No matter how today’s game between the Ibrox club and Kilmarnock unfolds, they’ll still be behind us in the league.
Regardless of the result, they’ll also remain behind Aberdeen. Everyone in the mainstream media who has even a basic understanding of football knows that Celtic is the dominant club in this country, and that’s how it’s likely to stay for the foreseeable future.
Around a month ago, I posted a piece on this site about how we are the club setting the pace in Scottish football. We are the dominant force; the last remaining superpower.
The previous Ibrox club, much like the Soviet Union, was always on the brink, just one push away from collapse. When they eventually fell into the abyss, we were the last team left standing. The club that crawled from their grave is barely a shadow of what Rangers used to be. In fact, Rangers itself was always part illusion, never as strong as it appeared.
In that earlier piece, I argued that their future is now in our hands. They no longer control their own destiny—we do. We dictate their quality of life, and I stand by every word of that.
Nothing that happens today will alter this reality. Even if they make up some league points, it won’t change the overall equation. We are still Celtic, and they remain the shambling ruin of their predecessor, one hard push from the abyss.
Leadership plays a big part in this, and the guy they’ve chosen, Philippe Clement, is as chaotic a figure as any we’ve seen across there.
We’ve witnessed some real characters in our time—let’s not forget Crazy Pedro or The Mooch—but Clement seems like a whole new level of erratic.
When he speaks, he reminds me of a certain ex-US president, with soundbites that are ripe for ridicule. Friday’s press conference was another classic example.
What was his central message? “I don’t want to talk about the past; I want to focus on the future.” That’s essentially what he said.
The past doesn’t concern him, and he doesn’t want to be judged on it—only on what he does moving forward. We’ve all heard this line before, particularly in politics or after a major scandal, where someone is pleading for public forgiveness.
They all want to talk about the future because the past doesn’t reflect well on them.
I’ve said before that this guy is an egotist, but it goes beyond that. In a win-or-die environment like our little corner of football, where second place means nothing, it takes staggering brazenness to sit in front of the media and tell them not to judge you on your record so far but only on some vague, hopeful future that hasn’t even begun to take shape.
So, last season doesn’t count. Their poor start this season doesn’t matter. The fact that they blew a possible title tilt and finished 8 points behind us last year is to be ignored, and the current gap in the table is supposedly irrelevant.
Don’t judge him on what he’s done already, he says.
Can you even imagine a Celtic manager getting away with that?
Any manager? It’s an insult to the intelligence of everyone in that press room, yet they swallowed it whole.
There’s no defending his past record, and when he speaks like this, he’s trolling his own supporters as much as anyone else. The troubling thing is, he clearly doesn’t care—and worse, they don’t seem to care either. But they should.
It’s insanity to accept this nonsense without protest.
And the media?
Their job is to hold him accountable for these outrageous statements, yet once again, they’ve utterly failed to do so.
They are a joke.
The so called media journalists / radio pundits chose a long time ago what side to take purely on a self serving approach to hail all things sevco , knowing full well that decision will alienate one set of supporters , that’s why they constantly feed into the utter lies of their liquidation to simply peddle papers.
Constantly changing the narrative and spinning feel good stories about sevco and attempting to belittle celtic is the norm now .
Any change in direction by these charlatan lying scum , stealing a wage shameful hypocrits would certainly end their publications or circulation and radio station shows almost overnight.
Oooooft ! KILMARNOCK 1 v Sevco 0…
And that’s after the cheats with whistles, flags and monitors denied Kilmarnock a goal that could have actually been onside…
Canny see Fillipe Fillop surviving much longer !