
King’s Civil War Plans Progress As He Gives Support To Celtic Legend, The Press And The SFA.

Image for King’s Civil War Plans Progress As He Gives Support To Celtic Legend, The Press And The SFA.

What is King playing at?

This guy is such a slippery sod that he could be up to anything. Twice now this site has written articles about him being on manoeuvres against the board across the city. It is clear that he’s not finished but simply warming up.

Today’s wrinkle is all the more amazing because it is so unexpected.

King has come out in support of Chris Sutton.

Yes, as unbelievable as that sounds when half of Sutton’s own media colleagues haven’t done it yet (although Hugh Keevins brazenly backed Boyd yesterday for taking stick at Tannadice), the Glib and Shameless one has glibly and shamelessly condemned the club for their treatment of the Celtic legend.

And if that’s making your head spin I suspect you aren’t alone.

You have to give him credit for being such a low-down dirty dog that he’s willing to attack the club in this fashion.

Not only has he supported Sutton, but he’s given his support to every media outlet which can’t get into their press conferences.

This is a guy who clearly intends to bend the press to his own will, and whilst – and my mind reels at the prospect of even writing this – I agree with every word he says I have to remind myself, and the hacks should remind themselves, who this guy actually is.

There is no milk of human kindness running through this man’s veins.

He is backing the media because later on he will want something from them, like all those guys who leave little parcels of supplies behind them as they climb K2.

You could mistake it for charity if you were a trusting person.

But it’s actually insurance.

It’s as Mason Verger says in Thomas Harris’ Hannibal; “when the fox hears the rabbit scream he comes running, but not to help.”

King’s comments are absolutely incredible.

I’ve saved the best bit for last; he even supports “the regulatory authorities.”

Yes, you read that correctly too!

“The idea that the club can silence challenging supporters, reporters and regulatory authorities is not only wrong, it is completely unbecoming,” said the convicted tax cheat, the man who never met a contract or agreement he wouldn’t break.

“(They) should be a leader in standing up for individual rights and opinions, even if they don’t agree with them,” said the man who initiated the Chris McLaughlin ban which is still in force today.

“I have not been the beneficiary of kind comment from Chris Sutton but I would never even remotely consider the possibility of banishing him from our stadium and using health and safety arguments as justification. We should be bigger than that,” he said.

Remember; it was King who initiated the cuts to the Celtic fan’s allocation at their ground.

He has misled and deceived every agency and body which has ever come into contact with him, and here he is supporting a former Celtic player in the media and basically defending the SFA and the regulatory process.

If you feel like you’ve tumbled down the rabbit hole I’m not surprised. To quote Kevin Costner in JFK “We’re through the looking glass people; white is black and black is white.”

As I said in the two previous articles, this is not a man who intends to go away and restock his wine cellar.

This guy is determined, for whatever reason, to bring down this Ibrox board and if he’s defending ex-Celtic players, the media and the governing bodies in his quest to do so, as well as reminding his former colleagues of everything he knows then fireworks are not far away.

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  • REBELLIOUS says:

    Oh, please let that last sentence become a reality, I mean Xmas is coming but once you reach adulthood it simply doesn’t hold the same place in your life.

    However, I would consider Santa alive and well if this is indeed the first rumblings of their demise….

    We all know they’ve already prepared the ground and they will survive it if, and when, they go BOOM ?

    Still, it doesn’t stop you getting comfy wae a bucket of popcorn and pouring a nice pint of schadenfreude shandy and enjoying the show…


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