Ibrox Wails Again About Injustice Although They Shamelessly Gamed The System.


Can you believe Ibrox’s statement tonight?

Disappointment that their players have finally been banned after more the 60 days has elapsed?

Demanding reforms of the SFA because it dared to punish them at all?

Ridiculous comparisons to what other associations, in other countries, do? Have you ever heard such obvious swill in all your life?

Imagine trying some of these arguments anywhere outside the confines of the SFA.

“Oh my company staff are too good at their jobs to be sanctioned.”

Or tonight’s argument, taken to it’s illogical conclusion; “Why am I being arrested? There are countries all over the world where you can stone your wife to death; why can’t I do it here?”

Tonight, for my sins, I happened to listen to Radio Clyde for the first time in an age. God, that was an experience I don’t soon want to repeat.

Because the Ibrox callers all suffered from the same delusion; that Celtic “got away with it” whereas their players are being sanctioned when they haven’t even done anything wrong.

It’s like listening to Baby Herman after he dropped his cigar. (A little Who Framed Roger Rabbit reference there for those who wonder!)

I understand how these shows work.

I listen to James O’Brien.

I realise that most of the callers are going to be goons, on there to moan about stuff they barely understand; the loons, the conspiracy theorists, occasionally the emotionally unstable, or in the case of some of the Ibrox fans all of those boxes ticked at once.

But the panellists are supposed to provide context and even a spark of intelligence.

Not tonight.

Instead every Ibrox caller was told he “had a point” even if nobody was going to come out and agree that the players should just have been allowed to get away it completely, which we all know they might as well have.

No, instead the spectre of Dubai was raised over and over and over again as proof of some double standard. By the panel, no less, not the callers.

You would never think that we paid a momentous price for that trip.

You’d never think that it hadn’t cost us mightily in football terms and in PR condemnation.

Imagine we had argued that all of those voices raised against us were wrong because there are no lockdowns in other countries and why can’t we be more like them? We ate dirt and accepted that those dishing it up to us had a point … although the government and governing bodies signed off on the trip right up until the day we went.

But show me the football regulation, or law, that we broke and I’ll sing you a lullaby.

We didn’t get sanctioned because we broke no rules.

In a country where the clubs and the media have abolished the presumption of innocence I guess these people think that it would have been perfectly okay for the SFA to drum charges up against us … but that’s not how it works.

If these idiots can cite the rule we broke, then let’s hear it. If they can’t then the club itself should be telling them to shut it now and forever.

Once again, we’re supposed to accept that it’s the Ibrox operation which has been hard done by here and once again they’ve offered an argument that is preposterous.

But the media will publish the statement as if it were sensible and rational without scrutiny, instead of pointing out that it reads like something that had been writing by a moon-howling Loyalist defending the indefensible.

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