
In Focussing Only On Celtic Beale Has Set Himself A Trap From Which There Is No Escape.

Image for In Focussing Only On Celtic Beale Has Set Himself A Trap From Which There Is No Escape.

It was Paul Weller who wrote “the more I see, the more I know. The more I know the less I understand.” I sometimes feel like that watching The Mooch as he stumbles and mumbles and fumbles his way through his Ibrox pressers.

Just the other day, he offered a withering critique of his team, when he told the hacks that the current squad of players has probably “taken (us) as far as they can.” Quite the statement considering they have a massive game against us coming up and I think it’s most definitely the last thing that squad of theirs needed to hear.

He has set his sights on a rebuild. But what’s he planning this for? He has won every game he has managed against every other club; it’s not to be sneezed at, that accomplishment. Where he comes up short is against us, and unfortunately we’re just a bit too good.

But how much is it worth risking the club just to beat Celtic once in a while, if he can even manage to do that? And what good is it beating Celtic every once in a while if they still aren’t good enough to win the title over the course of a long campaign?

Here’s what’s obvious to me, but is clearly not obvious to this joker; if he rebuilds the team and they drop points early in the next campaign, everyone in their support is going to say that this guy has taken them backwards. That his new look squad isn’t even as good as the one he currently has, and that’s going to turn the pressure up right across the club.

He focusses on nothing but Celtic. We are the be all and end all of his job, but it’s not results against Celtic that are going to cost this guy in the end; it’ll be results against everyone else, and all he’s succeeding in doing right now is making sure that when the reversals come that the volume of the criticism is much, much higher than it has to be.

We all know that the form they are on over there cannot be maintained indefinitely. A smart manager would do three things, in his position.

First, they would praise their rivals to the hills and back. They would label them the best team in the country by miles. They would not put our success down to luck. They would not claim that we bought it. A smart management team would acknowledge our superiority, nothing more.

Secondly, and as a corollary to the first, they would give respect to every other team in the league. That sort of comes naturally when you give your rivals credit for winning against them every week. You would paint Celtic’s form as exceptional. Know why? Because then you could say that your own form was also exceptional but that Celtic right now just have a better team.

Thirdly, you would praise the players. You would tell the fans that since you came in they have done everything you asked and you would make the point that they have performed far better than they did for the previous manager.

And in doing so you would also tell the fans how hard it is going to be to rebuild this team when key footballers like Kent, McGregor and Morelos are no longer there.

You would make the rebuild sound as hard as it’s going to be.

He has done none of that. He is a Grade One moron.

Instead he has done the polar opposite of all these things, and so when the first defeat to a team outside Celtic Park comes it really will provoke a crisis and a hard look at this guy … and if his new team takes time to bed in – and we lost three of our first seven games and drew another when Ange was getting his team in place – this guy will have given himself no hiding place at all.

He’s trapped already. Trapped by his own stupidity.

What else was it Weller said in that song? “I’m the changingman, waiting for the bang as I light a bitter fuse.” Amen brother, amen.

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    James, he won’t drop many if any points next year. The same rules will apply. TavPen will bag another 20 odd goals from the spot, opponents will be sent off, denied penalties at crucial points in the game all backed by VAR’s Frankensteinian monster.

    We all know that on a level playing field they are an upper middle table team at best despite their budget. However the powers that be will continue to shield them from criticism and accountability. The game is openly corrupt and will not change as long as there is a rangers, of any description in the league set up.
    Their ‘Simply The Best’ mantra means that if they go on the slide they will tear down the Scottish Game with them.
    They will never accept ‘Second Best’ status. Their sense of Entitlement and Superiority will still persist as the game is completely destroyed.

  • Mark b says:

    Yea they get a lot of pens and very few against. But to suggest they are a mid table team is nonsense. They reached the Europa Final last season.
    If they are that bad we should beat them easily but have not done it easily last two games. Let’s not get complacent for the semi and let’s get a sense of proportion that we could lose unless we are on our game.

  • Martin says:

    Agree he should have taken the MON approach. However I think his far as they can comment should be read very differently. I think he’s trying to find a narrative that soothes the klan when they have a significant exodus this summer. Kent and Morelos are just the start. It’s sell sell sell (or rip up contracts) to meet FSR. This way they can delude themselves that a rebuild was needed so they can improve, rather than a downsizing so they can survive. And as long as that lot can delude themselves, they will.

  • Dinger says:

    Exactly so every game will be revered not by a whistle but a flute

  • John Copeland says:

    Not only that ,if we had a half decent SMSM in this country , the clumpany and all of its dodgy dealings and policies would be put under the spotlight ,questioned in the most strenuous manner and receive the scrutiny they deserve by all scoop reporters , like they do with other clubs ,players and managers !

  • Bhoy4life says:

    That club doesn’t need to be a winning machine, even of they improve 25% on what they are now, the MiB are a leveller most seasons, that could be enough to tip the balance when they get results against us

  • Johnny Green says:

    From a stuttering start, Beale when he took over, has improved his team, they are at least playing with a bit more conviction than previously. James is right though, Beale could be hoisted by his own petard for continually setting his sights on Celtic and ignoring all the other clubs. In fact Aberdeen could throw them into turmoil this weekend and get the horrible huns frothing at the mouth prior to the semi-final. However, Beale is a bitter man and he will never give Celtic any praise, more fool him.

  • Johnno says:

    That snidey prick was bought into the shithole in a desperate attempt to prevent another treble with trying to get a tune out of his known Dad’s army troops where the orange midget couldn’t any longer.
    Yet it remains debatable if he has actually succeeded yet, so the pressure is really upon the prick for the semi now.
    With another defeat in the waiting then the questions will be asked as the anger amongst the zombies reaches fever pitch.
    So it’s no surprise that the snidey prick is trying to buy himself extra time currently with his comments as he’s in a one game situation of having to do so.
    Personally think he’s already done enough to get the time for the summer yet nothing can be taken for granted within football and especially with the cash crisis the scum are currently in.
    A unforseen win for this snidey prick will gain such a mouthy bastard hero status and we can’t allow for that to happen as the level of bullshit we will have to listen to will be endless until we get the opportunity to shut this mouthy fuck up once and for all

  • SSMPM says:

    Yesterday it was reported he was setting his sights on the dizzy heights of being a top European team so not just setting his sights on Celtic James. As you say the more he opens that mouth the less you know about his ability to think constructively. With players like Cantwell as the transfer model, I don’t think so.
    He’s like the old Brand X box, well packaged but empty inside. My god I’m glad we have Ange and not this southern gobshite fool, prepared to say anything and throw his players under the bus with comments like he has. He says he needs 4 or 5 players to match Celtic and he added foolishly it’s on a unrestricted budget then he has properly set himself up for a massive fall next season. But this particular loudmouth will still apportion blame onto others and then we’ll see whose the one that’s reached their limit and achieved all he can.

  • Thomas Daly says:


  • En Aitch says:

    They have taken them as far as they can.
    Their contracts have expired…hahaha!

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