
Celtic Gets On With The Business Of Getting Better Whilst Ibrox Fights Silly Little Wars.

Image for Celtic Gets On With The Business Of Getting Better Whilst Ibrox Fights Silly Little Wars.

What a club that is over there. What a club.

Celtic is building. Celtic is consolidating. Celtic is continuing to focus on how we get stronger. We have no time for frivolity. We have no interest in fluff. We certainly have no interest in petty battles and ludicrous vendettas. We are a bit busy for that.

Across at Ibrox they are waging wars on multiple fronts. You would think that any organisation in that positon would at least stand to gain something momentous from it, but that’s simply not the case. In their latest “victory” they have forced The Sun newspaper to “clarify” remarks made in a column by Bill Leckie.

Yes, that’s the Bill Leckie you’re thinking of, the one most of us assumed, or hoped, had given up writing to take up something he was half good at. The Bill Leckie whose column most of us don’t consider useful enough to wipe our arses on.

I mean really? Who cares what that half a halfwit writes? The Ibrox board, apparently, or at least Douglas Park. And what was the issue? It’s too boring to go into, but they weren’t even saying he had written something utterly untrue; hey, it’s The Sun and if people were going to take them to court for that they’d have lawyers on 24 hour rotation.

No, this court case was over a form of words. Not the veracity of those words but the way in which Leckie phrased something. Like I said, too boring to go into and not something a living soul would even give a damn about. Enough, however, for Park and his bus company to take Leckie and his rag to court. Normally I’d say good luck to anyone who wanted to rake that publication over the coals, but you read the details of this case and you marvel.

You marvel that this is what they waste their time worrying about over there, as their club falls further behind ours, as they prepare for a panic-stricken summer, as they try to hold onto their director of football, wanted by sacking happy Notts Forest.

And this, of course, isn’t the only thing they want to fight about.

Their letter writing campaign over a couple of officials and a disallowed goal is only another shot fired at the governing bodies. They are ready to enter into a do-or-die scrap with the football bodies again, this time over whether to advertise vodka.

For God’s sake. What is wrong with this lot? Why do they just … hate everybody?

And all of it is a nice distraction, of course, from the steady stream of departures.

A club which lost its chairman and its director of football, under fire from fan groups, would be seen as being one in the midst of a mini-crisis … but the press would rather not go there.

But if you want a clear-cut case of a club with split focus they are your defining example. At a time when they should be driven to work on the things that matter they are losing themselves in pointless battles and working off old debts.

How pathetic they are.

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  • Jimmy R says:

    Ross Wilson off to Notts Forrest. That’s a shame. I was enjoying his ineptitude at ibrox.

  • Johnny Green says:

    Let them squeal, that’s what swine do.

  • JimBhoy says:

    Gonna be magic early close season with a treble in the bag and Celtic with 4 or 5 new first team players signed up, maybe a few fringe players on the move and we hear of the big money signings rangers are gonna make ONLY to find out that they offered 300k in 4 installments for a player….And they can get Hee-Haw real money for their prize assets with 3 tough CL prelims to play. Panic buy central.!

    Ross Wilson bailing as he knows the writing is on the wall and the recruitment drive for the season start will need a fekin miracle.


  • Voice of Reason says:

    The SCUM are in MELTDOON after a RECORD BREAKING Season when they won their 2nd EVER Trophy lol! Still posting losses fae £85M Turnover tells u aw u need tae know about these CORRUPT WE NEVER PAY ANY CUNT HUN BASTARDS!! We’ve aw said it but without VAR this PUB TEAM wid be a Boatim 6 outfit.. They’re FUKIN PISH!! Cup Semi really can’t come QUIK ENUF!!

  • Bob (original) says:

    Well, with Wilson off to pastures new, [and with a player budget with real money no doubt], this leaves Beale exposed.

    The indications in the media, [if true], suggested that WIlson and Beale had a good working relationship? Will Beale even have a Sporting Director to work with come the summer? And whoever takes on the role will take some time to get up to speed.

    Time – and money – are something Beale doesn’t have, and the angry bears are
    not known for their patience or understanding. 🙂

    The odds have just reduced for Beale doing walking away at season end.

  • Majorerror says:

    They could do with a director of wisdom. Absolute clowns the lot of them.

  • Peter Cassidy says:

    Who cares about this tribe of bigots”and racists”when Celtic skelp there big blue bums in the semi you will see real meltdown should be fun.

  • John S says:

    They might be pathetic but their Scorched Earth inclinations present a clear and present danger to Scottish football and social justice.

    • Gerard Murray says:

      We used to sing die die die ya Hun to the tune of those were the days by Mary Hopkins hopefully they are going into some sort of coma football wise we know all about their sense of entitlement we should have buried them before they went bust let’s keep doing it on the park big Jock done it now it’s big Ange’s turn!!!

  • Gerard Murray says:

    We used to sing die die die ya Hun to the tune of those were the days by Mary Hopkins hopefully they are going into some sort of coma football wise we know all about their sense of entitlement we should have buried them before they went bust let’s keep doing it on the park big Jock done it now it’s big Ange’s turn!!!

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