
With Rodgers Praise For Yang, Does It Feel Like Celtic Is Approaching Peak Strength?

Image for With Rodgers Praise For Yang, Does It Feel Like Celtic Is Approaching Peak Strength?

Brendan Rodgers was fulsome yesterday in praise of Yang, and I found that interesting. He clearly likes the player a lot. He is obviously one of the few success stories of the transfer business, and I think that’s because he’s so different to the other players.

Yang is quick, with good feet and he is physically strong. In a team where we lack aggression and power, he is one of the players who stands out as having that in his game.

He’s not easily pushed off the ball. He is raw, but he’s talented. I am not surprised that the boss has given him so many games and allowed him to stake his claim.

It’s a strange fate for this player now, though. Because we’ve enjoyed watching Kuhn these past few weeks and most of us probably expected him to start at Livingston and then maybe at Ibrox.

But I can’t help but thing that Yang’s physicality and quick thinking would be something to see against the club across the city. It certainly gives the boss something to think about.

And it gives us something to think about too.

We seem pretty strong on the right side, if Kuhn continues to play the way he has been lately and if Yang is growing into the player you can see is in there trying to come out.

I wish we were as well placed on left. We’ve not heard about the extent of the injury being carried by Palma, but Maeda has made that position his own anyway and Palma has a power of work to do to convince people that he’s more than just a bit-part player.

With Hatate coming back to fitness, and other injured players returning to the side, it seems as if we might be in a good place coming to the home stretch.

In fact, once you factor in players who’ve been out a while and those who are, at last, finding their feet, and you look at the makeup of the side now that they are, I can’t help but think we’re finally close to full strength.

Or at least, what passes for that now. Yet it might not be a minor matter.

Always, this season, some shadow has hung over us in terms of who the boss had available.

The clouds all seem to be clearing at just the right moment though, and if we fully hit our stride on the pitch as a consequence then this really will be our season after all.

That would be amazing, considering all that has come to pass in it.

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  • Robert Downey says:

    There may be something in the air, James.
    I too am feeling more confident as we get nearer to the business end of the season, what would cap it off for me would be McGregor coming back for the Ibrox match.
    A guy with his experience doesn’t have to be match fit, he can play against them in his sleep.
    Maybe it’s the absence of a Celtic match in my life for the past couple of weeks but I am getting totally hyped up for the next two matches.
    First of all, we have to take care of Livingston I presume.
    Failure to do so would, in my opinion make the Ibrox match more catch up than storm ahead, entirely different entities.
    I don’t really want to get caught up in the Ibrox match yet, that will be given my full and uninterrupted attention on Easter Monday.

  • Kevan McKeown says:

    Hugely important, if it’s the case we’re gettin them all back and hope they can, especially the injury players, make an impact asap after bein out, tho would keep an open mind with that one. Get the result without any injuries this weekend and ah think we’re in a good place tae go forward and hopefully, there’s nae injury setbacks in the comin weeks.

  • Sid says:

    Still think it would be good to have Nawrocki back, at the price we paid surely he has enough to play beside CCV.

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    We will definitely need all hands to the pump for certain…

    We have had a bloody wretched time with injuries (are our medical team that up to speed or not as the case may be given so many are constantly crocked and for so long) –

    Surely we deserve a break from injuries and goin into the business end of the season that’d be very welcome indeed !

  • Jay says:

    I can see the right wing being one of the key positions for us in the Ibrox game. We have often exploited them down this wing with Barisic being found to be afraid to push forward to much with the fear of the counter over his head. AJ & Kuhn would be my picks to start against them purely because Kuhn seems more comfotable going inside or outside so could tie there RB in knots. Maeda is a given on the left to keep Tavernier as far back as possible.
    I think the biggest must for us in this game is not giving away silly fouls around the box. We were so comfortbale in the New Years game until we gave away a stupid foul that let them back in.
    Calm heads must prevail.

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