
Ibrox Is Lying To Its Fans About The Possibility Of Signing Sima In The Summer.

Image for Ibrox Is Lying To Its Fans About The Possibility Of Signing Sima In The Summer.

The Ibrox AGM this week appeared to hint at sanity being enforced. But at Ibrox, sanity usually takes a back seat to the crowd-pleasing stunts.

The latest of them is such an obvious one that I would be amazed if anyone actually believed in it. But some appear as if they do.

The stunt involves the alleged “discussions” which will take place this month and next about the possibility of them signing Abdallah Sima in the summer. My advice to them would be “don’t waste your time.” It’s simply not going to happen.

Last season, they went through the same charade – and we told them that it was a charade – over the signing (or not) of Malik Tilman.

It was perfectly obvious that they wouldn’t spend such a significant chunk of their modest transfer cash on one player, and it’s even more obvious that they won’t do it here, not after pissing away virtually every penny of their summer kitty and not being able to get a corresponding big sale.

They didn’t even get a right to buy in the deal, so they can talk it out with the player all they want, but they have to reach a deal with his club before any of it can be properly contemplated, and I don’t think that’s going to happen either, and that’s where the wheels come off the wagon, when the coach and four turns into the pumpkin and mice, and Brighton tell them what the fee would be, providing they even are willing to sell the guy.

He scored their winner last night. He is probably the best player at their club right now, and he’s not even their own footballer. That’s a hard situation. That’s tough times.

That’s not a position anyone would want their club to be in. He is the one half decent footballer they managed to sign in the summer apart from their keeper … the rest were an absolute waste.

So I understand why they are pushing this idea.

What I can’t believe is that any Ibrox fan who has given the accounts more than a cursory look, or who has considered all the implications of this deal, actually believes that it will ever happen.

Nor can the media, which is promoting this as if it’s something other than a fantasy. It will never happen. I would put money on it. They can’t afford Lawrence Shankland.

They can’t afford Bojan Miovski at the Scottish record fee, and this guy will cost them a heck of a lot more than that. He’s a Premiership footballer on a huge salary and who cost a huge fee.

On Sportscene last night the panellists openly laughed at the idea.

Brighton are said to want to recoup what they paid for him. They signed him for £11 million. He has been on loan at three different clubs now, so he obviously doesn’t have a future at the club but they can sell him for more than Ibrox will be able to pay, that’s for sure.

I have never known a club which so consistently lies to its own supporters, about matters both great and small. I have never known a fan base which is quite as gullible as they are. They will swallow almost anything, as long as it makes them feel good.

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  • Martin says:

    But perhaps, like Tillman, they can ask about signing him and be rebuffed but somehow insert a sell on clause for a player they never owned…. Or at least say they have, until the accounts show that never happened.

  • Bob (original) says:

    Talk is cheap.

    A more believable scenario – as unlikely as it would seem – is the return of

    El Buffalo and Kent!

    They’d cost nothing, and might accept a ‘pay as you play’ type deal.

    And the obedient SMSM would oblige, by talking up their return as like

    ‘signing two £10M players’ etc.

    …even though they both left ibrox for £0.

    Is Bennett really serious about the – necessary – few years of austerity?

    If he is, then his delightful supporters will soon target him,

    and chase him off.

    Obviously. 🙂

  • Jas says:

    Sima is the latest superstar whos scored one or two goals recently which, in the gullibles’ eyes makes him worth £30m when Sevco undoubtedly sign him, they are so so predictable!!!
    It’s the SMSM that does the club’s bidding and lying, the gullible get what the gullible want, if course they will “bid” for him with the knowledge they’re not getting him and will accuse Brighton of playing hard ball, which they’re entitled to do.

  • Bennybhoy57 says:

    Like the last lone player they were urging the board to buy…they’ll tell the gullibles that Brighton are going to pay them £1m upfront and a 10% sell on if they drop their interest in Sima.

  • JimBhoy says:

    I suppose they could hope for a similar deal to the Tilman one where Brighton hold onto the player and don’t sell him, giving Rangers £1m in compo…. No laughing at the back.

    Miovski would be a good fit for Celtic. A steal at £4-5m. Resale on him into the EPL will be 2-3 times that.

  • Roonsa says:

    Haha. They’re a buncha fannies. Every single last one of them. Lolz.

  • Magua says:

    Thankfully James, we have in Big Peter, a prince of a man, who would never ever, tell porkies to the Celtic support.

    Hail Hail.

  • Jack says:

    Does anyone remember any player leaving Sevco and then becoming more successful? They all end up turning out to be duds.

  • Davie says:

    Simar is only in Scotland to get game time and sell himself.
    Rangers don’t get a penny for him, they can’t afford to sign him.
    Simar has the ability to get a goal but he misses 5 or 6 other chances, so goals to chances ratio is not the best.
    I’ve said for a long time that the ibrox fans are being lied to, they accept all sorts of guff as the truth, they need to wake up to the fact their players are not worth much, The Bassey, Patterson and Aribo failures have made other clubs very wary of signing anyone from ibrox, so with that in mind where is the finance going to come from to balance the books.
    Directors can only buy so many worthless shares before they have to ask or their loans back.
    Ibrox shares are so low and high risk that you could not sell them on the stock market.


    That’s the whole point, the ‘ feel good ‘ factor..

    As regards the accounts, any fan over there that believes they are the same Klub, despite all the evidence to the contrary, is sufficiently deluded enough or ,is so shrouded in the Continuity/Victim Myth/Lie that they pay only cursory attention to inconvenient facts. Through the prism of their entitled view of life it’s up to the Directors to realise the wherewithal to meet their inflated, especially for such a young Klub, overly ambitious expectations.

    That’s been the case since 2012 as successive administrations fed the ‘beast’ in order to fleece them. All the ‘Bling’ signings and the high wage bill through their ‘Journey’ all designed to make them feel relevant. This was the worst thing that could have happened to them. Instead of the Directors being up front with the fans, they have lied, aided and abetted by our compliant SMSM,
    about all things great and small, in order to maintain the illusion that they were the same Klub and that their expectations were justified.

    It’s these self same expectations that are strangling them now. When it goes tits up who will they blame.

    Hell mend them.

    We will always remind them of what they are.

  • Roonsa says:

    Old fogies like me will remember a player called Gregor Stevens. He was a beautiful football player and person. Look him up. They’re not all, ugly bigoted clodhoppers you know.

    • Magdalena’s Chestnut Gelding says:

      Ah Gregor Stevens, the living image of Skeletor from He-man!

      (Kenny Miller is giving the Skeletor lookalike competition a good run these days too!)

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