
A Controversial And Difficult Week Ended With A Curious Calm Over Celtic.

Image for A Controversial And Difficult Week Ended With A Curious Calm Over Celtic.

That was some seven days.

The first half of the week was taken up almost entirely by The Green Brigade banner last Saturday and what it meant.  I felt like I wrote about nothing else for days. What a relief it was to have football stories to write.

International weeks are always a nightmare.

We’re now hurtling back into combat again.

This week will go by quickly, I imagine, and hurl us right into Tynecastle. What a huge game that is. Our rivals and our enemies are salivating over the prospect of us dropping something. Keevins was peeing his pants over the prospect this morning.

A lot of them are. A lot of them don’t expect us to take anything from that game, and the one that follows it against Hibs is another potential banana skin.

That clown in The Sunday Mail had our lead down to a single point leaving Easter Road. It is amazing how readily their imaginations fly away from them when they are talking our club.

The week past also saw the media try to convince Abada to leave.

Thank God he won’t be fit for weeks to come; by the time he is, all this Green Brigade nonsense will be in the past and he get on with playing for the team again.

The hacks also had a go at our boy Alastair Johnston for giving away a goal and for making a bad tackle.

For all that, the week ended with Celtic in a state of calm and peace. I like it when our club is low-key and quiet, even when that isn’t generating a whole lot of news or controversy. In my shoes I should love both of those things … but I much prefer it like this.

Things are secure at Parkhead. Things are quiet and at peace.

The board hasn’t even responded to The Green Brigade’s open provocation. They have handled things brilliantly.

It’s because of that we’re in a good place, and although when Rodgers sits in front of the media he will be asked all manner of nonsense which has not one thing to do with the game we have coming up, that game is all we are focussed on as a club.

So, in spite of everything swirling around Parkhead, there is nothing to be concerned with as we go into the weekend.

The pressure is all across the city, the stresses are all to be found with them. I suspect they’ll get the New Boss Bounce and that this week will be excruciating for everyone who values unbiased coverage. But it’ll go quickly.

The boss has big decisions to make about the weekend, but right now I cannot see past starting Palma and Scales, amongst them.

Is Maeda fit? We’ll find out, but even if he’s not this is what we’ve got a big squad for and with Palma playing so well we’re covered on the left. Yang can play right along with Forrest. The team will be ready.

Because whatever the hype and hysteria elsewhere, we always are.

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  • Scud Missile u says:

    Not much pressure getting put in the new sevco boss then lol.
    On FF one klan membe is screaming for the treble from the miracle maker manager nothing less.
    Others are demanding he takes the league down to the wire,he gets them to the last 8 of the Europa league and he must win the League Cup and Scottish Cup, so no pressure on the new gaffer from the off.

  • John S says:

    Many Celtic supporters are ‘finished’ with the Green Brigade and wouldn’t miss them if they left.

    • Bill says:

      Fully agree, John S.
      Not scientific I know but whenever the subject of the GB comes up in chat with my fellow supporters, most have had enough of them. Time the club do the right thing and remove this toxic element in our fan base from Celtic Park. They can take their views outside the stadium. The don’t speak for many, maybe most, of our fans.

  • Fun time frankie says:

    I’m sorry to say this James ,but your namesake has had his day ever y time he’s came on as a sub this season he’s made no impact whatever,so in January it should be good bye and thank you.

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Great article once again James…

    But one point about the unbiased coverage that’ll go quickly –

    I respectfully disagree on this one occasion…

    Unbiased coverage against our beloved Celtic will never go away ever far less go quickly –

    But I really really appreciate you flagging it up as otherwise I’d never know !


    Ignoring the ‘Bluespapers’ and BBC Staunchland dreck
    does wonders for your blood pressure and peace of mind.
    I hugely appreciate the second hand SMSM coverage
    from James and his fellow bloggers.
    They do it so we don’t have to.

    An appeal to all fellow contributors, please STOP funding the SMSM
    and the English Broadcasting Corporation.


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