Ibrox’s “Scores To Settle” Talk Proves Their Most Dangerous Nutters Are On The Board.

Image for Ibrox’s “Scores To Settle” Talk Proves Their Most Dangerous Nutters Are On The Board.

John Bennett, Ibrox’s vice chairman, is all over the media tonight after a deranged rant on their club’s TV channel in which he threatened of scores to settle “on and off the pitch” for the things that have been “done to them” in the past ten years.

This time last week, the media were sharpening their pencils because a representative of Celtic fan media told the manager to watch his back against the hacks and referees. “Conspiracy theory!” the press corps screamed.

Tonight they are writing, as if it was nothing, about how a member of the board across the city pushes the most toxic and dangerous conspiracy theory of them all, and at the same time the most easily discredited.

This is the Victim Lie, being pushed out on the club’s official channels in highly inflammatory language and not only does it demonstrate the gross irresponsibility of their directors but it shows up the media which has had a decade to do so and still won’t call this out.

It is disturbing to say the least to hear club officials talk in this kind of way about other people in Scottish football. It is dangerous talk, the kind that stirs up lunatics to do lunatic things, believing that they do so with the club’s seal of approval.

Bennett compared what’s happened to them like someone harming a member of your family; there is a subtext to that which hardly needs pointing out. I mean, what would you believe was justified against such an individual? Anything at all, right?

As I’ve said before on this site and elsewhere, it’s not enough for these Peepul to win.

They want the rest of us to suffer in their shadow, and they don’t care what form that suffering takes as long as we feel it.

They justify this to themselves on the basis that they were victimised for a decade by the whole of the game. This lie needs to be challenged time and time again, in every forum, by every person who cares about our sport.

Ibrox’s board is stoking the fires ahead of the new season.

They should be called out for that, and since the media won’t do it the job falls, as ever, on us.

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