
Trinity Tims: The board failed the manager.

Image for Trinity Tims: The board failed the manager.

“There’s only one story worth discussing tonight and that’s the transfer window, where the manager was failed because the people running our club have one set of priorities and he has another. How long can this continue? And will he stick around for it?”

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  • Dan says:

    Well done lads that was a great watch and what you covered was spot on. We won’t convince a lot of fans but that does not change the truth

  • wotakuhn says:

    Reminiscent of other irrational angry sites from other irrational angry fans in this city wanting to waste all of their club and other people’s money that’s they can. I’d rather see that money spent on finishing Paradise than an overinflated unknown Scandinavian

  • Jay says:

    Enjoyed the pod, I feel like we can expect more JF rants come summer time. Hopefully with the window behind us & only football to focus on your blood pressure can come back down for a few months haha

    Could maybe look at refining the audio. GOt quite difficult to hear at times because of the echo

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