
A Terrible Decision Goes Against Celtic, And Desperate Peepul Invent One We Got.

Image for A Terrible Decision Goes Against Celtic, And Desperate Peepul Invent One We Got.

Jota’s goal last night is the point where, for a lot of us, the scales fell from our eyes. The technology should have made that decision easy, and beyond dispute. But the technology apparently failed to offer a clear picture. For the Motherwell goal, it had one. For our chopped off second we only had a dreadful view shot from the back of a stand.

Fan footage has since done a better job of showing you the correct angle.

So did the technology fail or did those using it simply not want to show that run from the proper angle because it would have put it beyond all doubt? We were totally done over last night and for many, that’s the moment where we stop believing that VAR is going to do us good. Instead it is going to be used against us every chance its operators get.

Incredibly – or perhaps not – the media has turned this into a debate about whether our second goal should have counted because the throw in error made by Motherwell led directly to it. There was debate on the TV last night about whether our player was “on the pitch.”

Honestly, it’s ridiculous. The part the ball hit was clearly on the pitch, since the guy wasn’t throwing the ball backwards into the stand. This bitching is designed to make Motherwell seem hard done by and to give the appearance that bad decisions went both ways.

Celtic’s second is a goal. So is the one we didn’t get. That the press has chosen to focus on this obvious nonsense gives away their true intent; they do not want criticism of officials, especially those who are behind the scenes scrutinising incidents.

If these are the fabled “teething problems” we were told might happen, isn’t it a coincidence that all of them have gone against one club? Added to that is the Mickey Mouse system we seem to have implemented; a far cry from that used in England.

This is becoming a joke and the media is helping that along by failing to offer these incidents, and the men responsible for them, proper scrutiny.

This was what most of us believed that VAR would deliver; it would give these people no place to hide if they made decisions which were obviously, and shockingly, wrong. But the alibis are being laid out for them, and the technology itself is being used in a way which seeks to blame its limitations rather than anything else.

But the real problem is at the SFA, where it’s always been, and a virulent anti-Celtic bias which can be seen as the guiding hand behind some of these abysmal calls.

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  • Scud Missile says:

    BIG BENNY and his SIMPLETON friends operating VAR what more can we expect.
    Reading their Janet&John books sitting their with their dot to dot colouring in books.

  • SteveO says:

    If it is this bad now just think what will happen when we play Sevco, I can’t understand why with the financial implications regarding European places, the Club are so passive, as the weeks roll on and the incidents mount, sooner or later the club are going to have to confront this

  • John Copeland says:

    That’s what big time chancer Kenny Clark said at the weekend . We don’t have the angles to review a decision here I Scotland as the other Continental FA’s ! In other words we have VAR ,but it’s the poor persons version .The amount of horses tied up round the back of manky Hampden is growing by the day ……!

  • FSTB says:

    I think VAR is just another way of ensuring the fast tempo, exciting, flowing football that Ange has brought to Scottish football is nullified completely.

    1 Quick throw ins – opposition take away ball boys
    2 Quick corners – the officals allow the opposition to encroach
    3 Quick free kicks – opponents stand in front of taker ,no caution
    4. Celtic’s high press – opposition just fall over ,free kicks given
    5. Celtic’s high tempo ,high intensity play to tore opponents- VAR checks taking 4 mins allowing opponents a rest and breaking play up .
    No wonder they rushed to in before the world cup .
    Angeball is now a thing of the past

    • Martin says:

      FSTB you’re quite right. But you forgot to mention that most games the opposition just bundle over or cripple our attackers during quick breaks. Very often without even getting a foul called, or at least knowing they can do whatever they like and nobody will send them off.

      That last night was internationally embarrassing. I think what takes it from “our technology is crap” to questions of corruption are that a few minutes later we magically had a decent angle for Maeda’s goal. The sort of angle that would’ve been much better for Jota’s.

      To be honest I think there’s a possibility Jota’s head is offside for the pass, but we would never know based on the angles used to justify the decision.

  • Jim The Tim says:

    So what, let’s get on with it and score the missed fkn goals. It will never change, it was the same before fkn var. At least these var decisions are in the archives and the var dna is there for proof of corruption.
    So let’s build weekly evidence and use it.

  • Geoff says:

    Would bet anything that Hammel wasn’t aware of the throw in crap until pointed out by the interviewer after forensic scrutiny by Hun friendly media.

  • Bigeal says:

    I have said it before and I will keep saying it, our board are spineless cowards, as long as they sit on their hands and do nothing the bent SFA and their equaly bent officials will continue to rob and cheat us in every game as they have done so far, no other club would allow themselves to be treated like this, no other club that is except us, ffs get up and do something before they do it again.

  • V777 says:

    It was supposed to be brought in after the world cup,
    They couldn’t risk us being out of sight before then so rolled it out early saying the training went well and everyone was up to speed,
    Clearly not the case, we have to make sure we win these games by blowing teams off the park because we’re not going to get many decisions in our favour, hh

  • Roonsa says:

    I am surprised there has been no article on the Sevco accounts which were heralded as “healthy” by one of their cheerleaders on the DR. It didn’t take too long for me to drill down (specifically pages 24-26 of the accounts which are readily available online) to determine that the headline does not quite equate to reality.

    A missed open goal me thinks.

    • Roonsa says:

      Actually. Hold that result. I checked yer mate Phil’s blog. A lovely read if anyone is interested:

      • Zeddy says:

        Agree with everything you said except one thing. The problem continues to be with our board who year after year devaluebthe loyalty and the cash the 60000 fans pay in each year and until they put their money where their mouth is they will do nothing. NOTHING !!! To my own detriment I admit my money for my three season tickets has remained in my pocket since the “improperly registered players” were confirmed. Lawwell new fine well long before we ever did what was going on over there. I won’t be taken for a mug. HH

  • BJM says:

    The hun refs don’t even show any sign of embarrassment ,any decent human being would .
    Heard on the grapevine officials for hun game on 2nd January, referee king William of tangerine , linesman 1 Ian paisley,
    Linesman 2 bigot Bell. Var officials that mad dog eejit and Mrs H Dallas.

  • SSMPM says:

    Most dictators don’t show any sign of embarrassment when they hold onto power in their own corrupt way in corrupt countries

  • Zeddy says:

    Agree with everything you said except one thing. The problem continues to be with our board who year after year devaluebthe loyalty and the cash the 60000 fans pay in each year and until they put their money where their mouth is they will do nothing. NOTHING !!! To my own detriment I admit my money for my three season tickets has remained in my pocket since the “improperly registered players” were confirmed. Lawwell new fine well long before we ever did what was going on over there. I won’t be taken for a mug. HH

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