
Ibrox And Its Officials Are Getting Away With Murder Because Only Celtic Fans Care.

Image for Ibrox And Its Officials Are Getting Away With Murder Because Only Celtic Fans Care.

How much do other clubs care about the dire officiating in Scotland? Easy answer; in the main they don’t. If they did they would do something about it. How much do their fans care? Well they might like a wee moan about how they “never get anything in Glasgow” or talk about how the “Glasgow clubs” hold some sway over refs … but actually act?

They would rather be cheated than have to do something about it.

Today it was the turn of Kilmarnock. In midweek it will be Hibs on the wrong end of every decision going. Then it’ll be Raith Rovers and then Motherwell. The fans of these clubs know this. They go into the games expecting it, but because they also expect to get beat, and their managers do as well, they figure what does it matter?

If a bad refereeing call gives them a hard luck story, I’m half convinced some of them would prefer that to a point.

At the bottom of it all is a lack of ambition to be more than they are. Is it a coincidence that those managers who have made waves and won things at these clubs were willing to take on the establishment? That they had no fear of the Glasgow nexus?

It’s been obvious for a long time that part of the issue here is simply loser thinking and clubs being willing to accept what they get because they don’t expect anything anyway. I have zero faith in any club deciding to take any of these matters the full way except when it comes to cup competitions or something of that ilk. Then you hear them scream.

Kilmarnock are not screaming tonight. McInnes has accepted the penalty given against them although it’s been labelled “controversial” which tells me enough, and but is lamenting the one that they didn’t get. Lamenting it, just not actually doing anything about it like saying that the standard of officiating in this country is now beyond acceptability.

Clubs rant and rave for a day – unless the decision favours us, and by God you hear them for a week or more – but none of them ever feels the motivation to do anything more about it. We all know, not one of us is unaware, that refereeing in this country is a joke. Most people are clear that Ibrox and its official friends are cheating clubs.

But hey, it’s only three games of the season, or four if you’re challenging for Europe in the top six, and they don’t expect to win those games anyway. So what does it matter if you get screwed? At least you have something to blame the defeat on rather than just admit that you come to those games with a loser mentality and see it as a free pass.

In the meantime, only Celtic fans care. And you know why? Because deep down every other club’s fans see us as the only people with anything real at stake.

And so this game continues to rot from the top down. It was ever thus.

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  • Charlie Kelly says:

    Funny when Celtic get a decision against Killie,McInnes goes crazy blaming everyone about how it went against his team,When it’s the Huns he just says ok these things happen

    • Pan says:

      McInnes is part of the problem in Scottish football. He is a loser and a coward. He doesn’t want to rock the boat. Most of the clubs are the same and scared to contest this. Only a few individuals and clubs speak out. More is needed if this has to be tackled.

      Interestingly, that was the 50th penalty goal scored by Tavernier – a right back. I would think that nobody in the entire world of professional football history has ever scored 50 penalties. Perhaps someone could enlighten me otherwise. This should tell you something about the cheating going on in Scottish football and in the Scottish football establishment.

      • Voice of Reason says:

        Just looked up & seen that Phil Neal, RB at Liverpool scored 40 from 45! He’s no as good as TavPen tho is he wae his 4 European Cup Medals lol! Tavernier is wan ae the worst RB’s the FILTH have ever had & I’d put Hugh Burns aheed ae him! BAWAHAHAHAHAHA!!

  • Brian says:

    Oh and by the way, as long as we are fed the line by our board that they are dealing with it behind the scenes, we are as bad if not worse. No way in hell that was a penalty today! And to not see that with the use of var is criminal.

    • Scud Missile says:

      Exactly but hurry up now and keep purchasing and buying those season books.
      But our gullible fans will shout us down for pointing this out and call us PARANOID.

  • Scud Missile says:

    I would normally call this out on here but the Chuckle brothers aka Voice of an Arsehole and Johnnybag Green shout me down as a sevci supporter or being paranoid.
    So the SNOWFLAKES WOKE brigade should watch what is posted,don’t want to upset Dumb&Dumber.

    • Voice of Reason says:

      Listen ya Fukin ARSEHOLE Al PUNCH UR FUKIN LIGHTS OOT!! Fuk off Hun, u fool FUKIN NOWAN!!

    • Johnny Green says:

      I’ve never accused you of being a hun, show me where? I just think you’re a total diddy and I’m not wrong, you’ve proved it often enough.

      • Voice of Reason says:

        I’m not accusing u m8 I’m telling FUDBOOK! Ur sound m8 she’s a FUKIN IMBECILE who I would gladly bounce up & doon the Gallowgate!! I suspect the Fuds actually Ted who lingered on here fur 2 yrs! Get yirsel on Celtic Noise m8.. HH!!

