Last night, I read, with drop-jawed amazement and disgust, about the deplorable hatchet-job that Radio Clyde did on our new boy. They brought on some joker from, a site that we’ve mentioned here before, to basically go over every negative quality they could come up with about him.
Before I get to Clyde, let’s talk about the site. is a joke.
It’s a stats and general trivia site run by people who actually have no idea what they are watching. It’s the site the mainstream media quotes from repeatedly to convince us that Ibrox has a better squad, overall, than the one at Celtic Park. It has James Tavernier valued at £7 million, which is the same as Liel Abada.
I’ll tell you how credible that site is, as if that fact wasn’t enough.
In order to get articles up on one of the main news aggregators, blogs like this one are actually forbidden from using as a “primary source.” In other words, it’s regarded as on the level as the blogs themselves. It is not a credible website and the news aggregators do not consider it one.
And so the idea that we should listen to some jumped up stats compiler and trust that he knows something professional scouts don’t know is ridiculous. He talks about the player being injury prone, and he’s had a few more muscle injuries than I’m comfortable with, but he’s still a young player and there are a lot of reasons why players get those injuries.
But let me provide a little context.
He says they value the guy at a mere £1.5 million. He talks about a poor scoring record and injuries as if that explains that low sum. But let me put it in perspective for you. Kemar Roofe is 31 and his injury record is truly appalling.
But Roofe is valued at £2.5 million, a player whose time on the treatment table and advanced years confers on him zero resale value. Zero.
That’s the measure of that site.
So, when somebody from there goes on Radio Clyde to run down our latest signing as not representing value for money, I want to laugh except that it’s so brazen, and so clearly done with malign intent.
I have to believe that Clyde went looking for that guy last night, because it would be absolutely bizarre if he simply called in on his own, bizarre and suspect to say the least.
Do you think he calls radio stations and media outlets every time someone signs a player for more money than their site ranks the guy at? Because I assure you, that happens all the time.
That was nothing but a piece of shit-stirring.
The whole thing was so obviously an attempt to turn Celtic fans against our new signing before he’s even played a minute in our colours. It might be the single most appalling thing a media outlet has done in a long time, and it should nail, once and for all, any suggestion that particular outlet has anything to offer Celtic fans.
That whole show is a sterling example of the media talking down to us. It is populated by halfwits; it’s the only forum which would ever put someone like Keevins on the air to condescend to every single caller, and the worst of it is that most of wholly justify that treatment as you’ll quickly learn if you listen to even one episode of it.
I don’t even listen to it to pass the time.
The idea that there is anything worthwhile on that show is an insult to all our intelligence and it notorious for its anti-Celtic bent. They’ve employed every single one of our critics short of the Village Idiot himself … even he thinks that show is beneath him and that should tell you everything right there.
This guy hasn’t even officially signed for Celtic yet, and already the media is trying to cause him problems and turn the fans against him. And this is not even particularly surprising from them although it plumbs the depths.
Any of our fans still listening to that show, I can only ask why?
It is not a neutral outlet far less a friendly one. Those who run it are implacably opposed to us. They are our enemies, and particularly stupid with it. There is no longer any justification for tuning in.
I stopped listening. To this crap when Mark Wilson started to confirm The Rangers are back
Found myself in my car about 2 weeks ago listenin tae it for the first time in years. 20 mins and that was enough. Mind numbin, gutless, ibrox panderin, joke of a football station. Same reason ah stopped givin it attention. Complete shit bags when it comes tae goin deep and ‘explorin’ real issues where ibrox is concerned and that’s a fact.
l have always seid it’s the rangers phone in don’t listen to it Celtic will do the talking on the pitch and let the clowns say what they want this has been going on for years the anti Celtic hate mob the media
The guy on celtic tv should never have been allowed to return to that position after his time on snyde.
It’s always the same retric that’s rolled out,,, not so long ago the same outlet wer telling us lammers was some kind of goal machine,,I looked up his stats going back a couple of seasons, and they wer abismal for a striker,we’ve heard same rubbish about that boy from wolves,,his stats(at the moment) arnt too good, the media will go too the end of the earth for a bad review for us, but will not go very far to get an opinion on the peepul signings, just the usual in house huns,
Well said I stopped listening years ago , I didnt mind Mark Wilson but the rest of them with pro hun beliefs and anti celtic crap sickened me , and don’t get me started on keevins.
Of course Clyde went looking for this muppet. The purpose is clear: to generate controversy and ” debate “, and it appears to have worked.
Clyde has about as much credibility as the guy who stands on street corners howling that the end is nigh.
Why any sane person gives it the time of day is a mystery to me.
The only time that I really listen is when Celtic beat Sevco as their tears, pain and anguish are truly a joy to behold indeed…
Like the reports about what the evil the print media says about us on this site – They clearly HATE us –
Well I for one HATE THEM ALL MORE in return…
Cancer is too good an illness to befall these bastards to be honest –
And I don’t say that lightly as it took ma daddy and ma Auntie away from me in life…
I truly DETEST the whole Scottish Football Media with every sinew of my fibre being in this world –
They are the most Detestable ‘Peepil’ the whole fcukin lot of them, so they are !
