
McCoist’s Latest Celtic Comments Are Fundamentally Dishonest And Are Fooling Nobody.

Image for McCoist’s Latest Celtic Comments Are Fundamentally Dishonest And Are Fooling Nobody.

One of the reasons that the myth of McCoist as a moderate has endured is that he knows how to play the media like a fiddle, and today is a sterling example of him doing so. He has claimed that he would never want us relegated like his former club was, and that he would “miss us”. What rot. His comments are fundamentally dishonest in several ways.

First, and most obvious, is that his former club never did get relegated as he and others continue to claim. That is not what happened, as we all know full well and we should all be challenging this nonsense whenever it rears its head.

The liquidation of Rangers is a much a fact as Joe Biden’s election win in 2020, and there is just as large a machine dedicated to lying about it, blatantly, openly and aggressively. And we have to be just as aggressive in knocking it down. The mindset behind this is exactly the same too; it’s what I said about the tribe this morning, and those who aren’t members of it are, like some in US politics, afraid of upsetting those who are.

McCoist is part of the tribe, and as with the Trumpers, so much of his psychology is tied up in lies. Ibrox fans and those connected with the club literally cannot allow themselves to accept what happened, and there is an entire media ecosystem which continues to reflect the lie back to them. This is a sterling example of it, and it offends me that he and others talk this rubbish in the way they do, and with such regularity that a lot of people who aren’t close to the action up here accept it at face value and misunderstand what actually happened.

It’s no surprise to me that he’s allowed to go the radio south of the border and repeat this stuff. What is genuinely shocking are the number of outlets up here which allow others to do the same. There is no secret either as to what McCoist is trying to do; this is an effort to exculpate himself of the charge that he is a bigot.

Talk of how he would “miss Celtic” if we weren’t in the top flight should fool exactly nobody. He and others would happily dance on our grave.

But it’s more than that; this wasn’t just McCoist trying to look like a good guy, even as he pushes a complete fiction. At the core of it there are two lies, after all, and what he really did today was push the most dangerous of them, the Victim Lie.

Because what he’s actually saying is “I would never want them to be treated as unfairly as we were.” It’s like Trump standing in the New York courtroom the other day and claiming that he’s the target of politically motivated persecution instead of being just another overweight crook facing his long overdue comeuppance via the legal system.

And this is why I maintain, and have from the off, that the Victim Lie is more insidious than the Survival Lie. Without the Victim Lie the Survival Lie can’t stand up in the first place, because the Survival Lie can only exist if you ignore some blatant contradictions to it, or construct a whole sub-surface of further untruths to prop it up and that’s what the Victim Lie does.

But in doing so it creates a toxic myth that what happened to Rangers was the fault of everyone else, that Scottish football broke its own rules and that the clubs acted vindictively towards them by not only ignoring that but going along with it.

The parallels with the “stolen election” lie are obvious and just as disgusting; it was Rangers who cheated Scottish football, but the Victim Lie flips the script to make the rest of us the guilty party in a corrupt act. It was Biden who won legitimately and Trump who tried to overturn the result by nefarious means, and yet he and his supporters push their poisonous narrative every single day.

And just as that casts a shadow over the US electoral system, so the Victim Lie casts one over Scottish football, and both of them offer full encouragement to the nutters … which is why I get pissed off at those who talk about “relegation” as thought that is what happened. This gives the lunatic fringe a justification for their hatred. It allows their club to act in a renegade fashion. Every time they do something abhorrent their media apologists claim that they are only settling an historic debt, and that in some way their anger is reasonable.

McCoist knows exactly what he’s doing. Not only is he trying to re-establish himself as a find-minded and good guy instead of one who boasted about how he would breach the Hate Crime bill, but he’s doing so in the guise of the victim, and at the same time attempting to claim some moral high ground for himself and his tribe.

“We would never have done to them what they did to us” is, after all, at the end of the day, a claim born of an assumed superiority, and we ought not to be allowing him to play that particular card. Of all his many sins, this would be the worst to let go unchallenged.

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  • Tony B says:

    McCoist is first and foremost a liar. He is also entirely self centred and has many of the hallmarks of the classic sociopathic personality.

    People should not be conned by this glib pretender, any more than they ought to be by Johnson or Trump.

    Like them, he doesn’t give a shit for anybody or anything including the club and fans he professes to venerate: his past behaviour proves this.

    He is a scumbag of the highest order.

  • Maurice Gallagher says:

    “We would never have done to them what they did to us”. Yes you feckin’ would. And did. Minty Moonbeams tried. Fergus saved us.

  • Kevin says:

    James, I think you should listen to his comments about Jeff Stelings talk of how nobody is interested in Scottish football South of the border to hear him say he WAS at the Derby game, and what a game it was, and how it was a spectacle that any football fan would like to see. Maybe misheard it but I’m attuned to pish so maybe not.
    Please check it.

  • Marky says:

    Absolutely spot on, he never used the word ‘relegated” he used ‘demoted” which is worse as it implies that Rangers were punished for something & in his mind it’s something that wasn’t done. The English love this club whereas the more mentally astute love The Hoops!

