This afternoon, a piece of news broke that had the Ibrox fans lathered up in excitement. Almost as soon as it did, they were all over it. The news itself didn’t have anything to do with them—not on the surface of it anyway—but it contained a sliver of hope. And we all know how they feel about hope. They love it more than anything. Unfortunately for them, it’s the hope that kills.
This latest hope is focused on their manager, and it’s an unusual sort of story because the hope is built around the idea that he might get a job offer from somewhere else. In short, this is about the Belgium manager, Domenico Tedesco, being sacked and the Ibrox fans hoping—praying, even—that his dismissal might lead to the national team plucking their own boss out of the club, solving all their problems at a stroke.
You can see how this mad idea might have some appeal. If the Belgian national team were to come along and snap up their manager, not only would they avoid having to pay compensation for sacking him, but they might even make a few quid because someone had come along and poached him. It wouldn’t matter at all to them that for months now, the headlines have been dominated by talk of his inevitable sacking and who might replace him.
That this is all the most fanciful rubbish barely needs pointing out. A failed Ibrox manager is just what the doctor ordered for the Belgian national side, isn’t it? Because, of course, if they’re going to look for a top-tier candidate, they’re bound to look in the SPFL. And this is the guy they’re going to pick—the one who has been humiliated at every turn and has become a laughingstock.
First, try to imagine a world where this scenario makes any sense. If that doesn’t warp your brain, try this: imagine the kind of person who genuinely thinks we’re living in that world. And yet, thousands of their fans clearly do, because this has been the talk of their forums and websites today.
It doesn’t seem to matter to them that, almost as soon as the news broke, the media in England were linking Thierry Henry with the job, some even calling him a virtual certainty. But no, these people had their mad fantasy, and they were going to indulge it. Common sense, logic, and facts weren’t going to dissuade them.
It must be nice, living in a fairy-tale existence where every problem your club has can be solved this easily. The fact that none of these fantasies ever come true doesn’t seem to bother them. It doesn’t stop them from leaping from one absurdity to the next. It’s remarkable when you think about it.
And what do you know?
Tonight, it’s emerged that the Belgian FA doesn’t want to hire someone currently in a job because that would involve a payoff. They’re far more likely to appoint someone out of work. Of course, I suppose the Ibrox club could offer their manager to Belgium for free. Don’t be surprised if you see headlines in the next few days saying they wouldn’t stand in his way if he wanted to pursue his ambition of coaching the national team.
But just imagine you’re one of the people the Belgian FA has hired to conduct this search. Imagine this club knocks on your door and says, “Don’t worry about compensation. You can have our manager for free.”
How do you think any sensible professional would respond to that? It’s a hard sell.
Because no matter how you dress it up, here’s the truth: this is a guy who hasn’t just failed; he’s failed utterly. This is someone mocked openly by his own supporters and increasingly by the media.
His club is under siege for not having sacked him yet. Yes, he’s had some success back home, but football is all about “what have you done for me lately?” And lately, his record has been woeful.
The Ibrox fans are desperate for someone to come and rescue them from their self-inflicted crisis. And yes, this would be a convenient way to solve what many see as their biggest problem. But it’s just a little too neat, a little too far-fetched, and a little too ridiculous to take seriously. Except, of course, for their fans, who briefly did.
P.T. Barnum didn’t actually say, “There’s a sucker born every minute” but he lived by the idiom just the same. It was Peepul like these he had in mind.
Photo by Ross Parker/SNS Group via Getty Images
You do know James that it’s a Sin to mock the afflicted.
Go on, pile it on they deserve it.
Ignorance is curable, however the patient must welcome the cure and they’ve proved time and time again that they’d rather wallow, wallow in their ignorance supping hopeium than undergo the treatment.
Hell mend Thum.
If they’re coming to The SPFL it’s Brendan Fuckin Rodgers they’re coming for…
Funny The Scummy’s haven’t tried that to unsettle the idiotically inclined Celtic supporters that still buy them…
That said it’d be a better bonus for them if Fillipe Fillop did go to Belgium….
Ain’t happening – Maybe a club in their basement division…
But certainly not they’re international team for sure !!!
Hahahahaha, I think this is my favourite of their delusions, when this story broke first time around I got a stitch from laughing, it’s just as ridiculous now. That and the Morgan Whitaker one
Let’s face it guys, they’ve been living in cloud cuckoo land since their team was created 12 years ago .
Still living in the land of the faeries and will be living there for the foreseeable future .
No money, no respect and no self respect and there will be no academy soon . Sold to keep the lights on
Let’s face it guys, they’ve been living in cloud cuckoo land since their team was created 12 years ago .
Still living in the land of the faeries and will be living there for the foreseeable future .
No money, no respect and no self respect and there will be no academy soon .
Sold to keep the lights on in the very near future i think
Long may their shit show continue .
Mon the hoops. HH