
The Green Brigade And A Problem With The Truth

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So, according to some The Green Brigade have been involved in another “controversial incident” this weekend.

The nature of the controversy?

A banner at the match on Sunday, calling Scotland a “police state” and saying that this state of affairs has been brought to us by the SNP.

I voted for that party at the last Scottish parliament election, as did a lot of other Celtic supporters, and I can say without equivocation that a lot of people have a problem with what the Green Brigade did for just one reason; they told the pure and simple truth and the truth occassionally hurts.

I’m not a single issue voter, so I didn’t consider the criminal justice side of the SNP manifesto in isolation. I voted for them in spite of those proposals, but be under no illusions about what I thought of the proposals themselves.

I think large parts of the SNP’s criminal justice agenda are dangerous – and I make no apology for using that word.

But governments of every stripe do stuff that makes me question the people involved.

Both Labour and the Tories passed draconian anti-terror legislation and free speech is under attack in various bills going through the Commons right now.

This doesn’t let the SNP off the hook.

If this is what their vision of Scotland will look like they can keep it.

I don’t disagree with everything in their criminal justice platform, by the way.

I think the idea of centralising policing with Police Scotland might yet prove to be a good one, for example, in certain circumstances.

I understand the concerns some people have, but this might not be a bad thing overall.

For one thing (and this is a subject I’m researching thoroughly for a writing project) a centralised police force would be hugely helpful in a natural disaster or high-level act of terrorism; it would cut about five layers of bureaucracy out of the mix and make organising assistance to the affected area a much easier process.

But the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act criminalises political expression, and that is a step too far for any government to make. On top of that, they’ve discussed abolishing jury trials in certain cases and, most worryingly, they’ve said they want to revisit their dropped proposal for a change in the law that would abolish the need for corroboration in certain criminal cases … which will be an outright scandal and something that may very well influence how I intend to vote in 2016.

Does that make modern Scotland a police state?

What, a centralised police force, prosecuting people for their politics, no right to a jury, mandatory sentencing, stop and search and a place where people can be convicted on hearsay and no supporting evidence?

I’d say so, wouldn’t you?

At the very least, we’re one of the most authoritarian nations in Western Europe, and that’s a goddamned outrage.

And as some of this legislation specifically affects football fans, then the Green Brigade are doing us all a big favour in trying to open this debate up to a wider audience.

As usual, a lot of people are focussed on who is sending the message rather than on what the message is.

This is being labelled a “controversial” act, as if what’s happened to the Scottish justice system somehow isn’t, which is a frankly ridiculous assertion and one everyone should be challenging, and what never ceases to amaze me is how little support the Green Brigade gets from a lot of people in our country, people who should be on the side of the angels here.

These guys, and the FAC team, have been fighting this battle largely alone, in spite of the tremendous implications for all of us which are contained in the Offensive Behaviour at Football act and other aspects of the SNP’s justice agenda.

Where the Hell is the rest of liberal Scotland here?

The Green Brigade has tried to raise these issues in a dozen different ways, and they’ve exposed the hypocrisy at the heart of the OBAF bill again and again.

But some people don’t like the message and others don’t like the messenger.

Some just don’t think we should be criticising the SNP for anything they do.

I don’t care for any of those opinions or those who hold them.

If the Green Brigade is guilty of one thing it’s this; they tell it like it is.

They speak the truth.

And a lot of people will continue to have a serious problem with that.


These bhoys are doing a job a lot of other people ought to be doing.

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  • tony montague says:

    would it be a good idea for the GB to give that banner to other clubs fans to hold up at their grounds

  • robbied4 says:

    I agree with the above, it’s sad it is only the fans that are doing anything about it.

  • Martin Robertson says:

    I’ve had a read through the 2012 Act, and maybe it’s me, but I see no reference in any way to it stopping Political Expression. Sections on discriminating and threatening based on colour, religion and and other groupings, sections on where this applies even a section specifically saying it is legal to try to encourage a faith group to stop practicing without threat, but nothing on bans on Political Expression. If anyone is being charged in such away under Act they need to see a decent lawyer.

  • Glover says:

    Hypocrite and apologist in one article. Takes a bit of wordsmithing though to defend SNP policies these days.

    • James Forrest says:

      Absolute cobblers. You absolutely have NO CLUE what you are talking about.

      That doesn’t even count as comment. It’s a personal attack. It’s wankery.

  • John McCabe says:

    We must support, The Green Brigade , this act is wrong.

  • Jimmybee says:

    Football without fans is nothing so said the great Jock stein.
    This bill is criminalising decent football fans.
    Well done the GB.
    My politics and who I voted for is personal.
    But this bill should be attacked and defeated by every football fan in the land.
    Hail Hail

  • Mick Derrick says:

    well said!

  • SFTB says:

    Well said James

    You rose above any party politics loyalty and dealt with the issue itself.

    This is a snobbish act aimed at football fans and it alloes itself with the SNP commissioned report on Sectarianism which managed to excuse the OO parades in order to continue to demonise football.

    Language of Police State is a wee bit hyperbolic but Centralised control and Authoritarian illiberal measures all fit the situation we have.

  • dom shannon says:

    I as a celtic fan a full member of snp after being a member of the labour party for 25 years I had enough of the red torie lies fed down thru the years. now back to the bill it was the labour party who started the bill a certain jack mconnell. I have to say I support the gb in there stance against there right to irishness but the gb are not right all the time I believe the bill if implemented right could be a great thing most of the gb are young guys don’t have a clue about being a celtic fan in 60s 70s and 80s were most of the bile and murders were only aimed at one side our side we had no voice nothing if this bill was past decades ago you never no it might have worked. as for a police state go away and boil your heed I have been going to see celtic for over 44 years and never once been harassed by police but then again I don’t give them a reason to harass me because I don’t take pyro or smoke bombs or offending banners into the ground I go and watch my team my opinion is stop looking to blame others gb and just support your team without trying to offend other fans

    • SFTB says:

      Jack McConnell started no Bill. He introduced an educational initiative on sectarianism which was a wee bit pious and po-faced but had the saving grace of not criminalising and jeopardising life chances of football fans.

