
The war on Idah continues, and Celtic’s enemies will not stop pursuing it.

Image for The war on Idah continues, and Celtic’s enemies will not stop pursuing it.

I read an article last night where Gordon Dalziel from Radio Clyde suggested that people are saying Johnny Kenny might move ahead of Adam Idah in the Celtic pecking order. I want to know exactly who is saying that because I’ll tell you who isn’t: nobody credible. Nobody who knows what they’re talking about is saying that for one second. It’s absolute rubbish.

It’s open season on Big Adam, and everyone knows it. Everyone is having their little kick. The big guy is under the spotlight, and there are people rubbing their hands with glee at the situation he finds himself in. It’s dire. The pleasure and satisfaction some of them are taking in this is absolutely appalling.

This story and the claim it’s based on are just the latest attempt to undermine the guy’s confidence. But who exactly is this meant to influence?

Because I’ll tell you who it’s not: Adam Idah. He’s not listening to Gordon Dalziel, and I’m fairly certain of that. I wouldn’t listen to Gordon Dalziel either. Part of this job involves scrutinising the media, but I refuse point blank to listen to that show and so I have to rely on others to tell me what’s being said because I’d rather not waste my own time on it.

The people Idah is listening to are inside the club: the manager, the coaches, the staff. None of them are telling him he’s being dropped to third-choice striker so some kid can leapfrog him. That’s simply not happening. It won’t happen. No chance. Idah knows that.

I’ve said before that what this guy needs is a bit of time, support from the fans, and patience from the coaching staff. He’s getting all of that from the people who matter. But it’s obvious there are some in the media who aren’t prepared to give him a second’s peace. They’re determined to keep the pressure on, day after day, until he scores.

The manager has already done his best to take some of the weight off Iddah’s shoulders, pointing out, as I’ve mentioned before, that our system doesn’t depend on strikers scoring all the time. That’s why Kyogo, with just 10 league goals so far, isn’t being heavily criticised for what hasn’t been his most prolific season in front of goal.

But the stat the media loves to trot out—the number of games since Idah last scored—is a complete distortion of reality. Why? Because he hasn’t played much in most of those games. A few minutes here, 20 minutes there. Yes, he’s started a handful of matches recently, but let’s not pretend he’s been a consistent starter week in, week out. He hasn’t. This is a witch hunt, pure and simple, and they’re not even trying to hide it.

The big man needs a goal, and he needs one soon. But don’t think for a second this pressure campaign will end when he does score, because it won’t. There are people determined to brand him a £9 million flop, and they won’t stop until they’ve convinced as many as possible. What’s worse is that plenty of our own fans are buying into it, judging him purely on that price tag.

This is the modern game. Unless a player is scoring hat-tricks every week, some people will never be satisfied. And even if he was scoring hat-tricks, these same people would just point to the league and say, “Well, it’s only the SPFL. That’s what you expect from a £9 million striker.” He can forget about getting any credit because they’ll never give it to him, no matter what he does.

Even as someone who’s used to this nonsense, I’m shocked and disgusted by how many people are out to crush this guy’s confidence. Some are actively hoping he never recovers, that we write off the fee, and that we get branded as mugs for signing him. And they’ll conveniently forget that we didn’t just pick him off the street. He was here last season and proved himself a worthwhile footballer.

Idah needs to remember this: a lot of this criticism isn’t about him as a player. It’s about the jersey he wears and the badge on the front, not the name on the back.

Of course, that won’t make it any easier for him. The only thing that will help is putting the ball in the net, which, at the very least, might give some of them pause—though it won’t silence the rest.

Photo by Image Photo Agency/Getty Images

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  • danbo67 says:

    Big Adam’s shot conversion rate(16.67) is almost identical to Igamane(16.7),yet the the difference in media coverage of both players is astounding,especially as Igamane now starts almost every game !! Disgusting behaviour !

  • DannyGal says:

    If Adam can come on tomorrow night and score the winner or clinching goal, that would do wonders for him and everyone at Celtic. It could propel him back to goal scoring form and shut the doubters up!

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Your second last paragraph is not the truest words I’ve ever read James…

    I sincerely hope that Brendan uses these words to educate Adam Idah just exactly how it is in this fuckin rancid football country !

  • Jay says:

    I’ve been critical of Idah, I think his all round play in recent games had been poor, but he looked much better at the weekend where only a goal was really missing from his performance. He wasn’t spectacular but was solid.
    I think tomorrow will be a good opportunity for him to get a goal or dare I say goals. I don’t think he’ll start but if Brendan takes him on with some decent time on the clock he will get his chances.
    I don’t expect Young Boys to sit as deep as some SPFL teams do to us so he will have space to work with.
    They have nothing to lose going into the game so I’d hope to see them playing a more open style that will give our attacking players chances.
    I just hope Idah has the confidence in himself to take the shot & not play the pass as he done at the weekend.


    It’s all about the jersey & badge as far as the SMSM Churnalists are concerned.
    The price tag is the result of our CEO being operated by the Chairman’s haun up his jacksey during negotiations.
    We strung Norwich along, trying to lowball them. Then with the end of the transfer window nearing fast and no time left to find an alternative striker Norwich got their own back when we came crawling. Adam is a £4.5/5 million striker at best.
    Even our own fans are judging him on the price tag and not what de delivered last season and has delivered so far in Brendan’s setup. He will come good.

  • TonyB says:

    I can’t help but feel that there’s a touch of racism involved in these media jibes: the fact that Idah’s Irish rather than the fact he’s black.

    Flinging bananas at him is wrong but it’s OK to throw potatoes, well in dear old Caledonia anyway.

  • EBhoys88 says:

    I think your right Tonyb .Idah has a massive target on his back for the anti Irish cunts over there . Celtic player with a big price tag and an Irishman to boot.

    Well Adam you got the support of everyone in Ireland brother. We look after our own to the death. HH. Erin go Bragh.

  • PatC says:

    Idah def merits some criticism James. Yes he has come with a big price tag, but he is not a young green player. He is a couple of weeks off 24 and has played over a 100 senior games, along with being an international. The evidence before everyones eyes is that he doesn’t lo to have progressed. 4 games on the run and a chance to stake a claim yielded little. For the record Kyogo has had a slight return also. I don’t care what the SMSM say about him, but fans can see what is happening on the pitch. Rodgers fancies him so we will see what happens, but at a crucial time of the season now would be a good time for Idah to start contributing.

  • Brattbakk says:

    I agree PatC, the media might try to tear him down but they’re just dicks. We can see for ourselves what Idah is doing or not doing and he’s not above criticism. He has all the attributes and we’re just waiting for him to find his stride but the sooner the better. There’s no panic, he’s not playing badly just not as influential as I think he can be, Kenny just needs to take his chance whenever it comes along, he might have to wait for an injury but that’s the nature of 3rd choice.

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