Scalping’s, Stunts And Stupid Peepul: Sevconia’s “Triumph” Is Already Farcical.


What’s The Party Actually For?

First up, as I said, what are they celebrating?

55? One in a row?

There’s your first profound disconnect right there; deep down, all of them know what this really is … so straight away there’s the emotional and psychological struggle of trying to reconcile the two.

One in a row is more impressive, don’t you think?

It’s a singular triumph. It’s a standout. It’s got no dubiety attached to it, nothing to blunt it.

But 55 carries all the stigma of the old Rangers, every bit of its sordid history, including the dumping of debts and the cheating of the tax player. Think, for example, of all those public services that went without, including – and I’ll get back to this because it’s relevant to the point – money for “the troops.”

So there’s that, right away.

Secondly, why is this one so special if it’s 55 and not 1?

Stopping ten in a row?

Well, no because if you listen to these Peepul you’ll recall that they don’t accept that we won nine titles.

Some of them have long held to King’s view that the first half of our second nine doesn’t count because “they” weren’t in the league for that run.

Others don’t acknowledge the ninth title because the season was cut short and they convinced themselves it was a conspiracy.

So are they “the team that stopped the ten” and are they celebrating that?

Or are they “the team that stopped the six” or the “team that stopped the second nine”?

It has to be confusing for them, to be stumbling about like this, mired in this weird universe between what’s real and what’s fake.

I sometimes wonder that they don’t all go mad.

So there’s that, the issue of exactly what it is they are celebrating having achieved.

Ask a dozen of them and you’ll get two dozen different answers.

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