      No, this bill is 100% the initiative of the SNP, following the so-called Shame Game. It was voted through en bloc by SNP MSPs with no other party in favour and its renewal following Justice committee review of the research into the Act was voted through by all SNP members and opposed by everyone else, even the Tories.

      Of course flares and violence and other nasty things need to be opposed but they do not need the OBaF Act to provide for action. Nor can you dictate to fellow Celts what they sing or protest about.

      We sang “God Save Ireland” when we opened Celtic Park. We resisted the SFA directive to take down the Tricolour in 51/2 season, even though this was offensive to many opposing fans.

      If you have never been hassled by the polis you have led a sheltered life. Try reading what this Bill does, come along to FAC meetings and hear how it is being implemented and then join a peaceful protest at the SNP conference about the Bill. You’ll soon get your first taste of police harrasment.

      Or you can continue to take a loyalist party hack approach to SNP criticism.

    • Kevo McD says:

      Well Dom you have well and truly Domfounded me here with that inchorrent ill thought and ill researched ‘Comment’…The Worst treatment I ever had from cops before the OB Act in 70s,80s,90s was getting told to move along neatly and quickly while queuing to get in the Jungle….I hav been searched 3times now and recorded on tape for an entire 2nd half at C.P….Why??? Not a clue as I hav never been in ANY bother in my life…So the only reason I can fathom out is they do it for no other purpose than to harrass us ‘Beed Rattlers’ for fun for devilment for bigoted reasons but the only thing that diverts me away from thinking that is the reason for it is the police force in Scotland is not littered with high ranking Masons and Orange Order Officers…….No Dom the fact is its bursting at the seams with police officers of this kind,ilk and thinking….May your eyes open and your ears enlighten you Dom-Dom…

  • Scot says:

    I think sectarianism should be left outside the grounds of football after all the priest that started the club for boys did so because the Irish were treated as second class citizens. He started the football club to get away from the troubles of life, even if it were just for 90 mins.

    Do I agree with the anti sectarian legislation?? Yes! Do I agree with Police Scotland as it stands just now? Hell no, they are corrupt and need either abolished or held accountable for the crimes they have covered up and the people they have harrased for reporting these crimes.

    Police Scotland, police State Scotland, having witnessed the sectarian abuse and clashes from both sides I agree with the police to stop it.
    Is Scotland aa police state because of the SNP?? Not exactly, you have to look at who is pulling the strings with police Scotland…..


  • Aldo says:

    Politics don’t belong in football don’t do anything wrong and you won’t get arrested yous should all get the jail when yous boo the minutes silence and poppy for rememberance day no respect a disgrace to Scotland

  • Force Majure says:

    James, I always enjoy reading your articles and while I may not always agree with the views expressed I do find then to be considered opinions and insightful to the mood within sections of our support.
    I’m no political activist by any stretch of the imagination but has there been any attempt to get enough signatures for this to go to Westminster for debate? With every judge in the country balking at it, maybe Dave and his cronies could lay into the SNP about it, perhaps generating a bit more media coverage as a result?

  • Jim Meechan says:

    I heard nothing but applause for the Green Brigade banner at the game on Sunday and certainly didnt hear any unrest or complaints as suggested on other sites. They might not be everyones cup of tea but these boys continue to stick their heads above the parapets and more power to them for doing it

  • Marty says:

    Who wants to see that puss at a football match

  • Valentia says:

    Time for the club to rid us of this mob once and for all-Celtic fans have had enough of them and their politics. They bring nothing but trouble and repeatedly damage our image worldwide.

  • Béal Feirste says:

    This is a sane, temperate article that looks at the issue rationally, provides evidence and makes reccomendations. Some other Celtic blogs have unfortunately sank to tabloid level on this. I hope they read this particular article and learn from it.

  • John says:

    Well said James and we’ll done the GB. Message needs putting across, fans of all clubs need to stand shoulder to shoulder

  • seosamhgailt says:

    Did Alec salmon not justify artur boruc being charge with blessing his self at ibrox till the news spread to so called Irish America and he had to get his head out this ass and make a grovelling apology

  • James o'donnell says:

    Valentia , at what point is telling the truth or bring excitement to cp ,calls for a comment of get rid of this mob what an attitude to have the GB is the heart and soul of cp I can remember those years before them, and I for one would not want it any other way at a Celtic game ,thou I would make it clear that I go to watch the Celtic and allways will they are just a great addition to the occasion , on other matters speaking to a Glasgow policeman on one of my many trips back down to England from the airport I had a good gab to one of the boys in blue and he put the politics of Glasgow council and beyond and the policy against the Celtic support as a mess his words was simple we use to have one area to watch over with the Celtic support and for some unknown reason the policy the police were told to take has pushed many young Celtic fans up into the city centre he said it is a nightmare on match days or nights it has quadrupled the work load with no differences in Celtic fans behaviour, so even the police in some cases don’t like the Scottish government s agenda. I personly can’t under stand being from England work out the difference with the song of flower of Scotland and some political views of the Celtic support if these so called do gooders took the time out to read the words of ther national anthem and many songs Celtic fans are not allowed to sing they would see how hypocritical this whole agenda is

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