There is a long standing “joke” amongst some Ibrox forum owners that if you want to know what their club is up to, you really need to be reading a Celtic site. I cannot believe that anyone would make a joke out of that. Especially as it isn’t one.
You know why the same joke isn’t made about Celtic fan sites? It’s not because they don’t talk about Celtic over on their own sites. It’s because nothing they could possibly write over there would come as the least surprise to us. Our sites know everything that’s going on with this club. Our sites cover Celtic extensively and passionately and knowledgably.
And we do it without fear or favour.
We are capable of critical analysis and even, when necessary, facing up to hard truths. The piece I wrote the other day about the situation at Everton and how it echoes back into 2012 was not some whiny piece about the injustices we suffered; it was a critique of what Celtic’s failings were. It was our own club’s inactions which denied us that justice, and as difficult as that is to face a lot of our fans long since accepted it.
What those Ibrox forum owners really means is that if you want to read bad news about their club go to the Celtic sites, and they don’t even appear to understand what a compliment to our own diligence and commitment that actually is. They don’t seem to understand what it says about them and their colleagues either, or the mainstream media.
They cannot trust those people. But they can trust us. Isn’t that incredible? And when you think about it, it’s not really that crazy. If you buy an outlandish outfit or get in toe with a partner who has a “reputation” your mates or those who want to protect your ego might tell you what they think you want to hear. But your enemies will always give it to you straight, and you can trust that, especially if they are laughing as they tell you it to your face.
Still, I think it’s an indictment that they possess no self-awareness and are incapable of being honest with themselves or each other.
It is shocking – genuinely shocking – than not one of their sites has done a full examination of the accounts and their implications. I guess that faced with a choice between Uncomfortable Truths and Comforting Lies they’ve made their choice, and of course, it’s one that the media will never ask them to confront in any meaningful way.
The last week has driven home a point that this site and others have made over and over again; those amongst their number who want facts and truth are forced to look for it on our sites, and this has been true for more than a decade.
We told them Rangers faced a major financial crash. I wrote my first story on it that, The End Of Rangers?, in 2009 and I was relatively late to the party; Paul Brennan of CQN and Phil Mac Giolla Bhain had been writing about it for years before that. It was the financial crash of 2008 which woke me up to the scale of the trouble they were in; a club dependent on bank debt, and where the bank that had that debt had been sold as a toxic asset to another, one that was determined to cut costs as much as it could in order to repair the damage.
We told them that Craig Whyte was a shyster when the papers were calling him a billionaire, and their fans were celebrating. They were gleeful over the sale of the club to that guy, and even the cost he paid for it – £1 – was a red flashing warning they ignored. I remember the night that happened; I was with my then girlfriend in a Glasgow pub laughing at the Sky Sports News ticker-bar announcing the deal and what Whyte paid, and I’ll tell you what I told her; “£1? The last company I heard of that went for that price was Barings. Which was broke.”
We heard, and wrote on the forums, that Whyte was shoving bills into a drawer because his plan was to let the club go bust and then to phoenix out of it. Our concern was that the football authorities might permit them to do it in a way that would not punish them for any of it. It was Celtic sites who started rallying others to prevent that and we knew that we’d done enough even when the papers were offering every alternative scenario going.
We knew who Whyte was before the BBC documentary exposing him, although Mark Daly turned up faces which we’d been unable to run down. It was Celtic sites who first broke the Ticketus story, which Keith Jackson then shamelessly claimed, months later, was his own exclusive. We also broke the story – which wouldn’t be proved for years, until it was confirmed in court – that it was Murray who introduced Whyte to them in the first place.
We said they had no money to spend when they were talking about war-chests, and we did that same thing to them over and over and over again.
When Charles Green appeared, we told them to steer miles clear of him. In the deep dive, some folk found out things about him that still haven’t been publicly aired because small elements of the story are still out of reach and can’t be verified enough to make the stories bomb-proof or we’d have been writing about them for a long time … and if they’d come out whilst he was at Ibrox they would have been a major embarrassment to everyone at the club.
We’ve had some fun along the way, for sure … we spoon-fed them paranoia over the time when Ashley was on the board, which was the last thing any of us wanted, a genuine billionaire with a plan to turn them into a credible, self-sustaining team and a merchandising arm which would have been a superb thing to have on their side.
We poisoned that relationship. I do not believe they would have behaved so abysmally towards him had we not been toxifying their perceptions of him at every turn, and look at the long-term damage the crash of that relationship did to them. Even throughout it, although we were part of the reason they turned on him, we exposed the lies their board had tried to feed them over the status of that relationship and warned them he hadn’t gone away.
