
The Mooch Is Lying To The Media And They Know It. No Celtic Boss Could Survive That.

Image for The Mooch Is Lying To The Media And They Know It. No Celtic Boss Could Survive That.

The Mooch has claimed that no Ibrox player has a contract offer in front of him. Doesn’t this contradict his comments from just days ago? He says that Morelos and he will “talk” before the season ends. He seems very nonchalant about the crisis that is roaring towards his club at high speed. Is he for real? It’s incredibly hard to see how he can be.

This guy is lying. To everyone. Nearly all the time. More than anything, I think he’s even lying to himself. What I know is that if any Celtic manager had his track record of verifiable contradictions and falsehoods in front of the media that they would be crucifying him instead of publishing every word he says and taking it as gospel.

He didn’t “clarify” the contract situation, as some of the hacks have suggested. He muddied the waters. He will talk to the players later in the season? Maybe he’s not noticed that the season is almost over. Maybe he’s not aware that their agents can be out there right now talking to clubs and tying their futures up elsewhere.

How is this guy and that club of his getting away with that in the eyes of the media? If you believe what these people write these are assets worth tens of millions of pounds. No manager in his shoes should be cavalier about that, but the media is giving this guy a free ride.

Let’s put it this way; if the club doesn’t know what these guys are doing in the summer then the club is grossly negligent, all involved from the chairman down. He’s telling us that there aren’t even offers on the table? Think about that for a second. What was it that Goldson signed last summer? A contract. Which had been on the table for months.

He’s telling us that he’s not sanctioned any offers for any of these players? Then he’s not sleeping at the wheel as much as he’s got behind it pissed and with his foot down. That would be regarded as gross misconduct at any other club. Exactly what is he “waiting” for before he opens these talks? He says it’s to make decisions on them.

Kent plays every week and he says he wants him to stay. But he’s not actually sat down and talked about it with him yet? What happens if he sits Kent down one day and says “right, let’s talk about what it will take to keep you here” only to find out that Kent signed a pre-contract deal with Brighton or some other club like that the day before?

Who would you blame for that if you were an Ibrox fan? This is his version of events. This is what he’s telling the media. If a Celtic manager was so blasé about the prospect of top players leaving for free he would be raked over the coals.

When Ange took over the decisions on Edouard, Ajer and Christie had been made. We were only waiting for the acceptable offers to come in. That man took the job knowing those guys were off, and he factored that into his planning. “Right, well that’s a centre back and a striker we’re looking for.” And we paid big for Kyogo and Starfelt.

He can’t sell any of these guys now, but he can’t plan for the summer either until he knows which way the wind is blowing. Either he doesn’t have that information – which would be staggering – or he’s lying to the media and to the fans.

He has to be. I know we’re not dealing with a Mensa member here, but for a manager to have so many critical players approaching the end of their contracts, players he’s said he wants to keep, and not to even have discussed their next moves … that’s incomprehensible.

That would be far and away the stupidest act from any boss at that club since Pedro starting raving about vampires, and in fact it would be above and beyond that.

Because we’re talking about a series of decisions worth millions of pounds and with profound consequences for their club. Nobody, not even someone who inhabits the parallel universe in which this guy seems to spend at least some of his time, could be so reckless.

No Celtic manager would ever be permitted to be.

Our board would be all over this, our fans would be all over it … and you better believe that the media would be too.

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  • Eoin Baillie says:

    We all know that the media hold us to a different and higher standard than the newco but, I get your point James . If it was Celtic with 8 senior players out of contract in the summer and loan players returning to clubs imagine the froth and lather in the press. Josep had signed a 5 year deal , yet just before the World cup the press were agitating for him to go, he had over 3 years left on his deal, unbelievable. Watch the implosion when we beat them in both the league and cup , Kelly and I’ve cream all round Bhoys.

  • Jimmy R says:

    How do you know when the Mooch is lying?
    His lips move.
    Remember when he arrived. According to him he had the best squad in the league. That’s not what he says now.
    The gullybears will fawn over his every word. The rest of us, not so much. The Mooch has zero credibility among those people who can think for themselves.

  • Tam says:

    He “is lying” and the SMSM know it. When they get a player to extend their contract or they sign a player. Every major club wanted them but the pull of “the rangers” was to much will be the headline from our SMSM.

    His latest “LIE” one of many.. aligns with the fans surprise surprise. The board and other members of staff deal with contracts NOT HIM OR THEM . I bet everyone has a contract on the table. Or the board and other members of staff are lying. We have been told that some of the “contract rebels” . That means a contract has been put in front of them. I’ll NOT name everyone who is lying I’ll just say “the rangers club are all liars” and the SMSM are joining in

  • Johnny Green says:

    Do we really care what Beale is saying, I certainly don’t, it’s his club’s own fans who should be concerned about his untrue claims. Form us the mayhem being caused over there is instantly forgettable, they are a second rate team with second rate people in charge of them, they are insignificant and should not even enter our thoughts.

  • Frankie says:

    The human mole is a born liar, look what he did at QPR

  • Frankie says:

    The human mole is a born liar look what he did at QPR, then sneaking about that lot while wee gio was still in charge total snake , he is well matched with all these so called paper pundits all liars together.

  • Kevan McKeown says:

    The guys a fake, a wide cockney barrow boy. Of course they’re no goin to do anythin tae ‘upset’ him, not when they know he’s still gonnae be in charge over there next season, regardless of what happens. Incredible tho, when ye think the same media, have been tryin tae find a way intae and get tae Ange since he arrived here. Just sums up their mindset.

  • Tenaka Khan says:

    It’s possible that the reason for the inactivity is that he’s found out that he’s been lied to about the finances by the club hierarchy. Normally by this stage Sevco have identified a number of potential free June signings and are using their media puppets to unsettle them at their current clubs. Even allowing for the fact that he’s being massively over-hyped I can’t see him being so incompetent that he would be responsible for such a dysfunctional approach. I reckon that the current situation over there is an indication that their financial state is truly dire.

  • SSMPM says:

    I’m glad I don’t read that trash, given how it gets to you. I don’t give a feck what they print or what comes out their mouths. They’re rankers fans with a not so big platform reaching out to their brethren on an ever decreasing sales rag.
    I’m assuming there will be talks and discussions going on in the background by some representative/s or other from either party, if they want to keep them that is. Not having reached a definitive agreed contract that’s sat on his oversized ego, sorry I meant desk, ready for signatures means exactly that. I hope they don’t resign them because it will then cost money to replace them all or they’ll have to come from the freebies market. HH

  • Derek duncan says:

    Deadco 1872 now in liquidation ,Sevco 2012 aka The Rangers liars and cheats ,only in this corrupt league.

  • Malc says:

    More hun news? This place is probably more reliable that their own fucking website!

  • Andy says:

    Kent – top player ?

  • Johnno says:

    Long ago gave up upon the amount of bullshit that comes from the Scottish media due to respect for my eyes and ears.
    This lying snidey prick is already up there with the best of them already.
    Both the banjo boy and EL donkeyo would have agents, and their 1st job would have been to see what offers were potentially forthcoming, not unless the useless serial fucks have no intention of entering any talks whatsoever.
    Of course no pressure will be applied at this stage of a season from the media, yet the situation will become far clearer by the end of April, when the revolt starts.
    Personally for ourselves it would be great news for such tossers to remain at the shithole as the jelly and ice cream will have a sweeter taste to it in the future.

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