So today we got the news we were expecting on the cup final referee; it’s going to be Beaton. Well of course it was. Was there the slightest doubt in the minds of even one person that we’d be getting our old pal Honest John?
He represents everything that stinks in the way our game operates. A know Ibrox fan in charge of one of the most important games in their recent history? It’s the one, after all, which will knock The Survival Lie out and thereby render this whole continuation business redundant. They needed the right guy in charge as they go all-in to prevent that and today they got their man into the right place at the right time.
The decision to appoint him is as outrageous as it was predictable. This is the best we’ve got in Scotland? No wonder we’re in bother if he is. This man is, to use a familiar phrase from other there, “conflicted” which is the nice way to put it. Everyone knows what he is. Everyone knows this is a joke.
The real joke is on us. We take enormous risks in not reforming this stuff, and this site and others have been saying it over and over until we’re red in the face. People inside the club rll their eyes at appointments like this, but what do we actually do about it? We work behind the scenes? Maybe we do, but is it working?
Let’s be clear; it doesn’t matter if Beaton runs the game fair and square. It does not mater if he has a perfect game – and I know that notion is making people laugh. The point is that he shouldn’t be in charge of it anyway.
Nobody can answer the core question as to why this should be one of the only leagues which does not require officials to declare their allegiances and be isolated from games which involve their favourite clubs. Notice that nobody in the media ever denies the central charge here. Beaton himself does not deny it. The SFA has never uttered a word to defend him from the accusation. It maintains its stony silence.
It’s not even an open secret what Beaton is. It’s just open and that’s what makes this all the worse. The game should not permit this and it is shameful that it does. We have some game here where this is so normalised that no-one even makes a fuss about it anymore, and it would not surprise me if it costs us big time at some point. It would not surprise me if this game was at the centre of a major corruption case either.
It’s really The Gruesome Twosome for sure and That Muir one will be very dangerous on VAR as well…
They won’t want us ahead (in their eyes) in The Survival Trophies Pathological Lies –
Even though everyone else knows that it’s 118 v 3 to Celtic v Sevco…
It wouldn’t surprise me either if the game was at the centre of corruption…
But there certainly WILL NEVER be a case of any case if Celtic are inevitably cheated as they will be…
We will need to be really strong on what will of course be a day of dark arts, skullduggery, corruption and cheating Beaton !
@ CATH. Agree. We can expect some form of controversy and not in our favor. Even more so now, we’ll need tae dae it ourselves. Was always gonnae be the case anyway.
They gotta know James that we and others will expecting cheating by all associated with the huns and that we will be watching. .. if anything untoward happens , a member of the public should raise a complaint through the courts and MSP’s.
Bring the evil into the light
A game where the ibrox club have so much more tae lose than us. This is potentially their WMSC myth comin tae an end, at the hands of their biggest rivals. So they put an ibrox minded person in charge, who has an absolute, total understandin of what’s at stake here. Hard tae believe the governin bodies get away with this. And where are our own clubs voice on this ? Surely they have tae speak out at some point. Preferably before its decided tae prevent it. This just wouldnae happen in the likes of England.
I was down in England midweek Kevcelt59 to watch my favourite unfashionable English club in The Lower Leagues…
The officials were perfectly fine indeed…
Players were deservedly booked for fouls that merited it –
Told the folks around me that wouldn’t ever happen in Scotland where thuggery is seen as the best thing since sliced bread…
A different honest world down there – Even in The Lower League –
A very refreshing change from all the corruption up here for sure !
Brendan called him out after the Hearts game so he knows he’s being watched.
Who appoints the referees,is it Willie Column?
Still think we will win by a couple of goals at least.
As has been said, ad nauseum, why does this guy still get the biggest games?
We all know why, but as you have articulated, what have our club done in the background, to change the status quo?
I always go back to the game at Tynecastle and the two hugely questionable decisions that cost us that game, with Bro Beaton on VAR.
Our manager questioned those decisions, was brought before the disciplinary committee and although he was punished, you wondered if he escaped full castigation, due to the legal representation brought by our club!
We all thought that might be a watershed moment for the state of officialdom in this country!
However, has anything really changed in the “honest” world of Scottish refereeing?
It has to be hoped that our team will be exceptional on the day and Jock Stein’s quote, “If you’re good enough, the referee doesn’t matter!” will be realised.
The governance, or lack of, in our game, continues to be a disgrace and this cabal of Sevco loving officials, need to be replaced, before our game can be taken seriously !