
Talented Celtic Midfielder Doesn’t Need “Help” Or Analysis From Anyone In The Media.

Image for Talented Celtic Midfielder Doesn’t Need “Help” Or Analysis From Anyone In The Media.

It’s always nice, isn’t it, when the media steps up to offer “advice” to one of our players. And in this case the player in question is David Turnbull, as Marvin Bartley tries to explain where it’s all gone wrong for him.

Except, who says that it’s gone wrong?

David Turnbull hasn’t played as much as he might have liked, but he’s 23 years old.

He’s in a stronger Celtic team than any of us has seen in years.

I’ve looked at his stats, and when he’s not been injured or serving a suspension he has played a part in every game in this campaign. Often he comes on late, but for anyone in the media to say his career is going backwards … well that’s just arrant nonsense.

He’s a young guy. He has years at the top ahead of him, and I hope that those years are in a Celtic shirt. I firmly believe he’ll sign a new deal and commit his future to the club.

He has a huge role to play at Parkhead, and if you don’t believe it think on this.

For the limited minutes he has had this season, he has five goals and five assists. That’s in a little over 1000 minutes of playing time. The media darling who is Ryan Kent has three goals and eight assists. But he’s played three times as many minutes as Turnbull has, so you tell me who’s going backwards as a player and who needs advice from our hacks.

Opportunities will come his way, more and more.

But this Celtic team is going to be built around guys who are up for the fight and this kid has proved that he’s not going to shy away from a battle. He’s shown tremendous courage in his career so far.

He will be fine. He’s not having a crisis of confidence or any of that other garbage.

He’s just not playing every minute of every game, but that’s the norm right now for any player at our club. Our manager plays a rotation system and that means virtually nobody gets 90 minutes anyway.

It’s all about taking your chances as they come, and if he keeps on setting up and scoring goals he will have plenty of them between now and the season’s end.

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  • Tony B says:

    Genuine question. Who is Marvin Bartley?

    I don’t read any Scottish newspapers or watch/listen to BBC “sport” so I haven’t a clue.

    • Paul says:

      Used to playe for Livingston and then was their assistant manager. Think he’s a manager is league one now for someone like queen of the south

  • Paul says:

    Turnbull doesn’t have a quick footballing brain. He takes to long to see a pass & he slows play down. Can’t say I’ve been impressed by him at all . I hat the fact he always needs to take the corners when he’s on and when he does , more often than not is a short corner that comes to nothing, does my head in. Mooy, McGregor, Hatate, O’Riley ,Haskobanovic are all far better players

    • Kevan McKeown says:

      Ah think the talents there, tho thats the dilemma, he’s a bit slow for the way Ange likes the mid tae play. Definitey quick minded when it comes tae takin opportunist goals tho, has scored some crackers right out of nothin tbf, he has that ability.

  • Scud Missile says:

    Lol they tried to upset Big Ange but they FAILED,they then moved on to Kyogo trying to punt him to Southampton,now it’s DT,they love having a go at trying upset our winning team,which only backfires every time.

  • harold shand says:

    Another one who a*se licks the huns every chance he gets to further his cosy media job

  • Johnny Green says:

    Turnbull hasn’t progressed from the season before, if anything he has regressed, He has his moments but looks lethargic at times and he needs to show a bit more urgency and more hunger.

  • Eddie says:

    Well said James.

  • JTT says:

    To those saying Turnbull is too slow or lethargic. Did you say the same about Aaron Mooy?

    • Kevan McKeown says:

      Aye both aren’t ‘ fast’ players. Tho the difference wi Mooy is, he’s a great passer and he very rarely wastes a pass, will always make himself available. Ye also need somebody wi a calm head in there, who’ll no get intimidated under pressure and can be physical wi the toughest of them, when and if needed. Think he plays that role far more efficiently than DT.

    • Johnny Green says:


  • Jim says:

    Give the guy a break. He’s not long back from back from injury and those goals and assist stats are fantastic.
    He didn’t have a great time of it against St Mirren but then Mooy didn’t either.
    James is right on this one, Turnbull is a fantastic young player and contributes a lot to our strength in depth.

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