
Tam McManus sounds like a clown talking about fairness after supporting a Celtic allocation cut.

Image for Tam McManus sounds like a clown talking about fairness after supporting a Celtic allocation cut.

Today, Tam McManus is loudly beating the drum on behalf of Hibs fans, lamenting how disenfranchised they feel, not knowing whether or not they’ll have tickets for the weekend’s SPFL game at Ibrox. Let me say this outright: the behaviour of the Ibrox club here is a disgrace. No two ways about it; that’s a fact.

The upper tier of the Copland Road Stand might still be closed, and a few thousand seats could be unavailable. So what? That’s their self-inflicted wound, and they should still be required to offer at least some seats to visiting Hibs supporters. If, as I suspect, they get away with providing none, then it’s clear we don’t have governing bodies anymore. We have anarchy, where clubs just do as they please. Some will argue, “But Celtic did that to them.” Yet, we all know there’s a lot more nuance to that situation, don’t we?

For a while now, it’s been obvious Scottish football lacks leadership, and this is yet another glaring example of it. If a club can behave as the Ibrox club seems poised to, what’s stopping others from doing the same? Why should any club bother giving away fans an allocation if the so-called governing bodies simply shrug and say, “Sort it out amongst yourselves”?

This creates an immediate and obvious problem.

But there’s another issue to address here: McManus himself. I’m not a fan of Tam McManus. He pops up now and again to give his opinion, and almost always, he’s talking nonsense. I can’t remember the last time I agreed with anything he said. I’ve had a few online spats with his fan club over the years, and this take on away fan allocations is as laughable as it is hypocritical.

Earlier in the season, he publicly supported Hibs cutting Celtic’s allocation at Easter Road. In doing so, he made it abundantly clear that he has no issue with clubs prioritising their own fans over the rights of away supporters. He didn’t care if it was unfair or unreasonable. He didn’t care if there were empty seats while fans willing to pay couldn’t get tickets.

If you take that position, you should stick to it, and it should haunt you every time this issue arises for the rest of your career as a pundit.

Taking such a backward stance on away fans’ rights is appalling. By defending it, McManus now sounds like a hypocrite when he suddenly starts beating the drum for the Hibs fans who want to attend Ibrox. He has already shown contempt for fans and isn’t alone in this. Plenty of media figures and football people have done the same, thinking it won’t affect their clubs. But here we are, and this situation is the direct result of that thinking.

Away allocations in Scottish football used to be in the thousands. Now, for some clubs, they’re in the hundreds. Celtic has already banned another club’s fans from Parkhead. Yes, it’s a complex situation, involving safety concerns and the Ibrox club’s failure to treat those concerns responsibly. Celtic was wholly within its rights to act, given the lack of intervention from the governing body.

Ibrox responded in kind, and as a result, there were no away fans at Celtic Park, nor will there be any when we next visit across the city. I fully supported our decision—it was the right call, and our reasoning was sound. But that doesn’t mean I don’t see the dire position Scottish football is in because of the governing bodies’ failure to step in.

Now, we’re facing another escalation. The possibility that Hibs fans may be told they’re getting no allocation at Ibrox simply because that club has botched its seating arrangements is absurd. If the SPFL allows this to slide, we’re further down the dark path we’ve been on for years. And people like McManus are part of the reason we’re here.

It takes a special kind of stupid to cheerlead Hibs’ decision to cut our allocation in the manner he did. It takes a special kind of stupid not to see how that kind of talk could blow up in your own face at some point. If you protect one set of fans, you protect all fans, and taking a small-minded, parochial view only puts everyone at risk.

For years, the debate raged about whether clubs should limit the number of Celtic and Ibrox fans in their grounds. Some fans from those clubs even clamoured for it, but almost no club took it seriously until the Ibrox club slashed our allocation from 7,000 to 700.

Some of the same voices in the media, who now cry for both clubs to “get around the table,” supported that decision. In fact, some even suggested it.

It set us on a dangerous path, and other clubs quickly followed suit. Now, Celtic’s away allocations are smaller than ever, with the Ibrox club’s fans receiving a similar reduction. And I don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for them, given they started this madness.

I feel for the Hibs fans who don’t know if they’ll get to watch their team this weekend. I really do. And that’s not just lip service. I feel for any fan denied the chance to support their side, with one exception: the Ibrox fans, whose behaviour made it impossible to bring even 700 of our fans to their ground safely. Their conduct, both at their ground and ours, has been appalling.

