
CelticTV Presenter Praises The Ibrox Club For Showing Respect As Celtic Collect The Trophy.

Image for CelticTV Presenter Praises The Ibrox Club For Showing Respect As Celtic Collect The Trophy.

This is an unusual one alright, and I am going to be honest right from the start; I have an ulterior motive in writing about this. On the one hand, I want to join Peter Grant of CelticTV in praising the Ibrox club and its manager for not immediately leaving the field at the weekend after they collected their losers’ medals and instead staying to pay their respects, in applause and handshakes and congratulations, to the match winners.

It’s a fine gesture. By Grant’s own admission, he wouldn’t have hung around to do it. It’s obvious that this is something Clement instructed them to do, especially as the CelticTV cameras captured his own handshake and hug for Brendan Rodgers at the end after he came off the podium … but they all did it, although it’s not clear if Alex Rae or other members of the backroom team joined in.

It’s good. As regular readers will know, anything that leeches the poison out of these fixtures is just fine by me and I can only be happy that Clement, for all his arrogance, has behaved in a professional and upstanding manner, even if it’s a modest gesture which many clubs around the world have taken as a matter of course. In a game like this, it’s still welcome.

Was this part of their famous “on the pitch talk” at the end? Was he telling his players to suck it up, applaud the winners and then go off and stew over not being on the winner’s podium themselves? Who knows? What else was there to say down there? Congratulations on losing? Nothing would surprise me, but the whole nature of that session was bizarre.

So, as I said, part of this is an effort to be as magnanimous as their players and manager were at the end of the game, even if that did not translate into some of the interviews. But, as I confessed at the start, there is an ulterior motive here as well and it should be obvious to anyone who has spent even five minutes on their forums over the last few months.

This is exactly the sort of thing that drives them nuts; the idea that their players and their manager are not as hate-filled and deranged and permanently angry as they are. Applauding the winning team, especially when that’s us? Proof, if they needed any, that these players “just don’t get it” and that they don’t feel the same “pain” as those who pay their wages.

One of the things that amazed me last night looking over their ranting was that the thread on the incident involving the manager and Todd Cantwell, where Clement physically pushed him out of the way when the player was haranguing one of the officials, was split down the middle as to who their fans think is the guiltier party; a lot of them took Cantwell’s side and said that the manager should have been raging right along with him, and that he has needlessly punished a player for doing what everyone in the team should have been queuing up to do.

Van Bronckhorst famously copped a lot of flak for being too chummy with Ange. When the story broke that they had gone for a nice dinner together some of their forums were in meltdown. It drives a lot of these Peepul off their nuts, this idea that their players are just professionals doing a job. It suggests an absence of “staunch”. It suggests a lack of people who “understand” what their “culture” is all about. The lack of the “Real Rangers Men”, in short.

And it’s true; there are few of those nutjobs in the current Ibrox team. They very obviously don’t get it, they are guys there taking a wage and that’s all. This isn’t a shock to anyone. Guys who “got it” would never applaud their rivals getting the trophy. Peter Grant himself is quite open about saying that he would not have done it in their shoes.

I just love that. I love the fact that their players did something good and that because their fan base is so hate-filled and bigoted that we can use that against them … and so I congratulate and thank their footballers for doing that, and I do so because I genuinely mean it, and at the same time I’m well aware that even if I didn’t mean it that I’d probably do it anyway because it will only make their supporters even less tolerant, even less forgiving and even more crazy.

In seeing everything through the prism of their own hate, this is the world they have created … it would just feel plain wrong not to take advantage of that fact.

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  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    I watched that as well on you tube and was surprised that they hung around…

    But as you say their fans are raging about it –

    I can only say – Thank goodness my maker made me a Celtic supporter…

    The thought of being one of them makes me bloody suicidal –

    While we were partying on Glasgow GREEN they were dressed in ski masks attempting to attack men, women and children in Glasgow City Centre…

    That evil caper while a statue unveiling to one of their more successful managers…

    What on earth would The Man With No Surname think of it all – His ‘fans’ behaving like that –

    As I say – Thank goodness that ma maker made me a Hoops supporter !

    • Tony B says:

      Indeed. I often say ” Thank you God for making me a Tim ” (the corollary being not making me a hun).

      With credit to Old Lodge Skins in Little Big Man.

  • Stevie Bhoy says:

    Their fans are absolute fuckin crackpots… lets hope they sign a manager and players who absolutely “get it”. Because they are limiting their network to absolute dross. Let them sign 11 bitter huns on the park and barry ferguson and rae in the dugout.. These peepul cannot see they are a deranged minority and the rest of the world looks to move forward. Sign the plyers who “get it” and watch them toil in the bottom half of the league

  • craig says:

    James. I was in the South stand upper and I’m pretty sure all their players disappeared down the tunnel once they collected their medals. Only a handful of the Sevco coaching staff stayed out. I remember commenting to my son about it at the time. I could be wrong that they were waiting in the tunnel. Who knows?

  • Mark McKenna says:

    I don’t think they hung around at all, well documented elsewhere they went up the tunnel before we got the cup. Butland was the only one to stay and was told to get his arse up the tunnel.

  • Graham Tough says:

    You need to exclude the Rangers Wags from that as they pretend to ignore the trophy award taking place beside us. The fans deserted the place as expected of course. There were many blue tops in their end that were obviously involved in the intimidation of the Gallowgate earlier when they knew we were at Glasgow Green. Failures never let you down they just keep failing ??????

  • Teapot says:

    Also the pic of Butland and Hart sharing a moment was class. Which obviously won’t go down well…..

  • scousebhoy says:

    did he not in his interview accuse the ref of costing them the game will the sfa have him up on a charge ?.

  • Peter Cassidy says:

    The rangers 2012 ltd have only a few stanuch players in there ranks I think most of the playing staff are not stanuch rangers men but decent human beings”not racists or bigots as past true rangers men and quite a few catholics that just kills there bigot fans.

  • Michael Doran says:

    James, the volume and construction of your adverts is sometimes just far too much, especially when I’m trying to follow your text. Often frustrates and I just follow other football stuff….

    • James Forrest says:

      They’re not my adverts mate, I don’t run that part of the site.

      A good adblocker will cure your ills.

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