Agree about Clyde, and the motives leading to that guy being on. Transfermarkt is obviously crap, it’s a byword for rubbish amongst the real stats people. Surface level and avoids any individualisation, as evidenced by Tavernier figure. A RB that gets 30 goals a season sounds great, until you see that 29 of them are penalties and it’s in a league where the team he plays for get…suspiciously high penalty numbers.
As for Kuhn, I think between them jucojames and Alan Morrison summed it up on the huddle board. A good addition to the squad, offering a different style which could be great in Europe. A risky move if he’s a replacement for Abada because we know Abada will add goals/points over the next 16 games and we don’t know that about Kuhn, who may take time to settle too.
I like that he has pace and strength, but I’d be very unhappy if he was the only or the “marquee” signing.
Please remember this was the station that contacted EUFA to complain about Celtic playing a player who was not registered to play. Alas EUFA pointed out that the said player had been registered.Tells us all about the agenda there
As I’ve said before , Celtic FC could destroy Real Madrid 5-0 in the final of the Champions League and the SMSM would find fault with forensic examination of the performance ! They are so desperate to see failure in paradise , nothing is off the table as far as scrutiny is concerned . Christ almighty , they are even asking the question if Buckie Thistle will cause an upset this weekend ! If that is not a prime example of the standard of ‘ journalism ‘ in this country ,I don’t know what is …pathetic and woeful .
Same show who done a hatchet job on Hatate and o’riley when they came in the winter break.
A Rae and keevens both putting them down as duds.
Hatate screamer against the Jambos and then two against Sevco put them back in there box.
Hopefully more of the same as Kevin’s never gets anything right.
Honestly don’t get your assessment. Keevins is a banger and I pity those fans who rise to his pathetic attempts at provocation. However, I have no problems with any of the rest and I think that they’re generally even-handed in their analysis. Even Dalzell is fulsome in his praise of Celtic and scathing in his criticism of Rangers when the circumstances suit. I didn’t hear the guy from Transfermrkt but these guys have opinions like anyone else. If supporters are swayed by that kind of thing, that’s their problem and they should grow up. Lastly, I’d just point out that if you don’t listen to Sportsound, you miss out on the glorious meltdowns of Rangers fans when things aren’t going well, especially after derby matches. Up to you.
I don’t understand why Celtic fans listen to these tawdry anti Celtic stations. It’s similar to self harm. Just more sevco media which I presume most fans don’t listen to except for laughs though others do seem to get rattled by the nonsense they spout. They operate in a vacuum unless we give them our oxygen. So much good Celtic fan media out there to keep me occupied instead.
Let’s see how to Kuhn does to be honest it is an underwhelming signing.
Clyde bigots outed yonks ago along with Record, Sky, pandering to a sectarian fan base.
It’s parochial nonsense designed to provoke a reaction from our fans with its constant negativety “Especially from the old hack who has NEVER EVER uttered a kind word about our club hence the reason he has been there for so long”.
It has long been past its sell by date. If we all tune off we can contribute to it being pulled as it should have been gone years ago.
Your comments raise a question, do you ever listen to Radio Clyde?, given the content of your post, I can only assume the answer is yes, otherwise,how do you know what they are saying?, if the answer is no, on what then do you base your opinion?,
Radio who?
If any Celtic supporter (with all his/her faculties) is listening to Radio Snide Super Scoreboard – then they really ought to be taking a good look at themselves in the mirror.
I listen to it now and again, and oh god forbid I do read the newspapers now and again also, it’s not the best but I mean I read papers not solely for the football, boxings actually my favorite sport so I look at that as well. I also like a bit of politics and current affairs etc, so that’s why I tend to still read newspapers. The phone in is great after Celtic beat Rangers, because it’s great to listen to the people when they phone in, I have a laugh when it’s rangers fans that phone in with complaints etc. I noticed big Sutton said this guy looked more project, and I hope he’s wrong as usually I like to listen to big Chris, because his knowledge of the game is good , but I hope he is wrong on this one, because god please not another project player. I hope the lad comes in, and hits the ground running and we win the league at a canter. Rangers having to play on a Thursday night, will be a hindrance to them, as Thursday then Sunday after the travelling could be a nightmare for them, and that’s great for us.
Well goodguy – It’s your cash and therefore yours to see as you spend fit – and if you wanna spend it on ‘news’ papers that is indeed your prerogative…
But please if I may, Can I educate you a little bit, which as sure as hell these ‘news’ papers that you read certainly won’t –
I take it that you haven’t listened in for the last 11 years and 171 days (as of 00:00 hours GMT today) as that’s the last time ‘Rangers’ fans would have phoned in before they died…
And it’s ABSOLUTELY NOT ‘Rangers’ but SEVCO that will be playing on a Thursday and Sunday and have the hindrance with the travelling nightmare that you describe –
I am educating you with the truth my friend…
Where as Radio Clyde and all these Scottish ‘news’ papers are extracting the urine outta folks like yourself or to use ma own preferred pub language ‘Rippin The Pure Pish Outta Ya’ –
But anyways – All the best regardless of ma opinions !
Wouldn’t give Clyde house room
We will see what Kuhn is made of ourselves