
A Munich Diary Part 2: A Day In The Square With The Best Fans In The World

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10:25 am. Just Outside Munich.

Morning after an exhausting day and night. Arrived in Munich at around half six after delays in Paris. There’s something to be said for German ingenuity though as once here it was plain sailing to the hotel although we were a ways from the airport.

From there our gallant band got a change of clothes and headed off to look for somewhere to pass the night. We made the obligatory trip into town to see what was what; not much is the answer. There were a lot of fans around but not much of anything happening.

Like the uncultured barbarians we were we were defeated in the first restaurant we visited by a menu all in German which took us more by surprise than it should have. Google translate was suggested: after three minutes of typing I found that the first dish was breadsticks and soup.

The idea of doing the menu line by line held no appeal.

Everywhere we went we chatted to fans about their experiences in getting to the game. We spoke to some lads from Milton who came via Copenhagen after a taxi ride from Glasgow Central to Manchester: this place is full of stories just like it.

I’ll tell you all some of them in another blog.

It’s early but we’re off into town for some breakfast and a look at how the friendly invasion is shaping up.

In the meantime, the lads are flying the flag …

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