsible actions the weekend before last.

This will not surprise anyone who has looked at the images and videos of their appalling and reckless actions.

Hopefully they will all make a complete recovery.

Hopefully they will not infect their friends and families.

But this is the danger that was always inherent in what they did. Only pure fools would have failed to realise that they were putting themselves and those around them in danger; you just pray that their actions won’t have tragic consequences.

There are those who still want to march on Celtic Park at the weekend, and some in our support who are still determined to challenge them if they do.

I would urge all of those people to think about what they are doing.

If the appeals from the clubs have yet to convince them, if the fences around our ground haven’t, if the calls from politicians and the police and the near certainty that they will face enforcement aren’t enough then they should consider this news today.

This is not a game.

Anyone who turns up at Celtic Park at the weekend is risking their own health and the health of those around them.

When the country can finally see a path out of this crisis it is hard to fathom why anyone would want to take such risks. We might be just a few months from actually seeing an end to lockdown measures; every gathering like this risks sending us backward.

The game is going to go ahead. I think we all know that.

The Scottish Government is playing its little charade but we all realise that’s what it is. But the risks of fans showing up is real and Police Scotland will certainly have to enforce the law on the back of this latest development.

Honestly though, everyone involved in those scenes needs to be sitting today and considering things.

The Ibrox fans think that their divine right to behave as they want supersedes the rights of others.

Their callous disregard for public safety has come back to haunt at least some of them, and although I repeat my hope that none of them suffers too much for it, this is the ultimate wake-up call for every single one of them, and for others besides.

We cannot have any repeat of those scenes.

Scotland cannot.

Hopefully this is the moment when some without it finally confront sanity.

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