
The media still fails to recognise Celtic’s power. What Ibrox does doesn’t matter a damn.

Image for The media still fails to recognise Celtic’s power. What Ibrox does doesn’t matter a damn.

One of the most chilling lines ever spoken on TV comes in Season 5 of the quite magnificent show The Shield, about a group of LA cops who are, more or less, criminals with badges.

There’s a scene where a senior officer sits down in a jail visiting room with a major gangster to cut a deal for a man heading to prison. The gangster makes it clear from the start that he is the real power behind bars. As he assures the cop, “Wherever (he) lands, he will land in my backyard,” unless the cop does him a big favour, the prisoner will face very unpleasant consequences. The most chilling line comes when the gangster states, “I will decide his quality of life.”

That phrase came to mind when I read that Hugh Keevins and others are already backtracking on their predictions for how this title race will go.

And I wonder what part of this they’ve missed. Because while they seem focused on Ibrox, this race was never about what happens there—it’s about what happens at Celtic Park. They’re five points behind because we’ve beaten them and we’ve maintained a perfect record in the league. The fact is, we’ve won every game so far this season.

This title race is not in their hands. It never has been. It doesn’t matter if they improve or not. For the race to even become close again, we’d have to stumble. We’d have to sleep at the wheel. We’d have to fall apart.

I was going to talk about this yesterday, but today seems like a better day—now that we’ve already banked three points and they’ve got a tough game against Hibs. Don’t get me wrong, I expect them to win. Though if they don’t, I’ll enjoy watching the fallout and you can bet that a Fear & Loathing piece will up shortly thereafter.

The fact I don’t really care much either way should tell its own story.

We’re setting the pace. We’re the team to beat.

We have the better players, the better manager, more money in the bank, and all the advantages that come with that. Is this title race suddenly alive again because a hapless side from Ibrox beat an equally hapless one in Sweden? Correct me if I’m wrong, but how does that change any of the objective facts? Does it make us weaker? Does it diminish our talent or pace? Does it close the gap in any meaningful way?

These people never quite grasp it. That club and its usual media apologists have been deluding themselves all summer long that they threw away last year’s league title and a “potential treble.” What nonsense. Anyone who watched how Celtic finished the season knows it wasn’t a case of Ibrox handing the title over. We reached out and took it.

We had to be better than every other side in the country, and we were. Once we hit our stride, we simply pulled away from them. We won the league by 8 points and had a superior goal difference of plus ten. The table reflected our dominance. If not for the mid-season slump and the loss of two games in one week, the gap would have been even bigger.

Yet we still hear the same drivel in the press—how Ibrox squandered some big opportunity. They won’t acknowledge that we were just better and the opportunity only existed on paper, but never in the real world where they still had to come to Celtic Park and win.

Our team was better, our manager was better, and our form was better. We’re simply superior to them as a club. So, when they talk about the Ibrox club being back in the race or looking like they can compete, it’s nonsense. Sure, they’ve shown they can beat teams around them and even win an away match in Europe, but a title race isn’t determined by a couple of matches.

Sooner or later, they’ll have to face us. That’s when their coach-and-four turns into a pumpkin and handful of scurrying mice again.

The same people drooling over Ibrox’s so-called improvement are the ones who admit they’re lucky not to have drawn Celtic in the League Cup semi-final, knowing that would have killed any dreams they have. They can fantasise all they like that a couple of wins makes them contenders, but contenders in every sport eventually get a look at the real competition.

And right now, Celtic is that competition.

For them to catch us, it’s not enough that they improve slightly. Even if they have—and I’m not convinced they have or will—Ibrox does this periodically. They win a few games, the media goes nuts, and they all pat themselves on the back.

Then the next crisis inevitably arrives.

The reality is, for them to catch us, we’d have to make massive errors within our own walls. Until that happens, Celtic controls the fate of the Ibrox club. Unless we fall apart in a significant way, we will decide their quality of life.

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  • Jim says:

    The media can ‘drool’ about the game on Thursday all they want. I only watched 25 minutes of the second half and in that short time realised that Malmo could have played all night and wouldn’t have laid a finger on that joke of a defence. It never ceases to amaze me how deluded the Rangers supporters are. It’s about time the other teams in the premier league realised that if they play to win against that lot they will fold. They’re dire.

  • Pan says:

    An excellent summary of their position James.

  • SSMPM says:

    Nothing truer said. Right now we’re pretty damn good yet could be even more awesome still. CL is our playing field and it’s there that we’ll meet the relevant standard and where we need to play our cards well. Dortmund will provide the evidence of whether we’re a CL or domestic team.
    R2ngers newco actually done pretty well against a paralysed Malmo outfit. So maybe they r getting a bit better, but for us, our standards, they’d maybe be judged as a good team. That’s all the press and media have to hold onto for their hun readership. Shame on Celts that still buy those rags, keeping them alive.
    But then they play us and we remind them, their fans, their fan media and their fan press, and put them back in the midden hole.
    We’re simply smiles better, let’s show that on Tuesday and make our own headlines. HH

  • Drew says:

    What a pointless article. Yes Celtic are the team to beat and Rangers are a distant second best. The media have been praising Celtic all season frequently using the phrase “miles ahead”. Obviously they have to praise Rangers when they improve but I don’t think any serious pundit thinks they can catch Celtic. Get the chip off your shoulder and stop moaning even when you’re winning.

  • harold shand says:

    Daily Record Headline this morning ..


    F*cking hell ha ha

  • Johnny Green says:

    The Espanyolification process was completed in the last derby game, that cannot be undone, they are irrelevant and we shall not be moved…….ever!

  • Jim Duffy says:

    Spot on James,we the Celtic Tims will decide the fate of sevco and their stupid bigoted peepul.

  • Seán says:

    I’d put Aberdeen as pace setters as well, simply as they’re along side us, but add that they’re likely to fall away. Their game against the financially striken club should show us a few things on top of possible honest mistakes.

  • Michael McCartney says:

    I’m amazed that people even talk of them competing, I’m usually very careful about forecasting anything so early in the season but quite honestly I’ve seen enough of the Ibrox mob this season to forecast that the only race they’re in is with Aberdeen for 2nd place. The SMSM are only interested in saving themselves from going under, they have to keep the illusion of a competition for the title alive for as long as possible to sell newspapers.
    Quite honestly this mob at Ibrox will be lucky to be able to put a team on the park midway through this season. They’ve got one half decent striker in Dessers, a couple of half decent midfielders and one of them, Lawrence, has been injury prone for the past 3 seasons, two at The Rangers and one at Derby County, they’ve got one decent central defender in Soutar who we all know is very fragile.
    Celtic have a very good group of players and are especially strong in M/F.
    The Rangers have only played one half decent team this season and that was us, they were sent packing with their tails between their legs.
    They play Lyon on Thursday at Ibrox, a team who are 4th bottom of League1 in France,. If they win that one the Scottish Sports sections and BBC Sport will go into to overdrive in ecstasy. I won’t be kidded. The Rangers are a very ordinary team and their days of reckoning are coming just a wee bit down the line this season.

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