
The BBC’s Weekend Preview Doesn’t Mention Celtic And Is Laughably, Shockingly Bad.

Image for The BBC’s Weekend Preview Doesn’t Mention Celtic And Is Laughably, Shockingly Bad.

In an article previewing the weekend’s games, you would think a match between the champions and an on-form Hearts team might be the game to look out for. But no, that’s off-form Hibs at home against the club from Ibrox.

The player to watch out for this weekend is an ex-Aberdeen defender coming up against his former club. What, is the most exciting player in the country on sabbatical or something?

You would think so to read this utter dreck.

Manager watch is focussed on Malky Mackay.

I guess making it Van Bronckhorst would have made things a bit too obvious, although we’re looking at 38 league games unbeaten now. You would never know it to look at this article.

What kind of weekend preview ignores the match between the teams first and third, to put all the focus on the sides lying second and sixth? That’s a joke, right?

The whole article is a joke, tying in to the wider joke that is BBC Scotland’s coverage, which is now slanted so in the direction of Ibrox that you dare not try to stay standing on the slope.

Since they crawled back up the posterior of Ibrox their coverage has gone from bad to worse. At this level it’s just painful, at this level it ceases even to be biased and just becomes ridiculous.

Forget us getting credit; right now we’re just looking for the so-called neutral national broadcaster to acknowledge that we, the best club in the country, exists at all.

What a pathetic situation at the BBC.

This is why so many, many, many of us grudge them a license fee and are flat our refusing to pay it.

We shouldn’t be made to fork out for coverage like this.

They are supposed to be for the whole country … not just Larkhall.

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  • Johnny Green says:

    BBC = Billy Boy Cheerleaders

    I don’t crave and credit from them, fk them all, the long and the short and the tall……

  • SSMPM says:

    Strange to be confusing alleged BBC football bias with sectarian bias. Its feck all to do with football. Embarrassing

  • boobs67 says:

    maybe they will do a preview for Celtic after the rangers game……..paranoid much

  • John S says:

    If BBC Scotland won’t listen to a complaint, forward it to London. If enough people highlight the issue formally…

  • John says:

    What do you expect with McIntyre now in full charge BBC Scotland football coverage? Oh what a sad , biased and bigoted little country we live in

  • Mr Vincent McSherry mcsherry says:

    Celtic fans listening/watching bbc scotland deserve all they get!

  • Bhoy4life says:

    Don’t worry, it’ll certainly mention us if the diet huns get a result.

  • Michael McCann says:

    Flood the BBC with complaints. Remember we pay their wages

  • Aodhain says:

    I have stopped watching sportscene since I wrote to the BBC last season uttering my disgust at their biasness, absence of impartiality and the disproportionate punditry so far towards a certain persuasion of no substance to boot. BBC defended their position robustly that I could only understand as a complete denial of the facts.

  • Johnny Green says:

    I wonder what the Billy Boy Cheerleaders will have to say now?

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