This isn’t a dig at Hibs fans. Their issue was with the Ibrox support, whose sectarian bile and abuse of stewards made them want to reduce their allocation. It was the Hibs board who twisted their open letter to that effect into an excuse to cut ours as well.

But I feel no sympathy for Hibs as a club in this situation.

They made their bed when they took their fans’ legitimate grievance and used it as a tool to attack us. Now they find themselves on the receiving end of the same treatment, thanks to people like McManus, who, instead of standing up for ordinary supporters, took a chickenshit, parochial stance without thinking through the consequences.

Well, here we are, and those consequences are laid bare. How foolish does McManus sound today, talking about fairness?

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  • Captain Swing says:

    McManus played as a forward but he must been been playing as the centre-half in training every day because he sounds like somebody suffering the after effects of being hit on the head a lot.

    Sevco will just spitefully cut their allocation to zero because they’d cut the number of orcs able to go to Easter Road after their behaviour last season. We’re on the road to hell with this already – it was a pleasant sensation last Sunday to experience a sizeable, noisy away support in the ground, and I don’t remember ever previously having much time for Falkirk fans!

    • Frank says:

      Copied and pasted from Google.

      Thomas Kelly “Tam” McManus is a Scottish former footballer. McManus started his career with Hibernian, making over 100 league appearances for the Edinburgh club. During his time there, McManus represented the Scotland national under-21 football team and the Scotland

  • Gerry Elliott says:

    I believe Hibs made an £800,000 bid for McGowan, they said it was their limit , with an extra few thousand fans twice a year they might have got the player ,fans throwing money at you , NO , complete stupidity, don’t complain about others with more .

  • Robert cairns says:

    Who is tam mcmanus. Is that Michelle’s brother or taggarts grand wean. I’ve never heard of him did he play football
    As we’re bad enough with x celtic player’s criticism of our team and supporters
    Can someone help me with who this person is. Assuming he’s human

  • JimBhoy says:

    It’s and SPFL/SFA issue as you mentioned James, ridiculous that this has not been resolved or discussed as part of the move back plan to Ibrox.

    I suspect though it had been discussed and rangers were asked to resolve it but now the new excuse of resignations, board shuffles and King about to jet in to apply pressure to get his shareholding sold.

    BTW after listening to Gilligan, I’d be fekin embarrassed that he was the head of my club, the spokesperson. Could hardly put a coherent sentence together. Replies made little to no sense. The whole interview was cringeworthy and embarrassing, perfect fit for today’s rangers.

    He should have been asked how folk can invest in rangers. Share buying does not help. New revenue streams are needed to bring in club funds. I am sure dodgy Dave has a few schemes to hatch where he plays the main character bringing in jillions whilst having his snout in the trough and sticking around just enough to encourage a sale of this shares before they go down the tubes.

    Bennet and Gilligan both endorsing the manager. Clement will be very lucky to be around til November. The Klanbase do not want him.

    • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

      He shouldn’t have been asked how folk can ‘invest’ ??? in ‘Rangers’ as ‘Rangers’ are long gone to the next world and not the good one either given their conduct in their previous life…

      He is a perfect fit for today’s SEVCO though – That’s for certain !

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Not really heard of this guy McManus to be honest…

    Not sure where he spouts from in The Scummy Scottish Football Media –

    I don’t think it’s Clyde Superscoreboard anyway when I’m listening in when Sevco lose or drop points…

    Which will probably be on Friday once again !

    • Crabbit auld man says:

      His “column” is published in the daily ranger

      • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

        Cheers Crabbit auld man…

        The Daily Ranger – nuff’ said buddy –

        It certainly won’t be a ‘flying column’ in that rag – Hibernian connection or not (I think Frank found out his life on google)…

        Strange he got taken on by them if he has a green and white connection (Hi-Bees) !

  • GilhooleyJ says:

    As a Hibs fan myself, I can say like most, there was a surprise to learn Celtic’s allocation was being cut. This has been a topic of discussion in the Hibernian community. Hibs themselves made it very clear they’d had enough of the usual bile coming from the Rangerz fans on their last visit to Easter Road and decided to act after releasing a statement. At no time were Celtic fans behaviour mentioned so to cut Celtic’s allocation seems harsh. Looks like Hibs board shied away from singling out the real problem.

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