  • Anne Macneil says:

    I’m convinced they don’t complain because they know there is a pretty good chance they will get a decision against us.

  • Stewart says:

    It does not seem to matter what’s said about calls for every one that objects to one against sevco the press and their lackeys will roll out 2 more to agree an shoot down their argument,,,, when that type of a call goes for us(very unusual) the press are all over it for weeks,,

  • John says:

    This is because, Charlie, apart from Aberdeen and possibly Hibs, Scottish football is riddled with Sevco supporting club. They couldn’t give a sh*t about beating sevco and in my opinion are glad they have helped them to another 3 points. As James said, we are in this ourselves so we just have to keep winning and they can do nothing about it

  • Benjamin says:

    I am beyond surprised that more isn’t being made of the penalty call in particular. That’s as bad of a call as we’ve seen this season, and that’s saying something! But the big thing to me is that Killie actually has something at stake in these games. They’re never going to challenge the Glasgow clubs for the title, but they’re in a very real relegation battle that could see these sorts of decisions be decisive in sending them down the the Championship. How can they not be raising ten different kinds of holy hell about the referees when these decisions are going to have that kind of impact on the club?

  • Effarr says:

    To be honest, I thought the referee had a good game last week. Well, as good as you’re likely to get in this country. That was an opportunity, James, for you to highlight it, lost. You should have given him at least a nine out of ten.

    Your complaints today would have more credence if you had been man enough to admit it.

    The refs themselves might even find it more enjoyable to get praise from Celtic fans rather
    than a tongue-lashing every week.

  • SSMPM says:

    I refer to my comment on the previous article, the upper arm is not a penalty in the EFL, so WTF.

  • Eire goCeltic says:

    On indulgence, if you don’t mind, James. The strip today for Celtic is the same
    as in September when we lost. Approved by the referee. It is a silver grey jersey
    with black shorts. Ange does not like it, players not rapt and TV viewers did not like
    it last time. St Mirren will use their traditional strip as they are entitled.
    If St Mirren have black shorts why us. Not the best for corners and in a crowded box.
    A solid Leeds white strip with green numbers, name, badge, sponsors with hoops socks
    and white shorts would be the perfect contrast. Ange diplomatically said, as reported in the media; “it is what it is”. Others could have added, “we only have ourselves to blame”. Do the players and Sport Scientist have any say in the away strips? My impression is NO. They bally well should.
    Unfortunately, I need all the contrast available to quickly pick out team members. The almost black-green jersey would be worse against St Mirren. Little consolation for me. Enough said. Thanks.

  • John L says:

    Just watched that game and it looked a penalty all day long. Although the officials had a good cup final they won’t want us to get to the next cup final and for that reason we will have to be super careful against heart’s.

  • Michael McCartney says:

    “The Rangers” get another two dodgy decisions in their favour from the cheating wee pool of Scottish referees, One or two on here wanting us to compliment a referee for doing his job reasonably competently last week. Has the penny not dropped to one or two eejit Celtic supporters that competency should be a given from so called Grade one referees.
    You’re correct James when you state that most Managers and Chairmen in Scottish football are cowards and therefore losers, They only kick up a fuss along with the Media when any questionable decision goes Celtic’s way.
    The Media and the SFA in Scotland are dishonest and biased towards one team most ex footballers who take up punditry after retiring know this, and toe the line to get the gigs with the press and broadcasters.
    Unfortunately some of our ex players willingly take part in this charade with a couple of notable exceptions. Michael Stewart a fair minded Hearts supporter is another who has broken ranks now and again and has had his knuckles rapped by his masters at BBC Scotland.
    It has been forever thus for the over 70 years I’ve been supporting Celtic, but I think it has actually got worse since the original Rangers imploded in 2012.
    Just keep winning Celtic in spite of the cheating.

  • Michael McCann says:

    No surprise that Penalty F C get another one from their official fans. Only surprise Kilmarnock didn’t have a man sent off

  • Alexander Munn says:

    All European league are the same in Italy it’s juve in Spain it’s real in England it’s manu in Germany it’s Bayern in Scotland it’s rangers we have to deal with that

  • Johnny Green says:

    Heh Scud book tell us that fairy tale again that you came up with, which stated that Ange would be sick of the corruption in Scottish football and would resign before the League Cup Final. Do you want to change that prediction to the Scottish Cup Final now.


    • Johnny Green says:

      Scud, you also said we wouldn’t win the Cup because the FIX was in.

      To be honest I thought you would wipe yourself out and come back with a new name, but obviously being a diddy does not embarrass you all that much.

  • Liam says:

    Sadly it will never change!

  • Graham Laurie says:

    Clubs are shortchanging their own fans by refusing to challenge the pro-Sevco biased corruption in Scottish Football.

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