  • Roonsa says:

    I know most, if not all, of you will have seen this already but it’s worth another view as some MP from Chesterfield explains in the House of Commons EXACTLY what happened to Rangers. I wonder what Super Ally would have to say about this.

  • Jim c says:

    remember when mc coist was asked what he thought of celtic,s plight when he was a player that’s their problem was his answer

  • John mcghee says:

    Wee cheating mccoist eh well sally you know deep down that the club you played for were liquidated 2012 and left debts of 165million plus yous were found guilty of cheating in a court of law for using EBT SIDELETTERS which never help your cheating club sally your new club started in div 3 and you yourself mccoist took the biggest wagè off the new club for a few years and you still failed in the 3 years to try and get newco into the spfl you failed to won the championship with the biggest wage bill and now you try to see ranjurs are the victim i dont think so because your oldco cheated every club in the spl for yous eh..RANJURS ARE THE VICTIMS HAVE YOU EVERY HEARD 1 LOAD OF SHITE THAT COMES OUT OF SALLY MOUTH THE GUY IS A BIGOT AND SKY ARE JUST AS BAD GIVING THIS GUY AIR TIME SO HE CAN TELL HIS LIES THANK FUCK I DONT PAY FOR SKY OUR ITS LIES BOYD IS JUST A BAD..RATS ARE VICTIMS EH.

    • Dennis Begley says:

      Ffs what qas rhat about.


        Us old timers here are kind of conditioned by this type of outburst.
        We’re well versed in the Glaswegian patois and adoration for swear words

        As is the case with several posters over several sites they would do well to just take a
        deep breath every now and then. Then they would probably come to realise that this hiatus
        would be the perfect place to park all these apparently meaningless grammatical appendages and symbols that are liberally scattered over the keyboard.

        If they were ever in any doubt about their relevance they could, as they are already sufficient comfortable with search engines, find out how to use grammar and how to collect and order one’s thoughts before attempting to type anything.
        Grammar is not snobbery or the preserve of the so called ‘intelligent’ among us. It’s purely a matter of practice, habit and perseverance.

        The dichotomy here is that these self same people encounter ‘grammar’ every time they look at a paper ( well not every paper for sure), read a book, read a manual at work, read a poster at work, on the Surgey or Dentist’s walls.
        It is everywhere.

        In saying all that I suspect myself that I’ve made a few bloopers on this post already.
        The auld teachers at the even aulder Catholic Primary or Secondary Schools obviously didn’t rap ma knuckles enough with the ruler.

        Aye thems were the days.

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    I never fail to remind them about this James although having said that they could be deemed to be of the more civilised type of them around these bits so that gives me the confidence to challenge them without the danger of an ambush on the way home drunk and a knife in the back…

    The last time this came up in a pub about a year ago a bloody Hearts fan said “Oh yes – wasn’t it terrible what they did to The ‘Rangers’ “

    So I challenge him (civilly of course) and explain that his club were robbed by their cheating particularly in The Scottish Cup and The League Cup but he didn’t grasp my opinion and said “The Record would disagree with you”
    E’nuff said then and I gave up wasting any more energy on it with him but did flash four paper headlines that I screenshotted from the time that we’re on blogs about ‘Rangers’ kicking the bucket – one even had a ‘Rangers’ coffin being lowered into an open grave as well no less…

    This guy is soft and meat and drink to the vultures of The Rancid Record and probably votes Tory or Labour or Lib Dem or whoever they order him to vote for (I doubt it’d be SNP as if they’re the huge Sevco lovers that they seem to be with what’s reported on here)…

    But that’s what you’re up against – However that said, I’ve read on Celtic forums that Jambos fans were quick off the mark in The Scottish Cup semi final at Hampden in song to The Sevco Fans and told them on no uncertain terms that “You let your club DIE” –

    So clearly the Hearts fans that were at Hampden don’t read or take heed of The Rancid Record in the way that the one that I encountered did…

    Just for any lurking Huns or lurking Huns from The Scummy Scottish Football Media – Your beloved Sevco are as off today 11 years and 269 days old !


      Not really being pedantic Clach, but shouldn’t that read
      13 years and 3 days, it being a leap year.
      The Liquidisatiom ( luv that wurd) was started on 31st of October 2012.

      • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

        I’ve more taken it as 29th July 2012 SFATHENADIROFCHIFTINESS as I think that was the day that they played their first game as a new club (not new co as The Scummy Scottish Football Media seem to suggers)…

        I remember the BBC Scotland teletext had it up as…

        Brechin City v ‘THE RANGERS’ –

        I wish that I’d screenshoted that as expected with Bent BBC Scotland it didn’t last long !

        That said to this day it says in their match report that –

        “The NEW Rangers started life outside the top flight of Scottish Football with a victory over Breechin City”

  • Bunter says:

    James, two great articles in Tuesdays Daily Telegraph regarding English referees and their football allegiances. Badly needed in Scotland. Worth a look mi amigo.

  • Johnny Green says:

    McCoist is a two face snivelling cowardly rat. Remember when he faked a heart attack when the gardener, his wife’s fancy man, was going to fill him in. LOL

  • woodyiom says:

    Ally McCoist quote when we were in total disarray mid 90s – “I can’t say I’m not enjoying what’s happening to them (Celtic) now.”

    He’s a two-faced **** !!!

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