
Some Of The Sevconuts Are Unhappy With Jota Getting Praised By Former Ibrox Bosses.

Image for Some Of The Sevconuts Are Unhappy With Jota Getting Praised By Former Ibrox Bosses.

I don’t pay much attention to what the ex-Ibrox managers say, especially when we’re talking about McCoist and McLeish. The latter, especially, is a toe-rag who is a shameless self-promoter and only says things sometimes to get himself into the papers.

But I am amused to note, this morning, how much apoplexy there is over there in relation to those two bigging up the skills of Jota.

It stands to reason that they would; they are both pundits, after a fashion, and as such they do have to give us praise from time to time, but their praise for our dancing winger has angered the fans big time.

There is a general sense of disbelief about it, as thought these folks have committed a cardinal sin.

This was not David Martindale standing getting interviewed after his team had just been beaten laughing and joking about how good the goal scorers were.

These guys were asked to rate him and they said that they liked him a lot. Big deal.

Good players should be highlighted and talked about.

We have a bunch of them in our squad. That Jota is being talked about is only natural; he was the biggest star of the weekend, putting on his show with some moments of brilliance including a goal.

But this is the basic intolerance of the Peepul.

They cannot stand to be criticised and they cannot stand it when Celtic are praised, and in particular when we are praised by one of their own, as though this was some kind of cardinal sin.

I have news for them; our players are going to be talked about over and over and over again this season, because they will dazzle and devastate every side in Scotland that they come up against and sometimes the Peepul are going to have to admit that.

If this is them this early in the season it will be fun to see how completely they unravel as the campaign goes on.

Get ready for fireworks.

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  • Roonsa says:

    McCoist referred to Jota as a genius. If I was a hun (and I thank the baby Jesus – bows head – every day that I am not) I wouldn’t be happy with that.

    As for that slopey moothed prick McLeish, I’d be unhappy that he is still breathing . IF I was a hun. Which I am not. As I have already stated.

    I’d be interested to take note of what hun players Celtic fans or Celtic leaning pundits would like to “big up”.

  • Stephen McAdam says:

    Yeah I see that hun Stevenson was on page calling jotta a ” sand dancer”before the aberdeen game, this the pundits in brigadoon Scotland 99 percent huns appeasing the huns!! Oh and didnt wee jotta show him ! Wee man is a great player 10 times the player that wee nonetity no one wants that plays out wide for the poison he who rarely scores or assists!

  • SSMPM says:

    Jota is the unique individual in our squad. He has talent and trickery and like many of our players with potential to develop still further.
    What separates him from the others is that he’s a showman, an entertainer, he’s able to produce for the theatre of Paradise. No one trick pony, he puts the effort in and produces over the full duration of the time spent on the stage, a Dynamo. Its exciting, enthralling, titillating, he makes the nerves jingle like a magician and has the potential to become our new king of Kings, a Jinky J and all with a smile as he bedazzles

  • Johnny Green says:

    Well said and well written SSMPM.

  • Davie says:

    Please don’t refer to them as SEVCO, the name to be used from the date of their birth, as per companies House listing by Charles GREEN in the summer of 2012, is in fact (The Rangers)
    Not to be confused with any other team once called Rangers.
    Can I change my name to Elvis – Yes
    Can I buy Graceland – Yes
    Can I wear Elvis clothes left behind – Yes
    Can I sing Elvis songs – Yes
    Can I display Elvis records – Yes
    Does that make me Elvis Pressley – NO NO NO
    The Rangers are just the same, only impersonators of a past team.

  • John S says:

    Perhaps the Peepil can provide a list of what can and can’t be said, done or imagined. As with the BBC.

  • Paul Sweeney says:

    Let the fun begin.Covid season aside we have…… well you know .absolutely loving it especially your phrase fear and loathing

  • Thomas Daly says:


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