
Celtic Must Weed Out Its Handful Of Idiots, But How Dare Ibrox Make Demands Of Us?

Image for Celtic Must Weed Out Its Handful Of Idiots, But How Dare Ibrox Make Demands Of Us?

Yesterday, a handful of utter yahoos disgraced themselves by throwing objects at James Tavernier. The idiocy of it cannot be over-stated and nobody should be attempting to play it down. These people are absolute goons and their removal from our support is something that every single one of us should seek to see happen, and when it does, we should applaud it.

There is nothing to be said in their defence. The club has to hunt them down and cast them out, and if that comes with lifetime bans from every stadium, not just Celtic Park, then that’s all to the good.

You know, I marvel at times at the stupidity of some people. Their casual thoughtlessness.

Whatever they threw, that’s dangerous stuff. What they thought they were doing, I can only guess at, but they aren’t tough, they aren’t hard, they weren’t striking a blow on behalf of Celtic, or whatever else it was they told themselves in that second.

All they have accomplished it to give Ibrox an opportunity to play the Victim Card, and to deflect from what happened on the pitch. Imagine being so thick that you have done something which lets these shameless charlatans claw themselves towards the moral high-ground, where by the way they do not deserve to be.

Their statement today stinks. It’s a joke considering what they have allowed under their own roof. They can’t help themselves this lot.

Who are these people to make demands of Celtic when the latest in a long line of incidents at their own ground when we visited there last month didn’t even draw a response from them? They have allowed their own supporters to behave like animals for far too long for them to pose like this with their faux outrage. They can spare us their sanctimony.

Their motivations here are clear and obvious. Almost every time we play against them and beat them there is a statement about something; refs, fans, media, whatever target provides them an opening to take a shot at, and I knew yesterday when I saw Tavernier picking stuff up from the pitch and handing it to the ref that we would get one of their rants out of it. Nothing was surer. We call it Statement O’Clock because you can set your watch to it.

I’m not saying that clubs have no right to complain about this stuff, but it’s the high-handed tone and their utter refusal to comment when their own fans have crossed the line of decency many, many, many times which really pisses me off here.

It’s the reek that comes off their statement that such things could never happen under their own roof which makes you want to vomit.

That does not excuse the behaviour of a handful of neanderthals in our own house; the difference is, we acknowledge that our problems exist. Our club has already banned large numbers of fans this season, in a very public way, for disorderly behaviour … their own club pretends it isn’t happening, even when ours is asking them to deal with it.

This whole subject is grim and awful to write about. No football club should have to endure behaviour like this inside its own stands, but you have to want to tackle it, you have to want to weed it out. Posturing for the sake of your own neds isn’t going to get it done, and that’s why I find it really hard on a day like this to simply condemn these people and leave it at that.

Oh, I do condemn them, and I want them gone and if they’d been grabbed out of their seats in the moment it happened and “ejected off the premises off their feet” and their heads used to open the gates this bleeding heart would not have wept for them at all.

But to sit and pretend that Ibrox’s own statement does not stink to high heaven of hypocrisy is something I’m just not prepared to do.

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  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Sorry ALEX not Alan…

    Grrrrrr – Wish there was an edit option to correct ma bloody mistake there !!!

    • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

      Jesus – Meant to be have said post from previous page…

      Arrrggh – Posting with Happy, Happy Hangovers etc –

      Just glad they are Happy Hangovers all the same !

  • James Archibald says:

    whit happened I said it the media will have a field day with it you could see it coming. whilst in tesco turns over the rag and there it was. but for themas you say to make demands is a joke wrong on so many levels along with the green smoke bomb that let them get their composure again not clever it doesn’t matter what they do they get away with it how much coverage of the incidents that’s happened to celtic do you see not a lot it doesn’t matter what they do we’ll always get it from the media in cases like this HH

  • Gerry says:

    Get rid of these morons ! Absolute buffoons!!!

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