We tried to tell them that hiring Warburton, with his very little experience, was a terrible idea. We gave them the same warnings about Caixinha, Gerrard and The Mooch. Van Bronckhorst at least was a credible candidate, and so is the guy in the job right now, but we’ve also warned them that they are massively outgunned, and they are.
Repeatedly, we’ve warned them about their financial state. The live in denial instead. Repeatedly, we’ve warned them that they aren’t doing as well in this regard as their own sites and the media is telling them they are … they scorn us for it.
Yes, we’re doing all of it to rub their faces in it. Yes, our motives are not pure. Still, as I said earlier, who are you going to listen to? The people who tell you the facts, even if it’s to laugh at you, or the people who’ll blow smoke up your backside even if that does you even greater harm?
The week just past was terrible for our media and the refusal to acknowledge that the Ibrox club actually posted a loss, but it was a worse one, by far, for their fan media who didn’t dig too deep or look too far. Instead, they’ve presented an overwhelmingly positive picture of their club and some of them are actually indulging in Fantasy Football signing speculation for January.
Which is why it remains as true as it ever was; if their fans want to know what is actually going on with their club, the Celtic sites are still the best places to be. And as long as their own sites, and the media, continue feeding them non-stop feel-good fluff, it’s going to stay that way.
The beauty is the Scottish mainstream will never change in their reportage of all things Ibrox
One senses the events of the Whyye era is not far away once again – may take another couple of years but deja vu feeling is most definitely in the air.
All is rosy in sevconia they are the people it was ever thus and will continue unless the truth be told ?
They are definitely obsessed with The Celtic Blog on Swallow Swallow for sure…
They think you hate them when you are only pointing out home truths –
You are actually being kind to them…
If only they’d see it for this – Their lives would surely improve a little –
Keep reporting the truth please James…
For us as well – Even If it’s unpalatable truths I’d rather know them !
And why cannot they disappear permanent this is what every decent football supportter wants
Fair play to yourself James and the likes who paint the picture of the complete eejits out of those within a Hun scum cheerleader media within Scotland.
The beauty of the digital age of being able to bring the likes down with lost revenue, with Tim’s not buying into bullshit any longer thankfully.
Still requires the nonsense to be called out, and can be nowadays from the likes of yourself, and to a far bigger audience if the truth wants to be known.
It also doesn’t require any commitments to hang onto every word and opinion stated from yourself James and the likes, including myself if I’m prepared to comment upon any such articles either?
For example, I no longer look back upon the events of 2012 with the scum, with anger, maybe because I value the 5 trebles gained with the scum looking on, as a far better memory to be having over the events imo?
Yet it did give promotion with all the bollocks the survival lie bought with it, and the Scottish Hun scum cheerleaders within the media remain the biggest culprits in the promotion of the lie, even to this day.
But time is fast running out for all these Hun scum cheerleaders?
And no real surprise that the gormless thick zombie eejits with the shared brain cell, turn to the likes of ourselves for the truth, especially as only a certain amount of shite can be swolled, even for the gormless eejits?
Currently with Everton in the news for the wrong reasons, along with the scum accounts being as bad as ever, then the connection is there for all to see?
Not in the manner of Everton being able to ever catch Liverpool, which is similar to the scum trying to catch ourselves?
But more like Everton having to cheat to stay within the EPL?
Even so, Everton are possibly still in a better position regardless of the cheating and potentially the extra cost to themselves of being sued for losses by other clubs due to the scandal.
That they still have a better chance of staying within the EPL than the scum have of staying within the SPFL with the threat of liquidation number 2 looming?
The scum cheerleaders within the media can still persist with the survival lies, as per usual, but that’s fast coming to an end also?
The trophy count has already been overtaken from the original scum outfit.
League titles will be matched by ourselves this season, with expecting the winning of the “Proper 55” next season.
The combination of the joint trophy count of both versions of the scum could be bettered yet this season, but very confident it will be achieved next season at the latest?
Then what for all the Hun scum cheerleaders to look at, with the survival lie of no relevance to them?
Wonder will they focus upon where it all went wrong for the scum and continued to do so, or would liquidation number 2 give them all a get out clause?
What tough decisions await for all the Hun scum cheerleaders within the Scottish media?
And hope they all choke upon the decision waiting for the shower of eejits also
Our financial advantage did not result in us spending more on players than they did.
Luckily they brought in more duds than we did but that could change if they get better value for their money.
That’s when our financial advantage has to come into play and needs to be seen in the next set of accounts.
Ha Ha coming from them that’s good.