
The Celtic Boss Was On Savage From Today On The Ticket Standoff. That Was A Leader Talking.

Image for The Celtic Boss Was On Savage From Today On The Ticket Standoff. That Was A Leader Talking.

Today, Brendan Rodgers did what all managers at big clubs are expected to do—he became the spokesperson, the figurehead who not only stated club policy but defended it from outsiders who try to misrepresent or harm the club.

Since the beginning of the Ibrox-Celtic ticket standoff, the media has consistently tried to play it off as if both clubs are equally to blame.

We all know that’s not true.

We all know there’s only one club responsible for this, and every blog has said so over and over again. What’s been missing from this debate—aside from any semblance of honesty and integrity from the media or governing bodies—was a clear, definitive statement from someone high-profile at Celtic that left no room for ambiguity or spin.

Today, our club made a statement on this issue.

It was decent, highlighting doubts about where January’s game might be played. But the feedback I got from people after that statement was clear; they wanted Celtic to point the finger directly at Ibrox and say, “This is their fault.”

There are always debates about whether our chief executive should take a more front-facing role, but his tendency to stay in the background has its advantages.

It solidifies the manager’s role as the club’s most important figure and de facto spokesperson. If anyone at Celtic was going to carry that message and point the finger where it belongs, Brendan Rodgers was the perfect person for the job. And today, he did exactly that.

The press conference was outstanding. Rodgers anticipated the question, so his response wasn’t off-the-cuff. He had time to think about what he was going to say, and when the topic came up, he didn’t hold back. He skewered the club across the city with his answer, laying out the facts that many have conveniently ignored or avoided discussing.

Not only did Rodgers back the club’s stance, but he also made it clear that there was an agreement in place, and it was broken. Not by Celtic, but by them. He emphasized that from the very start, people have tried to paint this as an issue caused by two clubs, when in fact, there’s only one culprit.

Rodgers said it plainly: “It’s not complicated. I believe there was an agreement in place to carry out works to ensure it’s in place for both sets of supporters. Celtic have been working on that for months… but you can only do that if the agreement is upheld by both. If we can’t guarantee that, then sadly, we aren’t able to open the gates for the away supporters for this one.”

What came next was a real bombshell: “Celtic have played their part… but none of this was Celtic’s issue, nothing. When this all started, it had nothing to do with Celtic. It’s not a Celtic/Rangers thing, this is a Rangers thing… Celtic ploughed money into the works that started months ago, and it hasn’t been done by both parties.”

Rodgers made it clear: “If we allow (their) supporters in, then get to January and our own supporters can’t get in, that’s not good faith. So, the agreement hasn’t been upheld, and Celtic rightly have to defend their supporters and the club. Sadly, (their) supporters will have to miss out on this game, and Celtic fans will miss out on the return game.”

If Rodgers had used the word “Sevco,” I’d still be applauding. What he said today is what every Celtic fan has wanted to hear since this whole thing began. It was simple, direct, and left no doubt as to where the blame lies. Rodgers has once again proven himself to be the undisputed leader of Celtic because this is how leaders act.

The club’s official statement was good, but Rodgers took it further. He made sure everyone knows this isn’t about Celtic being unreasonable; it’s about defending the club and its supporters. He made sure everyone knows who has really been taking the piss here.

For once, we’ve gotten ahead in the PR battle and absolutely stomped them. Their recent statement was laughable, and after the SPFL’s pathetic response, we came out swinging. This is exactly how we should have handled it from the start, but now that it’s done, the media has no excuse. They have to cover what the boss said today.

The club’s conduct here has been masterful, and that of the boss in particular.

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  • Michael Conway says:

    Absolutely spot on Brendan,since sevco have climbed up to the top league they have been butting heads at every opportunity & no one at the sfa has stood up to them,do you know what it would not surprise me if a large chunk of rangers support are sick to the back teeth with the embarrassment there board keeps on them

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