
This TalkSport Twattery On Celtc’s Ticket Situation Is Impossible To Take Seriously.

Image for This TalkSport Twattery On Celtc’s Ticket Situation Is Impossible To Take Seriously.

It was Abraham Lincoln, cribbing from the Bible, who said, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”

This was the first thing that came to mind today as the first blundering idiots—of what I’m sure will be a long line of ignorant trash—waded in, not for the first time, to our ticket standoff with Ibrox. And, as usual, they talked nothing but uninformed, ill-advised nonsense about a subject they clearly do not understand and a situation they clearly cannot comprehend.

We have Alan Brazil doing his “a plague on both their houses” schtick, and clown house resident Simon Jordan ranting like a lunatic about sanctions because Celtic has decided to withhold tickets for the derby on account of Ibrox’s continued objectionable behaviour.

This is not a complicated situation.

There is an agreement in place, and they have not met the conditions of that agreement. It’s as simple as that. At this point, Celtic has two choices: either continue to indulge Ibrox’s deplorable conduct, or we can impose a sanction until they take their responsibilities seriously.

Right from the start— and I mean the very start—when they cut our allocation to 700, there have been people obsessed with finding a way to blame us for creating a bad situation simply because we responded in kind.

We did nothing more or less than we told Ibrox we would do before they made their decision.

When we made the initial decision to turn down tickets for Ibrox, after they had clearly failed to take our security concerns seriously, we told the Ibrox club that there would have to be appropriate action if they continued to ignore our pleas to get together and, in good faith, sort things out.

No one can ever accuse Celtic of not trying to resolve this.

All the facts here are in the public domain for anyone motivated to find them.

This is not a petty dispute; this is not, as Jordan alleges, small-minded behaviour. This is about safety, the safety of our supporters. And I don’t understand why people have difficulty grasping why we take that seriously. It takes a certain type of stupidity not to see this.

You know, perhaps what angers me most of all about this shameless bandwagon-jumping and blundering into a situation of which these people have no proper knowledge or understanding, is this attempt to dress it up as concern for the reputation of Scottish football—about which neither of these guys cares in the least.

That game is a punchline to these people, arrogantly ensconced as they are in their EPL-centric bubble, and they only focus on controversy up here if it makes the game look even more ridiculous. But the only people who look ridiculous are them, for speaking without the least intelligence about a subject they only understand in the most surface-level way.

I’ve always believed that these people were fools, so I guess I should be grateful, in a sense, that by opening their yaps on this, they prove me essentially correct.

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  • Roonsa says:

    It’s easier for them to keep it simple. That’s the demographic they’re aiming at. Simple chat for simple people. I really could not care two hoots what any of these tragedies say about my club. And I really don’t see how they can affect the perception of anyone that matters.

    You are, of course, correct to highlight it, though. Just as you do with Jackson and Keevins and I would say, with confidence, that neither of those clownshoes are worthy of my time.

  • Valentine's day massacre says:

    Ex daily Record theRangers super scoop – G Ralston – germinated the proposal ‘ of greatly reduced Celtic fans ‘ inside Ibrox on derby days which his bosses at the rag concurred with . The premise being that those pesky Celtic fans were celebrating too much and often when dismantling theRangers inside Ibroxland ! A better chance of a home victory with less away fans celebrating singing and smiling happily in triumph .The Record pumped Mr R afterwards ,but I believe he was subsequently an Ibroxland employee and may well still continue to be ….stranger things have happened .

    • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

      Super Scoop of Shite if he works for that Scummy rag Valentine…

      There again so is anyone that reads it these days with the stuff The Celtic Blog (And other forums) report about them !!!

  • Scud Missile says:

    The ticket allocation is a squirrel story to focus on that rather than the state the klub is in at the moment.

    As posted previously there is supposedly debt of £45 million at ibrox so let’s not focus on that keep the distraction on the tickets situation.

  • Marky says:

    It’s so simple like them. If Glasgow City Council are unable to provide theRangers with a Safety Certificate for Ibrox or Hampden then the 5% away fan’s allocation cannot be utilised. It’s THEIR problem. End of!

  • Jay says:

    Have to say I like Simon but completely agree with you on this one. He is completely missing the point of what Celtic are doing. Why would we allow them back in when they can’t return our fans to their stadium.
    Lets just give them a proper home advantage even if they are still at Hampden.

    He is also putting far too much faith in the SFA to actually take actions as he is stating.

  • goodghuy says:

    I like Simon Jordan, a think he is class, does not take any prisoners, he’s actually very similar to Chris Sutton. I do think they need to get a grip with this ticket thing, it must be the only derby in world football were there is no away fans, come on guys stop with the tit for tat, and start acting like adults, the world is watching. HH

    • Michael McCartney says:

      You’re a complete numpty, what’s this tit for tat nonsense
      your talking about, 7000 Celtic fans were allowed into Ibrox with around the same number of Rangers fans allowed into Celtic Park. Rangers ended this agreement that had been in place for years.That’s the only fact that matters.

      • goodghuy says:

        There is no need to call someone a numpty for having an opinion, the 7000 fans was in the past, this is the present, what other derbies have no away fans at them ?. If it keeps going on like this, there will never be a responsible conclusion, it’s been going on for too long, it’s needing people to come together and find a sensible solution, your solution of there used to be 7000 fans will get us absolutely nowhere.

        • Michael McCartney says:

          I wouldn’t like you to negotiate on my behalf, it looks to me that you would give in to the demands of unreasonable people at all times. you’re more or less accepting that The Rangers negotiate in good faith. People coming together? what planet are you living on.

      • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

        Sevco ended it Micheal – When it ended ‘Rangers’ were well pan breed (deed) !

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Talk Sport – Something that I’ve never set eyes on nor watched…

    Simon Jordan – Never heard of the guy… Joe Jordan Aye Absolutely, but this guy – Never…

    Brazil – Aye Remember him in a provincial and successful Ipswich Town team around 1981 (ish)…

    Thanks for flagging their twisted lies again though James !

  • Scud Missile says:

    It should be remamed TALKSHITE,as that’s all they do on it.
    Any network that has Carlton Cole as a presenter is enough said,that guy is as thick as SHITE.

  • Brattbakk says:

    I like Simon Jordan and Alan Brazil but take zero notice when they start talking about Scottish football, neither really follow it. They dip in, read a headline, talk pish for a bit then get back to other things. They’ve got McCoist and Jim White and occasionally Pat Nevin to give the inside track. Guaranteed pish.

  • Fun time frankie says:


  • Robert Downey says:

    You absolutely nailed it James, I too am sick of these cnuts pretending to know what’s going on in the SPFL and the likes of Cundy & O’Hara can’t hide their disdain when they have to include a Scottish segment on the show.
    As for Alan Brazil, I have no words.
    I don’t know who Simon Jordan thinks he is, he’s just another one who likes to hear himself talking.
    The problem with these people is their audience is South of the border and even if they don’t know what their talking about the Sassenachs all love it anyway, they are always up for a bit of Sweaty Sock bashing.

  • Jamsie J says:

    I dont know if you heard that super scoreboard trash Saturday but if not go back listen to podcast from earlier part we have Mark Wilson the idiot and ex player of ours saying we should be the bigger man in the ticket stand off why dont we act bigger and more grown up if we feel that way couldnt beileve what I was hearing james I dont normally listen to it but wanted to hear what they where saying regards ticket stuff and was usual nonsense, you where right with your article on Friday keevins actually has backed us up on this surprisingly

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