
Ibrox fans are so used to crisis they no longer recognise it.

Image for Ibrox fans are so used to crisis they no longer recognise it.

There is some anger on the Ibrox fan forum today over a claim from Michael Stewart and a number of other pundits who claim that their club is on the brink of crisis. I disagree with those commentators only in that the crisis is already here and they are already deep in it. They crossed the threshold some time ago.

I can understand the Ibrox fan’s anger to being confronted with that word and all the horror that goes with it, but in some ways I find it incredible that they would dare claim otherwise because the totality of the mess they are in should be obvious and in seeking to deny it all they are doing is kidding themselves on.

They sure aren’t kidding the rest of us; we can see what they are.

Celtic fans have never laughed so much at an Ibrox club as we have at this one. We have never laughed at an Ibrox boss as much as we laugh at this one. He is a clown and their club more and more resembles a circus. It is ludicrous for them to deny that their situation is critical based on a handful of unimpressive wins.

They are riding on the crest of a wave because they beat Malmo; I have to admit I thought that would have been a tougher game for them than it was, but you only have to look at the reaction of their manager to see how pissed off he was for his side essentially failing to show up for the game, a home match in the second competition of European football. He was raging and rightly so.

But it was not the spectacular Ibrox victory the media would have you believe. It was the kind of match that would get football stopped, the sort that if you showed it to a US sports fan in an attempt to interest him in the game that it would put him off for life and he would never entertain the idea of watching it again.

Their accounts will be out soon and we will get the usual nonsense from over there about how they are “moving in the right direction”; they will be last year’s figures, of course, and so the size of the present hole won’t be known for a while but it will almost certainly be even greater than those accounts will say … so what direction was that moving in again? They pull this same trick every single year, and the media swallows it over and over, even going as far as to report their spun version of the numbers.

For the last two years they’ve even reported that the club was in profit; a barefaced lie which the club told and they repeated entirely without shame.

But I suspect that the next set of numbers won’t be able to lie no matter how much they might want them to. I think they will be horrendous, and they paved the way for the summer in which they had hoped to sell half a couple of key assets and failed to. Their rebuild has been done on the cheap no matter how they might want to dress it up – but only comparatively speaking because they still comfortably outspent every other team in the league but one, and that one was us.

They are the only club in the league, furthermore, who can even claim a net spend. I am tired hearing their manager plead poverty because he can’t spend millions more they don’t have, and have some director write the cheques.

They are back at their own stadium. They’ve told themselves that they are a young side developing into a good one, but the booing at the weekend told its own story, and then Clement had his freak out in front of the hacks which has only served to terrify those fans who were actually still in denial about him.

They are five points behind both Celtic and Aberdeen, and their players are openly at war with the supporters and even each other. Which is to say nothing for what they must think of the manager himself, a man who does not exactly exude warmth or calm. In fact, I’d say he does the opposite. If he was Celtic boss I’d be tremendously concerned.

I understand why they don’t want to face it. But I understand something else too; they have spent so long in crisis that it’s normalized. They’ve spent so long at the centre of one disaster or another that disaster itself is just the way things are over there. They can no longer differentiate between the bad times and the really bad ones.

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  • Jay says:

    After your article yesterday I went on youtube to watch the subject of that post.
    I have to say I found it more interesting to read the comments than listen to him waffle on so skipped through to find the madness & then paused to read.
    I’d say on the youtube video I watched it was probably around 60/40 split on posters saying they couldn’t stand listening to this guy, he sounds like an idiot, since he’s come in the club has no identity or style of play etc etc & the remainder were about how the club was back on track & they have their heads down for the rest of the season.
    I think I only seen maybe 1 or 2 posts where they spoke in defence of the manager. I think the penny is dropping for more over there as the days pass by but These narrow wins over poor opposition will keep them dreaming it’s not as bad as they think.


    Aye, bit,bit,bit noo thev goat the biggest, humunguous shurt
    sponsorship deal inra wurld.

    So the Scaddish Papurz say.

    So it must be real.

    Selic be worried. Thur cummin again

  • Jim M says:

    Sounds good to me , long may the mayhem continue at ibrokes as their just at the top of the cesspit, it’s going to get better seeing what’s lurking the deeper they delve into the midden.

  • Michael McCartney says:

    Hagi back in the fold at Ibrox, what a mess that club is in, this is a player who was being unceremoniously pushed out the door.Aug 30th came and went with absolutely no offer for Hagi on the table, now in their desperation he’s back in the fold. I’ve said it before this a team with the day of reckoning coming before Christmas. Up until now the fixture list has been good to this club, from the middle of October the fixtures get a bit harder for them.
    Hope all the Celtic fans in Dortmund have a great night, CCV will be a big miss, if Trusty steps up to the plate then I think we can at least get a score draw or maybe even shade it.

  • Mark B says:

    Frankly sitting here at 5-1 down at half time. Malmo looks a very decent result compared to our shocking European record in Europa League as well as CL. We have 100m in bank and don’t have a decent DM at the club. We need such a player for these games. McGregor is a legend going forward. He simply cannot play as anchor midfield at this level. It’s not his game. We need a strong DM if we are to compete at this level and we cannot go head to head attacking these teams. Ange and Brendan both approach this way. It’s not going to work against the top teams in CL.

  • Davie says:

    Rangers do better in Europe than we do, regardless of how their club is run, our European results are embarrassing in comparison to Rangers.
    Waking up today I don’t care about Rangers financial issues, they are surviving.
    I do care about how we are so rotten in Europe, a team that has no case for defence as we have no defence.
    Celtic were like a war zone, where bombs kept falling and we couldn’t get out the bunkers to fight back, shell shocked, demoralised and embarrassed by a good team but not a brilliant team.
    Celtic were not prepared to play against Dortmund, that is down to the mgr and coaches.
    Several players also need an attitude check after the result, they play for Celtic, not some infant school team.

    • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

      A good point Davie – Well apart of course the fact that ‘Rangers’ are as dead as the good folks at rest in the cemetery a mile up the road !

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